This posting is from: annie
Here's one to think about. I'll go as far as to offer to buy
a drink for the first person who answers this correctly.
The corner bay of the building on the southeast corner of
Paradise and Naples, between the Double Down and Milano's,
has been the home of several short-lived restaurants and
nightclubs over recent years, including Suede, Sasha's,
and Tramps.
Question: What was the name of the long-standing restaurant
which formerly occupied this site? (Hint: Italian)
And for a bonus question, and I'll go as far as to offer
to buy two drinks for the first one who correctly answers
this one.
Bonus Question: What is the connection between the above
restaurant and the infamous "Rubber Chicken Incident" which
occurred at DLV 2002?
(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)