Final Attendee Information - The Bare Minimum

If your time is short ...

Please think of this as a "Quick Start Guide" to Diva Las Vegas.

This information is not all you will need, but these are the most important items in a very brief summary.

Quick Links

Important Reminders

For all, new and returning attendees:

  1. Please be reminded that when you arrive at DLV, you will not receive any printed matter of any type! Please print what you need (schedule highly recommended) and bring with you!

  2. You may check in at the major evening activities on Sunday or Monday, at the DLV On-Site Check-in at the Flamingo on Sunday and Monday (lobby by Spa Elevators), or any activity which is marked "Check-in available" on the main schedule.

    Name tags will be available at all major activities on Sunday and Monday.

    If the first activity you want to attend does not have check-in or name tags, yes, you may attend. As long as you appear on the DLV roster you will be admitted to any activities prior to your actual check-in.

  3. Please review the Diva Las Vegas Behavior, Dress, and Restroom Guidelines .

    As of this writing, we still do not have any case law or authoritative opinions from the Nevada Bench and Bar as to exactly how the Nevada equal-access legislation may or may not apply to some or all of our attendees.

    We suggest that our attendees continue to observe our restroom guidelines until an authoritative legal opinion on this topic emerges.

  4. If something is wrong, please let us know about it while there is time to do something about it! If you do not know who to turn to, please phone one of the listed DLV contact people.

  5. If you accept a ride from another, please note that it is offered only under the condition that it's at your own risk. If you aren't willing to accept this condition, please do not accept a ride.

  6. Please ask in person as you check in to see if there are any schedule additions and changes that were too late for this writing.

  7. Please take advantage of the DLV Group Text and/or the Activity Reminder Service, both which are available via the Attendee Information Portal, to better keep in touch and to better keep on schedule.

For new attendees:

  1. Please, if you are in any way hesitant or apprehensive about attending, phone our Big Sister Hotline (number in the contact section) and we'll do all we can to assist and assure you.

    Please don't be ashamed or embarrassed about phoning if you need to. Uneasiness is expected and is normal. DLV is an event which we don't want you to miss!

  2. If you have any significant unanswered questions or unresolved concerns, please be sure you ask and get these taken care of prior to your arrival. When DLV gets going, it tends to be informal and fast-paced, almost like "running on autopilot."

    We don't have any central "headquarters", no information desk, etc., as are commonly seen at the other TG events. Addressing any significant issues in real-time during DLV may not be practical.

  3. Greeters and Big Sisters will be on duty at all of the larger activities to introduce you around and address any concerns you may have.

  4. We reserve the right to require proof of age when checking in. Venue operators may require proof of age for admission or for beverage service.

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