Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Thu May 01, 2008 1:24 pm

This posting is from: Cathy B

After having been given some of the best service and attention at
LeReve, an Italian restaurant in the Wynn and Blush nightclub in the
Wynn, Veronica and I went to get into the Tryst nightclub at the Wynn.

After being escorted out of line we were told very celarly and
forcefully that we would not be admitted that night. I asked if we would
be admitted on other nights and with a kind of smirk told "Yeh sure". I
have to say that in the four years of coming to DLV this is the first
time that I have ever encountered any discrimination or lack of
acceptance at any venue in Vegas toward T-girls.

I must say that the Wynn overall, was one of the best experiences I have
ever had dressed, with the exception of Tryst.

Cathy B.

(This posting was entered by Cathy B, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Thu May 01, 2008 2:20 pm

This posting is from: joan dupree

> After being escorted out of line we were told very celarly and
> forcefully that we would not be admitted that night. I asked if we would

I'm sorry about that. I went to a very high class mainstream party at
tryst back in December. I was very welcome. Hope this helps, J.

(This posting was entered by joan dupree, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Thu May 01, 2008 6:39 pm

This posting is from: Mary Beth

>After being escorted out of line we were told very clearly and
>forcefully that we would not be admitted that night.

Speaking only for myself, I think your best course of action is to
write a letter to the Wynn management asking them to explain exactly
what their policy is toward transgenders, and cc: The Gay and Lesbian
Community Center of Southern Nevada. This smells like a clear-cut case
of discrimination. Make sure you include photocopies of your receipts
from LeReve and the restaurant to let them know exactly what kind of
money you have been spending there.

End of rant, off of soapbox,

Mary Beth

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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Thu May 01, 2008 7:06 pm

This posting is from: Nora

Recently there have been several incidents in the newspapers regarding
nightclubs located inside the casinos. The Casinos lease the space to
private companies that run the casinos. Although bearing some of the
responsibilities for the clubs operation they do not exercise control
of the policies. As a result of some negative publicity there may be
some change in these practices.

Contacting the GLBT center if Las Vegas may draw some reaction but past
experience with them shows that they have very little knowledge of TG


(This posting was entered by Nora, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Fri May 02, 2008 9:46 pm

This posting is from: joan dupree

Dear Friends.

I admit to not being present at your incident concerning the Tryst
nightclub. I hope I'm not building people up too much. I guess I should
clarify my one experience I had at the Tryst nightclub.

A few months ago I went to a private party which was held at Tryst. It
was a very high class party, The dress code was considered to be "casual
chic". So I carefully considered what to wear, which ended up to be a
two piece dress with circular patterns, not very revealing, and black
pumps, and a really good makeover. I entered the Wynn and made my way to
the club, down the stairs and signed in an introduced myself.

I was then shown into the club and proceeded to enjoy the evening's
entertainment, the food, drinks, dancing etc. I broke the ice and danced
with various people. After a few hours of that I went home, and the
security guards at Wynn were nice enough to hold the doors open for me
and ask that I come back soon.

This party was a very mainstream event and I was probably the first
transperson to attend, ever, as they have been going on for several

Now I'm not sure what would happen if I came back to Wynn again to go to
Tryst. I'm not very experienced in the nightclub scene. But I think I
would be all right. I'm not taking sides here. I'm just relaying my
experience. Whether it's relevant to this thread, you be the judge.

Hope this helps, J.

p.s. I came to the party by myself.

(This posting was entered by joan dupree, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Sun May 11, 2008 9:00 pm

This posting is from: Mindy Russell

Just curious to know. Has anybody done anything about this. write
the winn ect or was it just a bitch session. I would like to look
into this a bit more but need to know if anything has been done


(This posting was entered by Mindy Russell, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Mon May 12, 2008 3:05 pm

This posting is from: Cathy Bean

Mindy I was the one who sent the original message about Veronica
and my experience at Tryst. I have been out of town since I
wrote the message and have not had time to contact them yet.

I was told during the confrontation with the big dude from the
Tryst that they were an independent operation that leases their
space from the Wynn and they didn't really care what the Wynn
policies were they only followed their own.

I mentioned I would go over to the Wynn VIP reception area and
let them know about the Tryst attitude and the security dude
said go ahead he couldn't care less. I really don't know if
this was an independent decision by the one Security dude are
the overall attitude of the Tryst management but it is worth
looking into.

My personal attitude is that I spend a serious amount of money
during the DLV on nice dinners, beverages and shows, so if they
don't want my business I will go somewhere that they do. As I
mentioned in my original message everyone else at the Wynn was
extremely friendly, open and accepting.

I guess a few young 20 something macho dudes at the Wynn feel
the need for a power trip but I am not going to waste my time
with big muscled small brained pinheads. And speaking of pinheads
I think with all of the exceptionally pretty girls that were at
Tryst that night one of their lower extremity heads swelled up
and cut off the oxygen to their upper torso head. When this
happens all rational thinking seems to leave a neanderthal.

Cathy B.

(This posting was entered by Cathy Bean, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Mon May 12, 2008 4:49 pm

This posting is from: Mindy

Its kind of upsetting to hear of these sorts of incidents. I am
not a huge late night person but I have been to several "clubs"
in Las Vegas in the past and never had a problem. I have sent
a note to the local GLBT center to see if they have any take on
the situation. Depending on what or if I hear back from them
I will consider some sort of action.


(This posting was entered by Mindy, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Mon May 12, 2008 6:17 pm

This posting is from: annie

> I was told during the confrontation with the big dude from the
> Tryst that they were an independent operation that leases their

I've got a question for you, to try to make it clearer in my
mind whether you were indeed a victim of anti-TG bias, or if
you were in fact a victim of age bias or appearance bias not

As you waited on line, before you were given the sh*t treatment
by Guido, did you happen to notice the others waiting with you,
in particular, were there any other (presumably straight and
cisgender) women of your age and size, and if so, were they
given the same treatment?

Was there anybody else of any sex, gender, age, size that you
noticed who was also singled out and told "this is a private
function tonight" or some such drek?

> I guess a few young 20 something macho dudes at the Wynn feel
> the need for a power trip but I am not going to waste my time
> with big muscled small brained pinheads.

The topic of admission to the trendy clubs comes up as a
semi-frequent topic on the various LV discussion boards. There
are countless stories of solo guys and anyone "of size" having
to wait ad infinitum.

I'm also wondering if any other TGs have received this same
type of treatment.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Tryst nightclub at the Wynn

Postby External Poster » Tue May 13, 2008 10:08 pm

This posting is from: Ginger

Someone may have already done this, but I Googled Tryst Las
Vegas and their web site says this about private parties,

"TRYST is available in its entirety for private events and
functions Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays until 2:00 a.m.
Thursday through Sunday, the space is available for events
concluding before 9:00 p.m. There is a 1500 person moximum
(sic) on a flow basis, with an 850 guest maximum at any one

I don't recall the time Cathy and Veronica were turned away,
but seem to recall that it was later than 9 p.m. which, if
it was, casts doubt on Guido's comments in view of their
published policy on private parties!

(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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