Some comments on the survey ...

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Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:52 am

This posting is from: annie

These are my comments on the main section of the survey. I'll
comment on and respond to some of the comments in another item.

In many cases I've compared this year's results with those of
the past few years, looking for trends, surprises, things that
are unexpected, etc., and made some appropriate notes.

We had 86 mostly-complete responses, most of which came in within
a week of the survey going on line. This shows to me a very high
degree of interest in this year's event. We wrapped up the survey
less than a month after DLV, so all of the responses were of
fresh memory.

I'm not commenting on all questions, just those that show some
kind of significance, and particularly on those showing any kind
of significant trend from year to year.
. . . . . . . . . .

+How many times have you attended Diva Las Vegas?

+Once: 23
+Twice: 10
+3 or more: 53

As has been the case in the past, the survey is heavily skewed
toward returnees, particularly to those who have attended
multiple times.
. . . . .

+About how far did you travel to attend DLV 2009?

+Average miles: 1779.88

Decrease in average miles traveled from 2302 in 2008. This may
have been an effect of the economy, since travel costs are
somewhat dependent on distance.
. . . . .

+Average length of stay: 5.26 days.

Very consistent over the years.

No significant decrease from 2008 (5.32) or 2007 (5.5). Also
there has been no significant change in this number from when
we switched from a 7-day DLV to a 6-day DLV a few years back.
. . . . .

+Approximate average age: 55.93

55-ish has very consistently been the average age over the
past several years. As has been concluded, the older TGs are
the ones with the $$$$ and time to be able to do DLV.
. . . . .

+I consider myself to be primarily a (an) ...

+Crossdresser: 28
+Transvestite: 5
+Pre-op transsexual: 9
+Post-op transsexual: 1
+No-op transsexual: 6
+Transgender(ist): 26
+Drag queen: 1
+Significant other: 5
+Admirer: 1
+Friend of the community: 0
+Friend of another attendee: 0
+I do not identify with any of the above labels: 3

No real surprises here. Consistent with other recent results.

Although the majority self-identify with two categories here,
and have for several years, the diversity of our group is
spotlighted by this question.

Again, we don't define these terms. This just tracks what our
attendees have as a current self-identity.
. . . . .

+About how often do you get any significant public exposure?

+This question does not apply to me.: 7

+(One response discarded for inconsistency.)

Ladies? (Gentlemen?) I fail to see how anyone who answers CD
or Pre-Op on the "label" question can possibly think that the
question does not apply to them! Two years ago we had so many
TV/CD/PrOp/etc. answer "does not apply" that we threw out the
two questions having to do with public exposure. This does
not pass the sanity check! :(

The "does not apply" answer is intended for those who present
as cisgender-type genetic males and females, such as non-TG
SOs, admirers, friends, etc.

If anyone can explain why such questions don't apply to you,
a TG in any form, I would sure like to hear it.
. . . . .

+Have you ever attended any of the following transgender community
+events? (Weighted relative responses for each event.)

+Southern Comfort Conference 23
+Holiday Enfemme 13
+First Event 12
+Be-All 11
+California Dreaming 10
+Colorado Goldrush 10
+Fantasia Fair 9
+En Femme Getaway 7
+Esprit 7
+Fall Harvest 6
+Pinkfest 6
+Paradise in the Poconos 4
+Dignity Cruise 3
+Texas T 3

Obviously, the more popular events will be reflected in higher
numbers, but three interesting items have surfaced since we
started asking this on the survey.

1. The DLV attendees, as a whole, are represented at all of
the other major TG events.

2. Observing the "scatter" in the answers, we really have not
had anyone who "does the circuit" of TG events. For some
reason, those who "do the circuit" appear to skip DLV.

3. The majority of the respondees indicated that they have
never attended any of the above events, 49 out of 86. We
do have many who attend DLV regularly but not any of the
other events.
. . . . .

For the hotel ratings, there was one surprise, that being the
St. Tropez.

+St Tropez:

+Definitely satisfied: 0
+Mostly satisfied: 0
+Neutral: 0
+Not really: 1
+Definitely not: 3

Only four responses, but zero out of those four rated the
St. Tropez as neutral or above. An slippage from prior years.
With only four responses, it's not conclusive, but these
numbers do speak for themselves.

I'm surprised at the lack of any responses for the Gold
Coast or Alexis Park. I know we had people at both.
. . .

+Definitely satisfied (Palace Station) (4 responses)
+Mostly satisfied (Palace Station) (5 responses)

+Definitely satisfied (Stratosphere) (4 responses)

Stratosphere and Palace Station have been our suggested
hotels in the past. They can be again if they are placed
in nomination as we choose our suggested hotels again
for DLV 2010.
. . . . .

Enjoyment of activities.

I consider this to be the most important part of the yearly
survey. This quantifies how much our attendees enjoyed the
various things which make up DLV as a whole.

It also identifies areas where improvement is needed.

I consider anything over 4.5, particularly when many
responses have been counted, to be about as close to
perfect as you can get. This means that more of the
respondees checked "enjoyed significantly" than all
other choices combined.

Anything over 4 is very good. To get 4.0 or higher, the
number of "enjoyed significantly" responses must exceed
all of the neutral or lower responses combined.

3.0 or better indicates that the majority of respondees
enjoyed the activity to one degree or another. Our people
have high expectations; the "grading curve" is very high,
so if an activity places significantly below 4.0, it will
often indicate extenuating factors or some opportunities
for improvement.

Below 3.0 is where we don't want any of our activities to
place. Every so often we do get one rated lower than 3.0.

There are no major surprises here in this section.

+Upscale Dining Option, Roy's, Friday: 5.0 (7 responses) *DING!*
+Pajama Party, Tuesday: 5.0 (5 responses) *DING!*
+Pistol and Rifle Shooting, Friday: 5.0 (3 responses) *DING!*

+Theater Night Jersey Boys, Palazzo: 4.88 (9 responses)
+English High Tea, Four Seasons: 4.88 (9 responses)
+Affordable Dining Option, Komal, Friday: 4.87 (8 responses)
+Lunch with Mary Beth, Rio Buffet: 4.75 (8 responses)
+Harmony Nail Spa Open House, Tuesday: 4.72 (11 responses)
+Lake Mead Boat Tour, Friday: 4.71 (7 responses)
+Pity Party, Friday: 4.7 (26 responses) (2 no-shows)
+Murder Mystery Dinner-Theater: 4.69 (13 responses)
+Wednesday Happy Hour and Dinner, Trevi: 4.66 (30 responses)
+Eating Out Night Dos Caminos option: 4.66 (3 responses)
+Irish Pub, McMullans: 4.6 (15 responses)
+Glamour Boutique Open House, Thursday: 4.57 (28 responses)
+Lunch with Ginger, Stratosphere Buffet: 4.57 (14 responses)
+Pre-DLV Get-together, PTs Pub: 4.54 (24 responses)
+Dinner and Welcome Celebration, Blue Ox: 4.52 (57 responses)
+Art Tour morning session, Atomic Test Museum: 4.50 (10 responses)
+Lunch With Ginger, Harrahs, Thursday: 4.50 (6 responses)
+Eating Out Night Quiet Evening At Home option: 4.50 (4 responses)
+Religious services, Metro Comm Church: 4.50 (2 responses)

+Night of the Soiled Doves: 4.45 (31 responses) (2 no-shows)
+Eating Out Night Milano's option: 4.44 (9 responses)
+Post-magic-show Dinner, Tuscany Cantina: 4.44 (9 responses)
+Boat Tour Breakfast, Coffee Cup, Friday: 4.42 (7 responses)
+Dinner, Bahama Breeze, Saturday: 4.41 (43 responses)
+Lunch with Ginger, Bellagio Buffet: 4.40 (5 responses)
+Studio Lites Open House, Monday: 4.36 (19 responses)
+Magic's A Drag show, Krave Harmon Theater: 4.36 (11 responses)
+Significant Other Get-together, Claim Jumper: 4.33 (6 responses)
+Local Happy Hour and Dinner, Bellagio: 4.33 (3 responses)
+Jam Session, Friday: 4.28 (14 responses)
+SBS Social, Blue Ox, Saturday: 4.22 (22 responses)
+Charles Bar, Bellagio, Thursday: 4.17 (17 responses)
+Post-NSD Gathering, Escape Lounge: 4.11 (9 responses)
+Pub Crawl, Tuesday: 4.0 (10 responses)
+Gaming option, Paris, Friday: 4.0 (3 responses)
+Gaming Option, Paris, Saturday: 4.0 (3 responses)

39 of the 52 activities that we tracked this year, or 75%,
scored 4.0 or higher on the enjoyment scale. Again, this is
an exceptionally high showing!

+Lunch With Ginger, Paris Buffet, Wednesday: 3.90 (10 responses)
+Golf, Tuesday: 3.88 (9 responses)
+Fashion Show Mall Fashion Show, Saturday: 3.83 (6 responses)
+Eating Out Night Joe's option: 3.80 (15 responses)
+Limo Tour, Wednesday: 3.77 (40 responses)
+Socializing Option, Goodtimes Lounge, Saturday: 3.75 (4 responses)
+Monday Evening Gaming, Paris, Monday: 3.50 (2 responses)
+Dancing Option, Krave, Saturday: 3.50 (2 responses)

47 of the activities, 90%, scored 3.5 or above for enjoyment.

+Art Tour Lunch, Artisan, Wednesday: 3.26 (15 responses)
+Art Tour Afternoon session, Bellagio: 3.14 (7 responses)
+Karaoke, Goodtimes Lounge: 3.12 (8 responses) (1 no-shows)
+Drinks At Encore, Wednesday: 3.0 (1 responses)

And only one failed to score 3.00 on the enjoyment scale.

The comments partly explain why this is the case.

+Star Trek IMAX Experience, Palms Brenden Theater: 2.28 (7 responses)

The skewing of the enjoyment scores to the high side indicates
an overall high enjoyment level of DLV 2009.

Golf (3.88/4.92/4.66) and the Limo Tour (3.77/4.34/4.5) are two
major activities which did not score as highly as we would
have liked and slipped from their 2008 and 2007 scores, posted

I can't speak for golf. I can speak for the Limo Tour and yes,
we had some issues. Some "out of the box" thinking did not turn
out as expected. The stop at the "Welcome" sign worked fine, but
the "World's Largest Gift Shop" did not. I will take the heat
for that one, it was my idea. Sorry. :( We also had one very
bad misunderstanding on a drop-off location which directly led
to a significant restroom incident. :(

I'll comment more about those in the comment responses.

Looking more closely at the Limo Tour scores, there were two
"clusters", one around 4 with a few 5s in there, and one around
2 with the occasional 1. There were some 3s, but not very many.

This shows that people either liked it or hated it, with very
few neutral about it.

I expected Joe's EON to place higher than it did, but I have not
heard any complaints about it.
. . . . .

+What was your comfort level at each of the following activities?

The concept of "comfort" is not defined. That's up to the
respondee to define and answer accordingly.

+Lunch with Ginger, Stratosphere Buffet, Monday: 5.0 (13 responses)
+Post-magic-show Dinner, Tuscany Cantina, Tuesday: 5.0 (10 responses)
+Art Tour morning session, Atomic Test Museum, Wednesday: 5.0 (9 responses)
+English High Tea, Four Seasons, Friday: 5.0 (9 responses)
+Harmony Nail Spa Open House, Tuesday: 5.0 (8 responses)
+Lunch with Mary Beth, Rio Buffet, Tuesday: 5.0 (8 responses)
+Post-NSD Gathering, Escape Lounge, Thursday: 5.0 (8 responses)
+Affordable Dining Option, Komal, Friday: 5.0 (7 responses)
+Upscale Dining Option, Roy's, Friday: 5.0 (6 responses)
+Lunch with Ginger, Bellagio Buffet, Friday: 5.0 (5 responses)
+Gaming option, Paris, Friday: 5.0 (4 responses)
+Pajama Party, Tuesday: 5.0 (4 responses)
+Lunch With Ginger, Harrahs, Thursday: 5.0 (4 responses)
+Eating Out Night Quiet Evening At Home option, Tuesday: 5.0 (3 responses)
+Local Happy Hour and Dinner, Bellagio, Thursday: 5.0 (3 responses)
+Fashion Show Mall Fashion Show, Saturday: 5.0 (3 responses)
+Pistol and Rifle Shooting, Friday: 5.0 (3 responses)
+Eating Out Night Dos Caminos option, Tuesday: 5.0 (2 responses)

The number of activities scoring 5.0 on the comfort scale
increased significantly from 2007 and 2008.

18 of them (18 - count 'em - 18) this year, or 34% of the
tracked activities rated the PERFECT 5.0 comfort score.

+Art Tour Lunch, Artisan, Wednesday: 4.92 (14 responses)
+Murder Mystery Dinner-Theater, Friday: 4.91 (12 responses)
+Theater Night Jersey Boys, Palazzo, Tuesday: 4.87 (8 responses)
+Art Tour Afternoon session, Bellagio, Wednesday: 4.85 (7 responses)
+Lake Mead Boat Tour, Friday: 4.83 (6 responses)
+Glamour Boutique Open House, Thursday: 4.80 (21 responses)
+Pre-DLV Get-together (unofficial), PTs Pub, Sunday: 4.80 (20 responses)
+Eating Out Night Milano's option, Tuesday: 4.80 (10 responses)
+Wednesday Happy Hour and Dinner, Trevi, Wednesday: 4.79 (24 responses)
+Dinner and Welcome Celebration, Blue Ox, Monday: 4.76 (51 responses)
+Pity Party, Friday: 4.73 (26 responses)
+Studio Lites Open House, Monday: 4.73 (15 responses)
+Night of the Soiled Doves, Thursday: 4.71 (28 responses)
+Jam Session, Friday: 4.66 (12 responses)
+Dinner, Bahama Breeze, Saturday: 4.65 (40 responses)
+SBS Social, Blue Ox, Saturday: 4.65 (23 responses)
+Eating Out Night Joe's option, Tuesday: 4.6 (16 responses)
+Irish Pub, McMullans, Thursday: 4.60 (15 responses)
+Magic's A Drag show, Krave Harmon Theater, Tuesday: 4.60 (10 responses)
+Lunch With Ginger, Paris Buffet, Wednesday: 4.60 (10 responses)
+Socializing Option, Goodtimes Lounge, Saturday: 4.60 (5 responses)
+Karaoke, Goodtimes Lounge, Wednesday: 4.57 (7 responses)
+Charles Bar, Bellagio, Thursday: 4.53 (13 responses)
+Significant Other Get-together, Claim Jumper, Tuesday: 4.50 (6 responses)
+Religious services (unofficial), Metro Comm Church, Sunday: 4.50 (2 responses)
+Gaming Option, Paris, Saturday: 4.50 (2 responses)

+Boat Tour Breakfast, Coffee Cup, Friday: 4.42 (7 responses)
+Golf, Tuesday: 4.33 (9 responses)
+Limo Tour, Wednesday: 4.21 (37 responses)
+Pub Crawl, Tuesday: 4.12 (8 responses)

Only two activities failed to reach 4.0 on the comfort scale,
which shows that yes, our attendees were, with rare exception,
very comfortable at our activities.

+Dancing Option, Krave, Saturday: 3.0 (3 responses)

+Star Trek IMAX Experience, Palms Brenden Theater, Tuesday: 2.80 (5 responses)

It should be noted that there is no significant difference
between the comfort level of mainstream activities and that
of "safe venue" activities.
. . . . .

+Did you find yourself missing DLV activities because you either
+got into a time crunch or were simply too tired from previous

+Seldom or never: 52
+Occasionally: 24
+Frequently: 8

This is one question that we, the organizers, need to keep a
very careful watch on, in particular the number of "Frequently"

If this number creeps up, as it did last year, it can indicate
a schedule that's too intense or a schedule that's too tight.

This year's results are in line with the 2007 results.
. . . . .

+Did you have any difficulty getting a ride to DLV activities?

+Yes: 3
+No: 79

There were a number of comments, both during DLV and after,
regarding ride issues. The overall response to this does
show that it's not a widespread issue, but for those it
does affect, it is a major problem.

As has been stated, this is one item that will be brought
up in ORG.
. . . . .

+What maps?: 16
+What map and schedule?: 11
+I don't know what you are talking about.: 6

Yes, the survey clearly shows that a small, but significant
number of attendees do not bother to read critical information
regarding DLV! :(

This is very frustrating! Yes, we can send out the information,
but we can't force people to read it. :(
. . . . .

+Did you find the other DLV attendees to be friendly and inclusive?

+Mostly yes: 67
+Yes, somewhat: 15
+Neutral: 2
+No, somewhat: 2
+Mostly no: 0

Thanks to all for helping to eliminate the "Mostly no" answers for
this year! We've had a few over the past few years. This says a lot
for the DLV gang as a whole!
. . . . .

+In general, were you comfortable being seen with the DLV group in
+general public settings?

+Comfortable most or all of the time.: 62
+Mostly comfortable, but sometimes uncomfortable.: 23
+Frequently uncomfortable.: 1

We had a modest increase in the "sometimes" answer this year,
but a decrease in the "frequently" as well. This is another
one we watch closely as it indicates the overall comfort level
of our attendees.
. . . . .

+During DLV 2009, did you ever receive, without asking, any unsolicited
+advice or constructive criticism regarding your dress, appearance,
+mannerisms, etc.?

+During DLV 2009, did you ever give or attempt to give another attendee
+some unsolicited advice or constructive criticism regarding dress,
+appearance, mannerisms, etc.?

No significant trend on these questions, but there was some
discussion in comments.
. . . . .

+Did you participate in any of those "other" activities?

+Yes, and I skipped DLV activities I had signed up for: 3
+Yes, but I had not signed up for DLV activities those times.: 8
+No: 61
+I don't know what you are talking about.: 12

IMAO, the only figure we need to be concerned about is the
first one, those who blew off things they signed up for to
do the other things. As long as this stays in the low single
digits I don't think we have any concern.
. . . . .

+I had a Big Sister and I found the program to be helpful.: 3
+I had a Big Sister and I did not find the program to be helpful.: 1
+I was a volunteer Big Sister and had a positive experience.: 6

I heard a number of very positive comments about Big Sisters this
year! Thanks again to all of our Big Sister volunteers.
. . . . .

+Did you participate in our roommate matching program?

+Yes, and I had a positive experience.: 2
+Yes, and I had a negative experience.: 0
+No, I did not participate.: 81
+I was unaware of any roommate matching process.: 1

This year I think we had less interest in roommate matching
due to the low prices of rooms due to the economy. We do
want to continue the program of matching roommates, as the
room rates are predicted to rise significantly over the
next year.
. . . . . . . . . .

+Approximately how much did you spend on accommodations while you were
+attending DLV?

+Approximate average: 452.50

This was a significant decrease from last year, which was $645. If
there is to be a silver lining in the cloudy economy, it is that
Las Vegas room rates returned to early 2000s levels this year.
. . . . .

+Approximately how much did you spend on food and non-alcoholic beverages
+while you were attending DLV?

+Approximate average: 286.58

Modest decrease from last year, in line with 2007.
. . . . .

+Approximately how much did you spend on alcoholic beverages
+while you were attending DLV?

+Approximate average: 108.43

LOL! This one did not significantly decrease for 2009! :)
. . . . .

+Approximately how much did you spend on gaming (total bets or coin-in,
+not win or loss) while you were attending DLV?

+Approximate average: 298.79

This one shows a significant increase over recent years.

No idea why! :)
. . . . .

+Considering all expenses of all types, what was the total amount you
+spent in order to attend and participate in DLV?

+Approximate average: 1623.49

This number shows a significant decrease from 2008 and 2007. This
most likely is a reflection of the general state of the economy
and the desire of our attendees to save without sacrificing.
. . . . .

+In general, did you consider DLV 2009 to be reasonable and affordable?

+Yes, definitely: 63
+Yes, somewhat: 18
+Neutral: 2
+No, somewhat: 1
+No, definitely: 1

These are more or less in line with the 2008 and 2007 responses. This
is kind of a self-regulating thing, since those who cannot afford
DLV tend to not do DLV. No significant change or trend observed.
. . . . .

+Which best indicates what DLV is to you?

+An opportunity to dress.: 10
+An opportunity to socialize.: 53
+An opportunity to party.: 2
+An opportunity to express myself.: 14
+An opportunity to learn.: 7

Very much in line with recent years.
. . . . .

+Which best indicates your feelings toward our level of attention to
+and enforcement of behavior, dress, and restroom guidelines?

+I support the current level of enforcement.: 70
+I don't like it, but I understand why it has to be.: 12
+It's a bunch of bullsh*t, knock it off!: 3

I'm unaware of any "traumatic" BDR or enforcement issues this
year. The vast majority are in support of the BDR guidelines,
and the number of "bullsh*t" responses has been trending in
the downward direction over the past couple of years.

It's very clear, from the survey, from the comments, and from
conversations with attendees, the vast majority of the DLV
participants are in support of the Behavior, Dress, and
Restroom guidelines.
. . . . .

+Would you prefer more activities be in mainstream venues, or more in
+discreet or secluded or alternative venues?

+I would prefer more secluded venues.: 7
+I would prefer more mainstream venues.: 17
+I think the balance was about right.: 60

The chorus of "mainstream mainstream mainstream" has not by any
means subsided, but for the past two years we've seen a modest
increase of the responses indicating the desire for more "safe"
venue activities.

The majority still believes that the balance is good.
. . . . .

+Did you think DLV was too long or too short?

+It was too long: 8
+It was too short: 7
+It was just about right: 69

For the first time in the history of the survey, the "too long"
responses exceeded the "too short" responses. This may be a
result of the economy, and the expense required to do a full
. . . . .

+Did you personally have any public restroom issues while attending
+DLV 2009?

+I used public restrooms and YES I had issues or incidents.: 5
+I used public restrooms and did NOT have issues.: 53
+I seldom or never used public restrooms.: 19

We saw an increase this year in the number reporting issues and
incidents. We do have a consistent minority who report that they
seldom or never use public facilities.

+This question does not apply to me.: 6

+(Three responses discarded for inconsistency.)


Despite the admonition to please consider the question to
apply, we're seeing some TGs of various types insisting on
answering the "does not apply to me" selection. That
selection was intended to be for SOs, admirers, friends,
guests, etc., who do not fit in to any TG category.

I don't understand this. Other than for a short-term
ego boost, perhaps, I don't see any justification for
this. Even those who are full-time, many years post-op,
and fully transitioned report occasional restroom issues.

Ideas on this one, gang?
. . . . .

+DLV 2009 exceeded my expectations: 30
+DLV 2009 met my expectations: 49
+DLV 2009 failed to meet my expectations: 7

+Yes, definitely: 56
+Yes, probably: 19
+Maybe: 9
+Probably not: 2
+Definitely not: 0

These two "bottom line" questions have been trending upward over
the past few years, indicating increasing overall satisfaction
and desire to do DLV again. :)

Further comments, gang?

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:53 am

This posting is from: Gina


I think the issues with the restroom were mainly the Palazzo and Bellagio
issues on the limo tour, We need to find a safe place for a "restroom stop"
with the tour. Maybe that would help.

I didn't hear of any other issues.

Love ya,


(This posting was entered by Gina, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:41 am

This posting is from: Mindy

I would be interested in seeing the comments on the golf. I only saw
one that said they felt rushed. Was this because of her group playing
to fast or unable to keep up the pace of play on the course or did it
have to do with the start. rateing under 4 has never happened to golf
but this was the 1st time I was not there to run it as it happened.


(This posting was entered by Mindy, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:29 pm

This posting is from: kumiko yvonne watanabe

Hi Annie,

I'll take a stab at this... Consider the three survey questions...

>+Did you personally have any public restroom issues while attending
>+DLV 2009?

>+This question does not apply to me.: 6

>+Which best indicates your feelings toward our level of attention to
>+and enforcement of behavior, dress, and restroom guidelines?

>+I don't like it, but I understand why it has to be.: 12
>+It's a bunch of bullsh*t, knock it off!: 3

>+About how often do you get any significant public exposure?

>+This question does not apply to me.: 7

Add to this the negative text comment about the BDR, where its LV, baby

Also add the text comments reporting of flashing the panties, and
exposing/touching of fake breasts, inappropriate attire and makeup for
the event, and the looking like its Halloween comment.

This may represent the small minority of those that don't like the BDR.

These individuals see themselves where dress, restroom usage, and the
affects or effects of public exposure is none of their concern for it
does not apply to them, nor do they care what problems that may be
generated by their selfish actions, or whom they may hurt as a result
of this attitude.

I don't remember how the question was in the survey, and was also
wondering if people understood the meaning of "significant public
exposure". and may have needed some sort of explanation... ie out
dressed in public, dressed as a drag queen, going to a club in club
wear, public as in mainstream or safe venues, and are those common
versus significant happenings? exposing one's self physically in
public? Interacting as in conversing with the public? Being the subject
of attention while walking down the street?

(This posting was entered by kumiko yvonne watanabe, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:26 pm

This posting is from: annie

>I'll take a stab at this... Consider the three survey questions...

>This may represent the small minority of those that don't like the BDR.

>These individuals see themselves where dress, restroom usage, and the
>affects or effects of public exposure is none of their concern for it
>does not apply to them, nor do they care what problems that may be
>generated by their selfish actions, or whom they may hurt as a result
>of this attitude.

Interesting idea here, and I do see the logic. Let's re-examine
the survey entries where the answers were discarded and see how
they responded to the BDR question.

The one whose "public exposure" answer was thrown out answered
the "understand why it has to be" choice on the BDR question,
but not the "bunch of bull$#!+" answer.

All three whose answers were thrown out on the restroom
question answered that they support the BDR guidelines.

Looking at the response containing the "... this is Vegas,
baby" comment, no, none of the "does not apply to me"
answers were selected.

>I don't remember how the question was in the survey, and was also
>wondering if people understood the meaning of "significant public
>exposure". and may have needed some sort of explanation... ie out

Surveys such as this will always be subject to the interpretation
of the taker to a certain degree. Some will interpret "public
exposure to mean only mainstream public exposure, others may think
of it as including alternative public exposure, and some may even
include such things as support groups and private t-parties as
public exposure. When we're dealing with 80-some responses, the
variations in interpretation tend to average out and we get a
good idea of how long our attendees have been, on average,
interacting with others in their chosen gender role.

I even tried to consider the perspective of the respondee when
trying to figure out how a TG could possibly think that the
questions did not apply to them, but I kept drawing a blank.

Your idea is the closest I've heard to anything that makes
sense in explaining these answers, but the survey responses
don't indicate that it's the case, unfortunately.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:45 pm

This posting is from: kumiko yvonne watanabe

ok... but... before we throw the hypothesis away as invalid, consider
the survey as a whole, not to the individuals and the individual survey
they took, but as a whole survey, as unique points not connected to any
individual, then it may validate a small minority that is contrary to
the majority, which can justify this interpretation of the presented

> The one whose "public exposure" answer was thrown out answered
> the "understand why it has to be" choice on the BDR question,
> but not the "bunch of bull$#!+" answer.

I think the choice was something like: "I don't like it, but I
understand why..." So for that particular question, it means that this
person doesn't agree with the bdr but understands why it has to be in
place. There is still personal a disagreement with it.

This one there can be some different interpretations ...

1. The person may have answered the question as a didn't apply becauses
of a mis-understanding or not knowing what the question was asking for.

2. The person just doesn't gage public exposure, going out in public is
just that, going out in public - there are no degrees or time division
of public exposure - do or don't, and is confident enough where its not
a issue so it doesn't apply to this person. This person disagrees
with the bdr but understands why (but may or may not follow) the bdr as

ie This person dresses how they want to, bdr based or not, goes out in
public, and doesn't care what the public thinks. Its the public's
problem to accept this person. This person can probably handle
whatever the public reacts.

But this attitude can negatively affect others around them.

3. It could also be a newbie that never had any public exposure and
answered as it didn't apply because this peson never has gone out, but
still disagrees with the bdr but understands why its needed.

> All three whose answers were thrown out on the restroom
> question answered that they support the BDR guidelines.

Yes, they can support the bdr, but these individuals can think too that
for themselves the bdr doesn't apply to them, but it applies to other
people. I have seen individual attendees think this way. We have had
at least one case of one person who thinks/wanted to be much younger
and dressed that way, and considered how everyone else dressed was
considerably worse than her, and everyone else needed to get a new
wardrobe. So there can be some others that think about the bdr and
restroom issue is for others but to themselves it doesn't apply.

> Looking at the response containing the "... this is Vegas,
> baby" comment, no, none of the "does not apply to me"
> answers were selected.

This person wants the un-inhibited freedom of doing anything one wants
as the cliche says, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". So it
means that how one looks and behavior shoudn't be a concern, so we as a
organization shouldn't care either...since we are in LV, or DLV should
be open free for all, dress how one feels and behaves how one feels and
it stays only in LV and it doesn't go home.

This person doesn't take into account how this behavior has negatively
impacted others IN LV and has destroyed their vacations, and it
explains a selfish way of thinking or reasoning or attitude (for which
the bdr was created to prevent) against the bdr that some attendees
may have.

But it doesn't mean that other issues doesn't apply to this person. Its
like a oxymoron, where bad dress and behavior is ok if this person does
it to others, as long as that the same bad dress and behavior by others
doesn't negatively impact their own fun... then its different, and now
has become issues that apply to them because they are now on the
receving end of that type of behavior and dress.

(This posting was entered by kumiko yvonne watanabe, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Golf issues

Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:04 am

This posting is from: Kimberly Kael

I only played seven holes this year but I also heard quite a bit of
grumbling. From my own observations and the general tone of what I heard
there were several problems:

There were 14 golfers in our group and we were sent out as a foursome
and two fivesomes. Then the marshals started to complain about slow
play. I'm sorry, but if you send people out in fivesomes you have no
business complaining that they're falling behind. This one was the
facility's fault and I can't blame people for feeling uncomfortable. I'd
rather not play than have to rush so my wife and I quit (after the
marshal asked me to pick up my ball and move to the next hole just
before I was going to make an eagle putt, which could have been a first
for me.)

It was too hot to make for an enjoyable round. I had serious misgivings
about pushing DLV back to May for exactly this reason and I heard a LOT
of complaining about it. Several people who had planned to play had
bailed for this reason, [truncated]

(This posting was entered by Kimberly Kael, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:15 am

This posting is from: Kimberly Kael

Regarding the question "Did you find yourself missing DLV activities
because you either got into a time crunch or were simply too tired from
previous activities?" Annie, your response that:

> This is one question that we, the organizers, need to keep a
> very careful watch on, in particular the number of "Frequently"
> responses.

> If this number creeps up, as it did last year, it can indicate
> a schedule that's too intense or a schedule that's too tight.


seems reasonable on the surface, but in practice I think that may be the
wrong way to go about it. My best memories are all of places I've been
where there was too much I wanted to do and not enough time to do it
all, so I couldn't wait to go back. I'd love to see our schedule look
more like that over time - enough options that there's never a ho-hum
evening, enough that it becomes obvious I can't do it all and I need to
set my own pace.

(This posting was entered by Kimberly Kael, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:53 am

This posting is from: annie

>before we throw the hypothesis away as invalid, consider the
>survey as a whole, not to the individuals and the individual
>survey they took, but as a whole survey, as unique points

Surveys like this must be considered as a whole. When the
individual responses are looked at, which is what I admit
I am doing here, it can result in some confusing and even
contradictory conclusions.

We do expect that in such a survey there will be some "noise"
introduced from all kinds of things from misreading a question
to mouse-click errors and even such things as the intentional
submission of nonsense answers. With enough valid samples, this
noise does tend to be suppressed. I may have to consider the
inconsistent "does not apply to me" answers as noise.

>This person dresses how they want to, bdr based or not, goes
>out in public, and doesn't care what the public thinks. Its
>the public's problem to accept this person. This person can
>probably handle whatever the public reacts.

>But this attitude can negatively affect others around them.

This year my observation was that most of those whose
appearance was off were those who were climbing the learning
curve as opposed to those who were intentionally defiant.

Yes, we had some whose day look was a bit theatrical, and
there were a few cases where a shave was badly needed, but
I don't think these things were in any way the result of
one's desire to flout the guidelines.

>Yes, they can support the bdr, but these individuals can
>think too that for themselves the bdr doesn't apply to
>them, but it applies to other people.

Yes, unfortunately we have a few like this. :(

The most common manifestation I saw this year (and last) was
the obvious usage of a public ladies room when unisex facilities
were equally convenient to use. I know of one incident in 2008
which could have been prevented if this guideline was followed.

I like to think that this type of thing is carelessness and not
obstinance, but I know in at least a few cases it is not. :(

I know we had some careless usage of restrooms this year (going
in groups, obvious use while conspicuous groups of our people
are evident) and in most cases there were no incidents but in
one there was a big one. :(

>I have seen individual attendees think this way. We have had
>at least one case of one person who thinks/wanted to be much
>younger and dressed that way,

I don't remember seeing any examples of this type of dress this
year, in mainstream public that is. (It's expected and quite
appropriate at things such as NSD and the bar crawl.)

The only examples of questionable dress in mainstream public
this year that I can recall are such things as trying to show
too much skin. Trying to show boobage when it's not there is
very obvious to those on the observing side.

>>Looking at the response containing the "... this is Vegas,
>>baby" comment, no, none of the "does not apply to me"
>>answers were selected.

>"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas". So it means that
>how one looks and behavior shoudn't be a concern, ... and
>it stays only in LV and it doesn't go home.

Other than the singular survey response, I sure didn't see
or hear any other examples of this attitude this year. I'm
sure the majority of our attendees are very pragmatic about
this and willing to exercise some restraint when in
mainstream public.

>This person doesn't take into account how this behavior has
>negatively impacted others IN LV and has destroyed their

I think the vast majority of our people this year were quite
considerate of others, and tried to avoid things like this.
Those who have never been the passive victim of a restroom
incident have no idea of how devastating it can be!

Rhetorical question here, directed toward all ... Would the
wearing of a T-shirt bearing the wording "Transgender And
Proud" be within our guidelines?

These shirts are starting to appear locally, the basic
black tee with a rainbow pattern with the lettering bright
white and bold.

If anything calls attention to the fact that one is TG,
this is it! (Dare I use the term "flaunt"?)

How many would think of the wearing of such a shirt at DLV
to be (in)considerate of others?

Further comments, gang?

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Some comments on the survey ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:28 pm

This posting is from: JoAnn

> Rhetorical question here, directed toward all ... Would the
> wearing of a T-shirt bearing the wording "Transgender And
> Proud" be within our guidelines?


As to "further comments, gang ?"-----

It is interesting to me how very complex and 'soul searching" issues
seem to gravitate to a "bumper sticker" forum of simplistic thinking.

By that I mean----------

So one decides to wear a T-Shirt--- "Transgender and Proud" ... I have
no problem with the statement or the person wearing such so long as I
have the option of avoiding the fall-out [especially if I am standing
next to them at the time] when the incoming artillery is sent (in
whatever form).

I reserve the right to: (i) wear such a T-Shirt when I chose, and (ii)
be with those who chose to wear such a T-Shirt.

Let's come up with a great design for such a T-Shirt, sell them for an
unreasonably high price, and underwrite the DIVA for 2010 Closing Dinner
and Stage Show!

Hugs... JoAnn

(This posting was entered by JoAnn, an external user of MyDLV.)
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