This posting is from: Katherine
Dear Gina,
Thanks for the advice. It's been 4 weeks, and I am anxoius to pull these
CZ's out and put my "REAL" Solitaire's in (3/4 carat), but I will do as
told and wait the full 8 weeks, maybe even 10. I had them pierced in the
early 70's, when I rode with the bike club back in Chicago (1%er) and
they closed up eventually, but not until the mid 80's. I just worry
about infection more than anything else, that has caused a delay in
healing in others I know who rushed into changing them out before the
healing was complete. I don't want to go in that direction.
Love Ya too!
Katherine (Kat)
(This posting was entered by Katherine, an external user of MyDLV.)