This posting is from: Annie
> What happened to the $20 registration fee that some of us paid? Can
> we carry that over?
First of all, there is no registration fee for Diva Las Vegas.
What some of you paid is a voluntary donation, very clearly noted
as such (screen scrape below) and very much appreciated, which is not
required and used to reimburse bona fide expenses made to make the
event happen.
Yes, it will "carry over", as no collected funds have been disbursed
yet, and those will be used to offset expenses incurred for the
October, 2020 event.
The specific details of the donation program are on line here: text on the donation screen reads as follows:
+Diva Las Vegas has never charged a registration fee as most other TG
+and CD events do.
+This year, to help supplement various expenses that event organizers
+have paid for out of pocket in past years, we are implementing a
+voluntary donation program. It is not mandatory to donate, but we
+would hope you would consider a donation, perhaps $20 or more, to
+help offset expenses and to provide funds to perhaps pay for gifts,
+or a FREE cocktail hour at one of our dinners.
+Thanks for helping out!"
(This posting was entered by Annie, an external user of MyDLV.)