This posting is from: Denise McCracken
I spoke to two lawyers, and they told me that nothing could be done to
the mental hospital, which gave me a drug with two contraindications,
causing migraine, hallucinations and sleepwalking, or the police
officers who left my 15-year-old with a loaded gun, which was stolen by
one of her friends.
The hospital sent me a lawyer, but because of the effects of the drug
that they gave me, I could not understand anything that he said at the
time. The drug, BTW, was called Cymbalta, and the two contraindications
were history of migraine and currently taking an MAOI. According to
Lilly's own television commercial, I could have died from it.
I really miss my husband sometimes. He could have kept all of this from
happening, but he's the only truck driver we have, and we can't afford
to hire another one and still make the payments on the truck, until we
get the balance paid down enough to buy a second one. I only see Tony
about 3-4 days a month.
(This posting was entered by Denise McCracken, an external user of MyDLV.)