This posting is from: Vera Delmar
Do we actually need a formal contract to use these places? Why not have
them in adjoining bars in the same location or at two different adjacent
locations with half of us going to one and the other half going to the
other. Then, throughout the evening we just mingle and circulate between
both places, with the requirement to check in at both. I'm thinking
here's how it would work....We can arrange it so that the attendees with
last names beginning with the letters A - L to go check in at, say Bar
A, say of the Parisian and those with last names beginning with M - Z
check in at Bar B of the same Parisian, (or one at the adjacent casino
whichever that would be would be up to the final vote). Then, throughout
the evening we just flow between the two bars making sure we recheck in
at the bar we didn't get our badge at. That way we're bound to bump into
all of the attendees at one point during the evening. With 100's of
visitors in Las Vegas at any given night frequenting these are, 50 or so
of us at two different adjacent bars shouldn't be to much for the
business to bear, especially if we were gathered into smaller groups
that would be fluctuating throughout the evening. We'd be just like
everyone else in the bar - there to have a good time and meet up with
old friends and make new friends. Then, at a certain point in the
evening we could all head out to our choice of eating establishments
there on the strip or else where with no real big get together for
dinner. We'd save that for the Bahama Breeze Farewell at the end of the
(This posting was entered by Vera Delmar, an external user of MyDLV.)