Questions from a first-timer

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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:20 pm

annie wrote :
> > As a CD who doesn't get out, my wardrobe is not necessarily normal.
> I would say that this offers an excellent opportunity for some real-world shopping!
> :) You'll have a whole squad of "fashion consultants" at your disposal. :)

I hit Target in drab on Saturday. Snapped up two new pairs of jeans and two new tops. Who knew that Target had unisex fitting rooms? I didn't because I rarely buy any clothing, men's or women's clothing. Discovered I had a pair of ankle boots I'd forgotten about. I went through a phase about 4 or 5 years ago of buying almost anything I could find in my size on eBay if it was inexpensive. I wear a women's 14 in shoes (yes, I drool every time I walk by a shoe sale knowing that nothing in the store or department will fit me).

After I bought the tops (in the clearance section) I discovered they were Maternity. Who new maternity clothes looked so nice now? There was nothing overtly "maternity" about them... no indication other than the label. I was attracted to them because of the extra length for my longer torso. I supposed that length is part of their maternity heritage. Plus for me!

So, I have at least two casual outfits.

> About the only thing you DON'T want to do is to try to come off like sexy 110 lb
> twentybopper hottie! That's one thing that is often times done by those new to public
> exposure and it seldom, if ever, works.

But don't we all want to be that twentybopper?
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:44 pm

annie wrote :

> If you're at all concerned about that first outing to meet with the group, if you
> would feel better meeting one of the people one on one prior just say the word and we
> will make it happen.
> Hope to see you next month. :)

As noted in other posts, I'll definitely be there.

As a new girl in town I'd love to have someone to travel with out to the first day events. Not so much to get me out the door, but rather to keep me from getting lost once I'm past the threshold and help me navigate Chicago's transit system.

If an experienced someone wouldn't mind stopping by my hotel to pick up a travel companion, I'd really appreciate the company. Just drop me a note if you (anyone) can.

- Valerie
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Questions from a first-timer

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:47 pm

This posting is from: Stefani C

I live out in Naperville west suburbs

I have benefit from this group for over two years

If you like live theatre I am going to see " the trip to bountiful "
Friday this performance is LGBT friendly

At theRaven theatre starting at 7pm 6157 n Clark

Any interest ?


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Questions from a first-timer

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:11 pm

This posting is from: Vanessa

I think I saw a post about some Pinkfest girls heading for Vegas for
Halloween....I"ll be out there and love to get together.
please respond back or e-mail me at

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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:38 am

> If an experienced someone wouldn't mind stopping by my hotel to pick
> up a travel companion,

I would be happy to "pick you up" at your hotel (on foot, that is, I won't have a vehicle) but I won't be arriving until Wednesday mid afternoon and I know you will be there earlier and probably want to get in on the Wednesday afternoon things.

> and help me navigate Chicago's transit system.

If you can't find someone to escort you to the Wednesday afternoon activities, I can give you some very close to footstep by footstep instructions on exactly how to get from your hotel to the Oak Park area. It's a quick and very easy train (El) ride.
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Questions from a first-timer

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:44 am

This posting is from: Lyseth


Rori, of Transformations by Rori, is interested in possibly setting up
an event, during Pink Fest.

She can be contacted at

Not sure what she's got in mind, but Rori has always been there for the
Trans community.


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Questions from a first-timer

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:13 pm

This posting is from: Ginger

I'd help, but I'm not arriving at Midway until mid afternoon and will
also miss the Oak Park lunch. The directions Annie will supply you with
will be great and if you make a mistake like I have a couple of times
the easy thing to do is just ride back and start over! Or in the case of
Oak Park where I was not paying attention once and failed to get off,
stay on the train and ride back one stop from the end of the line, but
I'm blonde.

A great way is to use Google maps if you have a computer with a printer
so you can print out the directions or a smart phone you can carry with
you.You could even do this before leaving home. In Google Search simply
type in the address you want to go to and when the map is open click on
Directions and then enter your current location if necessary. The phone
or computer may already know where you are if you have that function
turned on. Then click on the public transportation option and follow the
on-screen instructions. The system will likely offer you some
alternative routes so chose the best for you. To get to Oak Park it will
likely the Green Line. Depending on your location Google may off a bus
option, but the train is usually best. I know Annie is working on a page
illustrating this, but I don't know if she has it ready for prime time.

I frequently use Google for finding directions and the times for public
transportation in various cities and it has never let me down!

Another good idea even as a backup is to get a map of the transit system
after you arrive in Chicago showing the train lines or print one and
carry it with you.

The one mistake that I think is easy to make in Chicago is the different
lines with stations of the same name. Once going to Belmont Station on
the Brown & Red Lines I had a blonde moment and took a Blue Line Train
to its Belmont Station. When I got on the street I didn't see anything
familiar and knew I had messed up big time! I could have ridden back to
the Loop and changed to a correct line. Since the area looked safe I
whipped out my smart phone, Googled the address I wanted, realized it
was about three miles east directly down the street I was standing on,
and that a bus to it would be to along in 10 minutes or less. I waited,
when the bus stopped I inquired of the driver to make sure it was the
bus I wanted, presented my fare card, boarded and was at my hotel in 20
minutes or less. The whole thing would have been less stressful had I
not been running late which unfortunately I always am!

You will do fine!


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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:04 pm

>The directions Annie will supply you with will be great and if you make a

Here's the basic detailed instructions on how to get from your hotel to Oak Park for lunch in one easy lesson. There are many variations on the theme, but this is the way I would do it, and it should be easy for someone with no experience. I chose this particular method for minimum of walking and frequency of trains.

1. Walk east to Wells Street.

2. Walk north until you see the Washington St. El station.

3. Go to the ticket vending machine. Buy a fare card with a modest amount. Regular adult fare is $2.25

4. Enter the turnstyle ("dip" your fare card) and go to the east platform, the one marked with the Orange Line.

5. Board an Orange Line train. Ride one stop to Clark/Lake. Get off.

6. Walk across the overpass from the south platform to the north platform.

7. Board a westbound Green Line train. This will me marked "Harlem" on the front.

8. Ride. Ride. Ride.

9. Disembark at Oak Park. Hemmingway Bistro will be a few blocks to the north.

An exercise for the student would be to do a similar thing using the Pink Line, but the Pink Line trains do not run as often as the Orange Line.
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Thu Sep 26, 2013 3:54 pm

Thanks ladies.

Indeed I had already used google transit to plan the route, including times for departure and arrival. My concern was working out the mechanics of the rail system for payment and negotiating ingress and egress at stations. I already plan to buy a 7-day pass when I arrive on Tuesday evening. I'm guessing I can do that at the Walgreen's that is just around the corner from my hotel.

If no one can stop by there is no need for anyone to fret. I'll be fine, if a little more stressed than usual.

That said, anyone for a late dinner on Tuesday? My train arrives at 8:40 and I'll grab a cab from Union Station for the 3-5 blocks to the hotel. Don't want to lug two suitcases that far that late in the evening.
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:38 am

> I already plan to buy a 7-day pass when I arrive on Tuesday evening.
> I'm guessing I can do that at the Walgreen's that is just around the
> corner from my hotel.

I always pick up a transit pass at either Midway or O'Hare. I don't know if Walgreens sells them, but I know some convenience shops do or did. I can't name any in particular. The one time when the one at Midway was out of service I picked up one at the Chicago Shop at the Water Tower.
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