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Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:30 pm

This posting is from: joe smith

Hello. This would be my first time attending. I am nervous,and don't
know anybody. I was going to possibly just wing it on my own.

I found 2 Halloween Parties, 21st & 22nd. Would enjoy going shopping
some. I like the makeover option, as I'm sure my first attempt won't be

Again, I am nervous to be seen, or photographed. Can you give me detail
about the atmosphere at Center On Halsted for the makeover?

(This posting was entered by joe smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Special Offer

Postby annie » Sat Oct 15, 2011 4:43 pm

>This would be my first time attending. I am nervous,and don't
> know anybody.

Although you may not know anybody before attending, please believe me when I say that you will be among friends! I know most of those who will be attending and I can assure you that there is not a single jerk among us!

> Can you give me detail about the atmosphere at Center On Halsted
> for the makeover?

The Center On Halsted is probably the most accepting and comfortable place there can be! It's not only a true "safe space", it's active and vibrant! The makeover sessions will be in our own private area. (LOL, the only complaint I have about The Center is the difficulty in obtaining a cold fizzy unhealthy refreshing beverage!) :) :) :)

Janna, our makeover artist for the afternoon is one who, literally, "wrote the book" regarding aesthetics and presentation. She's well-liked in the community and has been a super Pinkfest supporter over the years!

Even if this is your first time out, please don't wait until Saturday to join us. Don't be afraid to join us at the other activities either in boymode or girlmode. We don't bite! :)
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Special Offer

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 15, 2011 7:15 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

I agree with everything Annie said!

If you are a little nervous, come out and meet people first in boy-mode
or however you feel comfortable. You will make new friends and feel at
ease quickly. You will be glad you came. Chicago is a pretty accepting
place. Service staff have treated our group pretty well over the years.
On Wednesday night at Club Krave, you find a very accepting neighborhood
gay bar that has reached out to support the trans community for years.

There are many young T-people who cannot change their appearance safely
at home who come to the Center on Halsted in one mode and go out in the
other and then change back again to go home. You will not feel out of
place. People who use the COH especially relate to those feelings and
are very friendly. COH goes out of it's way to be an open, accepting and
affirming place. People in the "Boystown" area of Chicago near the
Center for the most part don't give transpeople a second look partly
because we are so common... Most people really don't mind or care - you
are just another person or customer.

Also Oak Park is a very friendly place for T-people.

The Illinois Gender Advocates regularly meet there. I have never heard
of anyone having a problem at Bar Louie or Winberies.

And the Oak Park Library has instituted a very progressive trans policy
thanks to people like Bleu. They have unisex toilets and the
largest/oldest Transgender resource collection in the state. The film
series last year drew a huge group, straight, friends, allies, and LGBT.

Also, Rori's Halloween Party is as safe as you can get. There is an
inexpensive hotel next door and there will be such a big group in
costume, I cannot imagine anyone feeling out of place for long!

Most everyone feels a little anxious at first, but if you make that
effort you will be among friends.

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Special Offer

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:25 pm

This posting is from: joe smith

Wow. You gave me a breath of fresh air. Since I began planning this
trip, my stomach has been in knots. I appreciate your words of
confidence. I am sure I will have more questions as things get closer.

Thanks, and have a great night!

(This posting was entered by joe smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Special Offer

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:28 pm

This posting is from: joe smlth

As I told Annie. Thanks for the words of confidence. It did give me a
breath of fresh air, as my stomach has been in knots planning this trip.
I'm sure I'll have more questions as things get closer. Have a good

(This posting was entered by joe smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Special Offer

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:09 pm

This posting is from: Stefani. C


I just came out after 50 years
You will find this community to be very accepting and no judgemental.

I have conflicts but fell free to contact me

Stephen Clark

(This posting was entered by Stefani. C, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Special Offer

Postby External Poster » Sun Oct 16, 2011 7:53 pm

This posting is from: joe smith

Thanks for the positive support! I will keep my head up high.

(This posting was entered by joe smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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