Spouses and anti-TG bias (was Re: Digest ...)

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Spouses and anti-TG bias (was Re: Digest ...)

Postby annie » Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:22 pm

Let's get this first item put to bed right away please!

> Possibly as was hinted to me later that spouses were not wanted
> at Pinkfest.

Whoever hinted this to you is very much in error! I've been with Pinkfest for 11 years now, and I can say with 110% certainty that the founders, the current volunteers, and the Pinkfest attendees I know well, welcome everyone who wishes to participate. Spouses are most welcome. In the past we've had spouses, other partners, siblings, friends, dates, and guests.

> We were very disappointed with the Chicago Chop house.

I was too. :(

> Unfortunately I put my faith in the management and the fact that this
> establishment was checked out.

We (Pinkfest) have been dining at Chicago Chop House for many years. Each year since 2004 if I am correct. On each occasion we've had a very enjoyable meal, spendy I will admit, and we've been treated very well by the management and the wait staff. We expected nothing but the same this year.

> I also believe that the staff and management took advantage of us
> because we are a C/D ,transgendered group and felt they could charge us
> anything they wanted.

I really think that they are more along the line of equal-opportunity jerks. When there's true anti-TG bias, the vibes are obvious. Visual cues, snide remarks, "off-camera" nuances, etc. I really did not pick up on any of that.

The first hint I had that anything had changed was that salad and side were no longer included with the entree. Some quick math in the head told me that I would be leaving the place with one less Jackson than I had intended. I was not prepared for the sticker shock which ensued!

The staff was slick! They have been coached as to how to pad the bill and upsell. I've seen this crap before, but never in a place I've previously known to be reputable.

I'm quite sure that the new management's strategy is to go after the one-time tourist suckers and those on expense accounts who don't look at the bill.

> That is the reason we didn't show up for some of the remaining
> dinners.

Everything else was perfect! Ed Debevic's, Gino's, Berghoff, Ann Sathers, Big Chicks, Winberies, Bar Louie (what am I missing here?) were all just fine. Chicago Chop House was, unfortunately, the rare exception. :(
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