Internet fees at the Four Queens

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Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby Sandie » Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:35 pm

Just as a matter of note: I was looking at booking a room at the Four Queens for DLV and, although they have no resort fee, they do charge $8.99 a night for internet.

Since resort fees usually include internet, I do consider this a bit of slight of hand on the part of the Four Queens. I've found some other budget hotels off-strip that charge about $8 a night resort fees, but have free internet.

These extra hidden fees are driving me crazy. I just wish the hotels would give a correct price instead of hitting you with these fees when you check in. For example, about 6 months ago I stayed at the Westgate for a week at a great price of $30 per night. Then, when I checked in, I was told the "resort fee" would be $40 per night. I hit the roof! Now I understand that this resort fee has gone down somewhat.

Anyway, can any of you who have already booked your room let me know what the actual, real, total, complete and honest room rate was for you?

I don't know what hotels to trust at this time.
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Re: Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby Bev » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:13 am

I think you are safe in assuming that most strip hotels will be adding about $25 average for resort fees. And as a word of advice, I have stayed off the strip at cheaper hotels to safe a few dollars. What I found was that I was spending more time getting to the venues where most of the ladies were staying, spending more in transportation costs, and limiting my ability to go back to my room to change clothes or just to get off my feet and rest. In the end it wasn't worth it just to save a few dollars a day. I think you will enjoy DLV if you are closer to the action during the week.
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Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby External Poster » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:46 am

This posting is from: Delaney

With all these hotels working so hard to hide the costs you can see, one
has to wonder that they aren't busily working to alter those you can't -
i.e. slot machine payout percentages.

(This posting was entered by Delaney, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby Sandie » Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:26 pm

:D I know it might be a bit of a hassle not staying close to the action. However, I did find a Days Inn on Tropicana just on the other side of the freeway from the strip at a much more affordable rate.

The total for my booking for 6 days (March 27 to check out on April 2) and with a room with king size bed and all the features of the strip hotels for $254.82 (this price includes all taxes, resort fee, internet etc.- it is the entire price)

Since I will have my car with me and since I am very familiar with Vegas, the saving of somewhere between $260 to $360 (or more) is worth it to me.
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Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby External Poster » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:31 pm

This posting is from: Stephanie

You can thank MGM Grand for starting the resort fee nonsense and now
they are seriously considering charging for parking, according to the

El Cortez has a $9 resort fee downtown, but you get free internet.



(This posting was entered by Stephanie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby annie » Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:32 pm

> one has to wonder that they aren't busily working to alter those you can't -
> i.e. slot machine payout percentages.

The payout percentage of an individual machine is always a highly-kept secret but there are two ways you can find out the ballpark looseness or tightness of any particular property's slots.

1. Read the various reports that the properties are required to file. Finding these will be an exercise for the student. :) :) :) :) :)

2. Observe the payout tables of a property's video poker machines, the odds of which are relatively easy to figure out. The "hold" on video poker will typically be less than on slots, but you can be fairly sure that properties which offer a wide variety of full-pay video poker will offer more liberal slots and those which have mainly short-pay video poker will likewise have tighter slots.

General rule of thumb is that the Strip properties are the tightest, the downtown area more liberal, and the off-Strip "locals" casinos the most liberal.
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Re: Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby Linda » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:54 pm

> You can thank MGM Grand for starting the resort fee nonsense and now
> they are seriously considering charging for parking, according to the
> press.

Actually, it's a "done" deal. It will cost to park at 11 MGM properties beginning early April They say maximum will be $10 for overnight. (I assume that means 24 hours.) However, they say they will allow you to park at any of the 11 resorts if you have paid at another. I take this to mean that you will not have to pay more than $10 within a 24-hour period to park at any or all 11 lots. Again, this is just my interpretation of what I heard on local news.
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Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby External Poster » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:04 am

This posting is from: Veronica Lynn Sevier

You always have to watch out for other misc fees at these smaller
motels / hotels. Some will charge you for the safe in the room but
don't tell you. You will see it on your check out slip.


(This posting was entered by Veronica Lynn Sevier, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby Michelle V » Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:58 am

How about bars and convenience stores. Keep hearing they are worst pay out in town.

annie wrote :
> > one has to wonder that they aren't busily working to alter those you can't -
> > i.e. slot machine payout percentages.
> The payout percentage of an individual machine is always a highly-kept secret but
> there are two ways you can find out the ballpark looseness or tightness of any
> particular property's slots.
> 1. Read the various reports that the properties are required to file. Finding these
> will be an exercise for the student. :) :) :) :) :)
> 2. Observe the payout tables of a property's video poker machines, the odds of which
> are relatively easy to figure out. The "hold" on video poker will typically
> be less than on slots, but you can be fairly sure that properties which offer a wide
> variety of full-pay video poker will offer more liberal slots and those which have
> mainly short-pay video poker will likewise have tighter slots.
> General rule of thumb is that the Strip properties are the tightest, the downtown
> area more liberal, and the off-Strip "locals" casinos the most liberal.
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Re: Internet fees at the Four Queens

Postby jamieisacd » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:21 pm

OMG you girls are wearing me out. These hotels are in business to make money in any way they feel they can legally do it. Resort fees, yes most all of the Casinos have them. If the four queens says no resort fee but says if you want internet it is $8.99 well guess what? It is not a hidden fee if they tell you the internet is $8.99. Parking, most still do not charge for it, when they all do guess what, if you drive a car to them and park you have to pay. If you don't want to pay then do not drive there. There is an awesome monorail system but only directly to a few casinos. You can get to one and walk to another. Most all of these changes at Casinos is because their revenue is down and have to find new ways to make money. Instead of bitching about it either except it, don't go or find a better way to stay in Vegas. This event is for some, one of the greatest times of their lives or year.

Go to put in the dates you are going for diva for a hotel. it will show you all the hotels in Vegas and how much (Total) for your visit. Sometimes the $29 a night room is actually $54 a night with resort fee but that might be cheaper than where you were going to stay.

And don't get me started about the ones complaining about odds on gambling. If they had to many winners they would have to close down. They make a lot of money from people who do not win when gambling there. I have found going to Vegas once a month every month the casinos that cater to locals seem to be the best. Local casino's (meaning the ones off the strip) want daily repeat business from people who live there and offer so much more in points and prizes and odds of winning. Just keep in mind they stay in business because of all the people losing money not winning money
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