Drag-and-Drop Photo Upload

Drop Your Image Files Here
This upload method is experimental but has been proven in testing to be reliable and robust for any reasonable number of image files.

If your browser supports dragging and dropping of files (most modern browsers such as Firefox and Chrome/Chromium do), you can simply drag the files from a file browser or similar tool into the light blue space to the left. You can submit one image at a time, or several at a time. You may also drag amd drop .zip or .tar files of multiple images if you wish.

When complete, if you have more to submit, simply drag them into the light blue space.

To clear the progress text, simply click HERE to refresh the page.

If this method does not work for you or if you just want to do things the old-fashioned way, the old uploader, which is on line HERE may be used instead.

The upload progress will be displayed below. If errors occur, a screenshot of the error message will be appreciated along with your operating system (Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.) and browser type (Firefox, Safari, etc.)..