Diva Las Vegas Photo Guidelines

If you have any specific questions or concerns about photography at DLV, please see the primary Coordinator of the activity in question in person. Ask any DLV volunteer if you do not know these individuals.

The basic rule is for everybody to use consideration, courtesy, and common sense when taking photographs at DLV.

Although we understand that some attendees may be camera-shy, and we respect the wishes of those who do not wish to be photographed, there are no guarantees.

Media guidelines:

We do not issue press passes nor waive registration for media representatives.

If you represent the press or any commercial media, either in print or on line, we ask that you submit your proposals IN ADVANCE by e-mail (dlv@divalas.vegas) for our review prior to making arrangements to attend.

If your publication or web site is sexually-oriented (if it is intended to arouse, as opposed to inform or to entertain, including "dating" sites), we respectfully ask that you do not cover our event.

We ask that any reporters, photographers, and other media representatives follow procedure and register for the event as attendees.


Attendee guidelines:

At most DLV activities, there are no general restrictions on the taking of noncommercial personal photographs.

It can be assumed that many people present will have cameras and will be taking pictures throughout the event at all activities.

Some activities may have special photography requests, conditions, and restrictions. These cases will be clearly noted here or on the detailed schedule.

There may be photography restrictions at various tour locations. Please consult signs or ask a staff member.

Shows will often have strict photography prohibitions.

Many casinos have photography restrictions or prohibitions.

We reserve the right to take action should anyone's photography either distract from the purpose of a DLV activity or create an uneasy atmosphere at a DLV activity.

It can also be assumed that a significant number of the photos taken at DLV will end up on the web.

Camera-shy individuals, please follow these guidelines:

Photographers, please observe the following:

We encourage individuals to take personal photos at all DLV activities. If you attend the smaller activities or if you get together with others and do things on your own, please get some photos, as there will be fewer cameras present than at the major activities.

After DLV, there will be a "Call For Photos" and everybody is asked to submit their photos. We will not accept photos which have been obviously altered, such as eyes blacked out, blurred faces, captioned, obvious fakes or composites, etc.

When we put together the "official" DLV followup pages, we will post all candidate photos in a private staging area. All attendees will have the opportunity to preview these and everybody will have a reasonable number of no-questions-asked "no" requests on any photos in which they appear.

Photo hints:

If you have a digital camera with the feature that stamps the date on the photo, please consider turning that off. You'll find that the software that manages your photos or your PC and/or your computer's operating system will timestamp your files in a way that does not ruin the photo.

If you want that date in there, consider composing your photo such that the subject you want is to the left and above the date for most cameras when taking in "landscape" mode.

If you're taking photos of people on a stage which is lit using stage lights, set your flash for "always on" or "fill" so you will be sure to get adequate lighting. Many point-and-shoot cameras are confused by stage lighting and will not give the best results with the flash in the "auto" mode.

"Official" group photos:

We will be taking "official" group photos at the Welcome Meet And Greet on Tuesday evening. Listen for announcements prior to the photos.

We will be making high-res images of these available to all promptly.

We're asking everybody's cooperation in order to get everybody assembled, posed, and the photos taken in a timely manner. This will hopefully keep the grumbling to a minimum. :)

  1. Posing for these is OPTIONAL! It's an opt-in process. However, once they are taken, it's a done deal. There's no blacking out of eyes or blurring of faces.

  2. Please consider others. Even though you may not mind spending 15 minutes posing, others will want to get it over with as soon as possible, so please respect their wishes and help us get everybody posed and the photos taken without delay.

  3. When the call is made to pose, please leave all food and drink and proceed to the photo area. Please follow the instructions of the volunteers who will be guiding you to the photo area. Please assemble with shorter individuals in the front, taller individuals in the rear, and please follow instructions of the volunteers who will be placing you as you pose.

  4. If you're not posing, please stay clear of the photo area. Please do your best to avoid distracting those who are posing or those involved with taking the photos.

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