Questions from a first-timer

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Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:25 pm

I just discovered pinkest. What are the usual attendance numbers? Are there multiple groups or does everyone stick together for most of the event? Yes, I read the FAQ first.

This would be my first real "outing" and you know the kind of butterflies I'm feeling. Trying to convince myself to go.

Anyone else attending from the St Louis area? I'm thinking of taking the train from STL to Chicago. Traveling companion possibilities?

- Valerie
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Fri Sep 06, 2013 7:20 am

> I just discovered pinkest. What are the usual attendance numbers? Are there
> multiple groups or does everyone stick together for most of the event? Yes,
> I read the FAQ first.

It's a smaller group, I admit. I won't try to exaggerate the numbers. We had some activities in the 20-ish numbers just prior to the recession but in recent years it's been smaller but creeping upward.

For the most part it's single track, but we have had a few evenings with dual activity tracks. Of course some go off and do their own thing.

> This would be my first real "outing" and you know the kind of
> butterflies I'm feeling. Trying to convince myself to go.

Pinkfest is very easy-going and very welcoming to newcomers to the group and those new to public exposure. We would love to have you. I can assure you that there will be no "outsider" feeling as a first-timer.

> Anyone else attending from the St Louis area? I'm thinking of taking the
> train from STL to Chicago. Traveling companion possibilities?

Well, I used to live in St. Louis for a while many years (decades) ago as a kid but I guess that doesn't count. :) We have had others from St. Louis attend in the past but not in recent years.

If you're at all concerned about that first outing to meet with the group, if you would feel better meeting one of the people one on one prior just say the word and we will make it happen.

Hope to see you next month. :)
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Sun Sep 08, 2013 8:30 am

For scheduling travel, is it best to arrive during the day on Wednesday or on Tuesday evening? How about travel home on Sunday?

Do we have a rough itinerary yet that would help with these questions?
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:16 pm

> For scheduling travel, is it best to arrive during the day on Wednesday
> or on Tuesday evening? How about travel home on Sunday?

We usually get things going Wednesday evening.

We do have a lunch tentatively scheduled on Wednesday, but that may or may not happen depending on if the designated hostess is in town yet.

I'm flying in Wednesday afternoon so I'll join the group that evening.

We usually do have things going on through Sunday evening. I find it more relaxing to just burn another day of vacation and fly back Monday.

The thing is, you can participate as much or as little as you want. I will often times take an afternoon and/or evening just for myself.
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:36 pm

It's official! I've made my hotel and train reservations. I wound up at the La Quinta at 1 S Franklin. I've added that hotel to the Pinkfest map. That Hotel bill was painful.

Anyone else staying there?

I'm arriving Tuesday evening and leaving Monday evening.

Now I'm worrying about wardrobe. I read the FAQ. As a CD who doesn't get out, my wardrobe is not necessarily normal. Would skirts and dresses work for the entire outing? I'm probably going to leave the 5-inch heels at home, but some 4s might come along. I do have several in the under 2 inch range.

The FAQ indicated casual, but does that mean jeans and running shoes? I have neither. I'm afraid I'm just going to be a mess the entire time.

What is everyone else bringing? Does anyone split outfits between day and evening? Some tips would be appreciated.

I'm so excited but I'm scared to death.

FYI, coming alone, 49 year-old white guy, 6' 0" around 200 lbs. <== added only for wardrobe suggestions.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Sat Sep 14, 2013 8:18 am

> I wound up at the La Quinta at 1 S Franklin.
> Anyone else staying there?

I know where it is. :)

In all of my visits to Chicago (my first one was at age 3) I've never stayed in the west loop.

> As a CD who doesn't get out, my wardrobe is not necessarily normal.

I would say that this offers an excellent opportunity for some real-world shopping! :) You'll have a whole squad of "fashion consultants" at your disposal. :)

> Would skirts and dresses work for the entire outing?

For most of the evening things, probably. For daytime/touristy stuff, I would recommend the following:

Do some homework. Go girlwatching! Look in public situations such as shopping malls and such. Pay attention to what the women of you age, height, size, and fitness level are wearing. That will be the look to use if you want to blend in.

> The FAQ indicated casual, but does that mean jeans and
> running shoes? I

If that's what you want to wear, of course, but you have quite a bit of latitude. That is probably what I'll be wearing for most of the event, but you don't have to follow what I do by any means. :)

I'm going to give you some suggested reading. Surf here:

Although this is several years old and was written for another event, it was written to give those who are new to public exposure some hints on developing a casual style. (You can use the "up" link at the bottom of the page to see other items in the series.)

> have neither. I'm afraid I'm just going to be a mess the entire time.

You are showing some concern, so I think you will do just fine.

> What is everyone else bringing? Does anyone split outfits between
> day and evening? Some tips would be appreciated.

One tip I'll give is to look at the various photos on the Pinkfest intro page:

You will see quite the spectrum there. Some will do casual for most of the event, and some will dress up a bit (or a lot).

> I'm so excited but I'm scared to death.

This is quite normal. You will find that the feeling goes away VERY quickly once you meet the group and get acquainted. This is universally reported among attendees of both Pinkfest and DLV.

> FYI, coming alone, 49 year-old white guy, 6' 0" around 200 lbs.

Just remember that women (both GG and TG) come in all sizes including yours!

About the only thing you DON'T want to do is to try to come off like sexy 110 lb twentybopper hottie! That's one thing that is often times done by those new to public exposure and it seldom, if ever, works.

> Looking forward to meeting everyone.

And, we're looking forward to having you with us. Our group has been very welcoming to newcomers.
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby Valerie » Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:37 am

annie wrote :
> > I wound up at the La Quinta at 1 S Franklin.
> > Anyone else staying there?
> I know where it is. :)
> In all of my visits to Chicago (my first one was at age 3) I've never stayed in the
> west loop.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I thought west loop was west of Wacker Drive

As for wardrobe, I'll do some watching and maybe some buying before I go. You're right that I can probably outfit myself for later days during the first few days of Pinkfest.

- Valerie
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Re: Questions from a first-timer

Postby annie » Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:44 pm

>> In all of my visits to Chicago (my first one was at age 3) I've never stayed in
>> the west loop.

> Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I meant it as neutral.

> I thought west loop was west of Wacker Drive

I think of the "West Loop" as roughly west of the tracks (Wells).

I think of the area west of the river, like in Union Station area as "west of the loop." :)
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Questions from a first-timer

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:43 pm

This posting is from: Elena

On Sat, Sep 14, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Valerie <> wrote:

> >> I wound up at the La Quinta at 1 S Franklin.
> >> Anyone else staying there?


That looks like a good area stay because you are near (1/2 to 3/4 mile)
the CTA Green, Blue and Red lines which can take you to most Pinkfest

Others are walk-able or a short cab ride. It think you are also real
close to the financial district which might be OK. You probably will
have a great selection of places to grab coffee at least.

I have the whole Pinkfest week off from my job. I am really looking
forward to it, especially Second City and Once.


(This posting was entered by Elena, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Questions from a first-timer

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:19 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

You are inside the Loop near the financial district, which if anything
is a good thing.

Some of the best shopping in the Loop is still on State Street like
Macy's in the old Marshall Field's store which is only like five or six
blocks from your hotel. And of course North Michigan Ave, known as the
Magnificent Mile, is one of the best shopping districts in the world.

There are lots of vendors specifically for the TG community in Chicago

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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