If something is wrong - What to do?

If your time is short ...

We take pride in putting on an event which is highly enjoyed by the vast majority of attendees.

If for some reason something is interfering with your enjoyment of Diva Las Vegas, we want to know about it, and the sooner the better!

First, please consider ...

Diva Las Vegas would not be possible if it were not for our many dedicated volunteers. The volunteers have given their time, effort, and in many cases their own money to allow DLV to happen.

Please keep in mind that our DLV volunteers are just that, volunteers, and not professional event promoters. These individuals are unpaid, and in too many cases unthanked for their efforts and contributions.

Although we do strive for consistency and excellence, it is unrealistic to assume that everything at Diva Las Vegas will always be "just so" and exactly to your liking.

Each of our activities will have one or more volunteers who are in charge of that particular activity. They will be listed on the final detailed schedule. They are referred to by the title "Coordinator", and in our writings this is considered a proper noun and is usually capitalized.

At DLV, you will see quite a variation of organizational details and leadership styles among our many volunteers. Some volunteers will take care of every last detail of their activities, others will paint in very broad strokes, so to speak.

In almost all cases, these listed volunteer Coordinators are the ones you should turn to in the event that something is negatively affecting your enjoyment of that activity.

In the event something is wrong, it is very important that you make your feelings known to those in charge at the time of the occurrence, as opposed to waiting until it is too late do do anything about it!

Another consideration, please ...

Some of the restaurants we are using for DLV, in particular Bahama Breeze, and Virgil's BBQ, have been gracious enough to serve our group from their full regular menu as opposed to the limited menus normally used for larger groups.

Please be appreciative of this, and please understand that because of this, order taking and serving our group may take longer than expected.

Please understand that some restaurants do not have the wait staff capacity to issue separate checks to larger groups.

If you find yourself in a shared check situation and feel that you are being asked to pay more than your fair share, please immediately notify the Coordinator of that activity or any of the senior DLV volunteers for assistance in fairly dividing the check.

If you feel at risk of a Covid-19 (or other) infection:

In the event that you are in a situation where you feel at risk for a Covid-19 (or other transmissible) infection, you should remove yourself from that situation immediately. Please do not become confrontational. Get out of the situation!

If you're having difficulty finding an activity location:

If you need a map to locate a particular activity location, you can use either the new mobile-device schedule ( HERE ) or the tabular schedule ( HERE ) and select the "Map It" link on any particular activity to bring up the Google map showing the exact activity location.

You may also phone our contact people. Contact information appears HERE. In most cases they can give you driving or walking directions and "talk you in" if necessary. (Please remember the Nevada restrictions on using hand-held devices while driving.)

If you can't find the group at the activity location:

If you should ever arrive at an activity location, at or shortly after the posted start time, and find absolutely no evidence of the DLV group being present, phone either the designated Coordinator (if the phone number is listed in the schedules) or one of our contact people listed in the contact section.

These individuals will know how to contact the Coordinator of the activity at hand if necessary.

Same goes if you're late for something and the group has moved on. We will often be able to get you in touch with the group so you can catch up.

If you get lost (driving or walking):

If you should get lost while arriving in Las Vegas or while driving or walking in Las Vegas, phone one of our DLV contact people. He or she will help you sort things out and get you on the right track. (Please remember the Nevada law against using a cell phone when driving.)

If you arrive at a DLV activity and there is nobody obvious as a host(ess) or greeter:

At all of our larger activities there will be individuals who are standing by to greet newcomers and, if appropriate, check in attendees who have not done so. At the smaller activities, greeting is done by the activity Coordinators or an assistant or designee.

If a greeter or host(ess) is not obvious, ask anyone present. If you should get some kind of a non-answer or several "I dunno" responses, ask to see the primary Coordinator of that activity. This individual will be named on the detailed final schedule.


If there is nobody present to greet you, it is an oversight and not a snub! If you feel you're not being properly greeted or welcomed and the primary Coordinator is not available, ask to speak to any of the senior volunteers and if none are available, find a phone and please notify one of the DLV contact persons of the situation.

For minor service issues:

If you encouter such things as slow service, wrong menu items being delivered, problems with your meal or drink, wrong amount on your check, etc., please bring this to the attention of the venue staff if you are comfortable doing so.

If you are not comfortable in dealing with the venue staff, please ask the Coordinator of record to help you bring your concerns to the attention of the staff and management.

Awkward shared check issues:

If you find yourself in a shared check situation and you believe that you are being asked to pay more than your fair share, first please ask the venue staff to tell you exactly what you owe for what you ordered.

If this is unsatisfactory, please ask the DLV Coordinator of record to assist in the fair division of the check.

In case of illness or injury:

In case of any serious injury or illness, phone 911 or contact on-site security personnel immediately. They will assist you as they would any other individual.

For routine or minor issues, many of the name-brand pharmacies in the Strip area (and elsewhere in the Las Vegas vicinity) have walk-in quick-care clinics. Please contact the providers directly for hours, directions, and other information. The DLV organizers and volunteers do not officially endorse any particular providers.

If you find that you have no hotel room:

If you find that you are in a situation where you are in need of a place to stay, such as in the case of an intended roommate failing to show or a hotel which does not honor your reservation, the best thing to do is to phone the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority at (toll free) 877-847-4858 or (local) 702-892-7575.

They will know who has rooms available, at what prices, and in many cases can make the booking for you then and there.

If you're feeling left out:

If you're new and not yet acquainted with the others in the group and you don't feel comfortable introducing yourself, see the primary Coordinator in charge of the activity at hand or any DLV volunteer and explain the situation. He or she will gladly introduce you around to the others and answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

If you're at risk of bailing out:

We're aware of several cases throughout our history where an attendee has traveled to Las Vegas, checked into the hotel, got ready to go to one of our activities, and then by such things as anxiety or uncertainty, failed to take that last step and did not make contact with the group.

We're also aware of cases where an attendee has "bailed out" while driving to one of our activities or when parking in the lot outside of one of our venues.

If anything like this should happen to you, find a phone and call our Big Sister Hotline or any of the listed DLV contact people.


Many of our volunteers have been in this situation personally and understand it first hand. We'll do everything we can do to help, up to and including sending a volunteer Big Sister to assure you and escort you if necessary!

If you need to relieve yourself:

If you find that you are in need of a break to relieve yourself and you are uneasy or unsure of using the facilities in your location, the best thing to do is to consult with the primary volunteer Coordinator of the activity at hand or a designated assistant. Ask around if you are not sure who this is.

In the event that no designated Coordinators are available, please speak to one of the senior DLV volunteers and explain the situation.

Please do not follow any "advice" from other attendees which contradicts our restroom guidelines!

Behavior and dress issues:

If you sincerely believe that another attendee's manner of dress is out of compliance with our guidelines, to the degree that it is negatively impacting your enjoyment of the current DLV activity, or if the behavior of another attendee is such that your enjoyment of the activity is negatively impacted, find the primary Coordinator of record for the particular activity which is in progress. He or she will be listed on the final schedule, or you can simply ask around to determine who this is.

This is the person who is in charge of the activity, and who is the one primarily responsible for the attendees' enjoyment and comfort at that activity.

Ask to speak to the Coordinator in private and please step out of earshot of other DLV attendees. Explain your concerns to this individual. Don't be surprised if the Coordinator invites an assistant or another volunteer to hear of the situation as well.

This is the only person who has the authority to unilaterally act in regards to behavior or dress issues. The Coordinator of record has the options of consulting with the attendee in question regarding behavior or dress, requesting that the attendee go change into a more appropriate outfit, or asking the attendee to leave the activity, not to return.

The Coordinator of record may also choose to meet with other DLV volunteers to decide what action, if any, is to be taken.

The Coordinator of record also has the option of either actively or passively declining to take action.

It should be noted that no other DLV volunteer, regardless of seniority or named leadership position, has the authority to unilaterally act under these circumstances.

Restroom misuse:

If you should observe a case of blatant public restroom misuse such as going in obvious groups, standing in the stall, etc., please bring this to the attention of the Coordinator of the activity immediately.

No, you're not being a tattletale, you're preventing a bad situation from becoming worse!

If you get stuck somewhere and need a ride:

The best thing to do is to take a taxi. This has been proven to be very "safe" and comfortable, even for beginners. Taxis will usually be waiting at most hotels and casinos and other popular facilities. If you are at a bar or club, the bartender or host(ess) will usually be willing to phone a taxi for you.

Please note that if you phone the DLV contact people to ask for a ride, you will be told to please take a taxi. We do not have any volunteers standing by to give rides to attendees. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.

If you are photographed against your wishes:

At Diva Las Vegas there are no general prohibitions against personal noncommercial photography. Although we do ask that those taking pictures respect the wishes of those who do not wish to be photographed, there are no guarantees, and due to time, place and circumstance, unwanted photography may occur.

We ask all who do not wish to be photographed to please be proactive and follow the suggestions given in the DLV Photo Guidelines.

In the event you are photographed against your wishes, the first thing to do is to consult directly with the person taking the photos. Please explain your concern in a courteous manner and ask that he or she refrain from taking any further photos of you. You may, if you desire, request that the photographer delete the photos in which you appear, but there are no DLV regulations which require him or her to do so.

In the event that someone continues to take photos of you after being asked not to do so, please bring the situation to the attention of the primary Coordinator of record for the activity at hand. This is the only person having the authority to unilaterally act in the event of behavior issues, including refusal to cease unwanted photography.

The primary Coordinator of record can take action up to and including asking a participant to leave an activity or to refrain from any further photography at that activity, but does not have the authority to confiscate film or memory cards or require the deletion of photos.

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