Vegas tips.

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Vegas tips.

Postby External Poster » Thu Feb 11, 2016 9:09 am

This posting is from: Katie

Hi Gang.

For those who have not been to Las Vegas before or those who are maybe
not so familiar with the way things go there. Here are a few ideas you
might want to jot down and think about for your week long Vacation.

These may or may not be important to you but I can assure you that they
will help to ensure a easy and trouble free vacation.

Very Important to peace of mind.

1) After checking in. go to a casino bill changer machine and change a
couple of $20's into single dollars and also 2 more 20's into $5's
and/or Tens. Keep them in your purse or the outside pocket of your
handbag for easy access. Vegas is run on Minimum wage people,. (Not that
I am saying that you should support the locals or thatB you should feel
obligated to tip everyone) Also. Never Overtip! it is just foolish.

$1 or $2 for a cocktail waitress is enough for one drink etc'. The same
for baggage handlers and Bell hops who store oyr bags fopr you until
your room becaomes available.

Single dollars are extremely handy to have when you need one so don't go
rummaging around in your purse to help out a store employee with the exact
change and give away your stash. Keep them, You'll need them! you will
run out of them fast enough anyway and believe me they are Very Very handy!
It beats hastily looking for a tip and only having a $20 then asking for $15
back.. *lol*.!

2). Keep at least one Cab company telephone number stored in your cell
phone. (I have Whittlsea cabs stored in mine = 1 702 348 6111)... Yes I
know all about Uber but it costs nothing to store an extra number in
your phone for emergencies and Whittlsea is the main one there in Vegas.

Be Aware that you cannot hail a cab on the street in Vegas, It Is
Illegal for them to stop on the street for you, You can only be picked
up at a specific location or the entrance to a main hotel or large
buildings. If Uber is your thing then store that number too Storage is
free. Just like DLV. Ha!.

3). If you are from outside the USA and may want to communicate with
some of the girls or even your SO or traveling companion while in town
it might be wise to pick up a disposable phone, They are available
everywhere. So if you like phoning a lot and need to keep in touch
whilst on vacation, The cost of your long distance roaming charges will
likely far outweigh the price of a disposable phone.

4). Don't drink and drive. The cops hate that and it is one of the
things that Vegas a has a low tolerance for! so share a cab with one or
even 2 of the other ladies to and from a venue, It is more fun that way
anyway and cheaper too. ( Saving your $10's, $5's and 1's for times like
this comes in handy here too! Wink.

5). If you are ok with riding the Bus, Vegas has one of the best transit
systems I have ever used, You can get all over town. North, South, East
and WestB for $20 per 3 day pass, Note.= >> Late at night get a cab The
busses will be chocked full to the seams after 9PM till Midnight.

6). Dining for less. Unless you like high end dining for Breakfast,
Lunch and Dinner The locals Casinos are terrific especially for lunches
etc. the prices are way less than the strip casinos. Downtown is
particularly decent in this regard. (Locals Casinos are Off strip).
Here are just a few of the things that might interest you and hopefully
make your Vegas vacation a great one.

I am sure some of the other girls can add their 2cents here too Ok Yes, Pun

(This posting was entered by Katie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Re: Vegas tips.

Postby steph1957 » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:12 am

#4 on the list is a real big one. Nothing could be worse for a girl than to end up in a local jail on a fun filled trip. I do not drink or use and within reason would be willing to drive for a group on one of the nights out. Please be safe and keep it fun while at the event.
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Re: Vegas tips.

Postby Katie Wilson » Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:57 pm

Here is another one which might be important to a few of our attendees.

Using the ladies room in a Casino can be a bit unnerving for some so go to the sports book lounge (Where all the betting and scores are posted on a big screen) . The womens washrooms there are rarely used and will be relatively quiet all day long and be an easy fix for someone who is a bit apprehensive about using the Ladies room.

I hope this is helping someone to feel at ease!
Even if it only helps one person this thread will be considered a success.

No need to thank me. *lol*

Katie Wilson
Posts: 128
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:02 pm
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Vegas tips.

Postby External Poster » Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:13 pm

This posting is from: Vera Delmar

A lot of the casinos are now installing bathrooms that can be used by
both ladies and men. I've use them frequently when dressed.

(This posting was entered by Vera Delmar, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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