Welcome and updates ...

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Welcome and updates ...

Postby annie » Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:53 am

We've had quite a few queries and list joins over the last week or so. Here's some general information and updates.

If anyone has any questions or concerns which are not covered in the links below, please ask. Simply reply to this posting.

First of all, the most important thing that most of you will need to do if you want to attend is MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATIONS **NOW** without any procrastination! We're three weeks out, and prices are rising sharply and places are selling out!

Pinkfest is not centered around a hotel. General information about hotels for Pinkfest appears here:


Our schedule of activities is filling out nicely. The latest version will always appear at the top of the first page on the on-line version of our Pinkfest Forum here:


The current version (third draft, this link will NOT be updated as changes are made) is posted here:


Links to previous schedule drafts should not be used.

Some general information about Pinkfest appears here:


To "register" for Pinkfest you simply send a note here stating your intent to attend. There's no registration or participation fee. The only other hoop you will need to jump is to answer various RSVP calls which will come out shortly before the big event.

Any other questions or concerns, please let us know. Hope to see you in three weeks!
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Going to miss Pinkfest

Postby External Poster » Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:16 pm

This posting is from: Beverly Wayne

Things have not lined up as I would like. I am going to have to miss
Pinkfest. I was looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great
time in Chicago. Guess I will just have to wait until DLV 2012 to see
you all. Have a great time. Hope the weather is good.

Beverly Wayne

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Welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:18 pm

This posting is from: Jannas Studio

Hi hi hi! Hope to see you and GingerGrace as well as others at Winberes.
Can't wait!! Hugs and kisses, Annie. Janna 708-488-0420

jannasstudio2010@aol.com xoxoxo

(This posting was entered by Jannas Studio, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Going to miss Pinkfest

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:38 am

This posting is from: Ginger .

We will miss you!

(This posting was entered by Ginger ., an external user of MyDLV.)
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Welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:44 pm

This posting is from: Tilda


>To "register" for Pinkfest you simply send a note here stating your
>intent to attend.

I can't recall if I did this already or not. Anyway, I intend to
attend. :)

Very much looking forward to it! My friend Melissa Hansen, who's posted
several helpful items already and is a veritable Martha Stewart of
organization and preparation (although more fun to be around) and I will be
traveling together from Sacramento (via St. Louis).

We enjoyed meeting you in Las Vegas this year and look forward to seeing
you and making new friends in Chicago, where I lived for 5 years in the
early '90s. Seems like everything I knew back then is gone except my
old friend the Baton Show Lounge.



(This posting was entered by Tilda, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Welcome and updates ...

Postby annie » Thu Oct 06, 2011 6:44 pm

> I can't recall if I did this already or not. Anyway, I intend to
> attend. :)

Good to have the both of you with us. We'll be expecting you.

The only other formality there is, is to answer the various RSVPs which will be coming out probably toward the end of next week. :)
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Welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:49 pm

This posting is from: cathy bean

Annie has the sign up list been sent out for Pinkfest?

Cathy Bean

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Re: Welcome and updates ...

Postby annie » Wed Oct 12, 2011 8:22 pm

> Annie has the sign up list been sent out for Pinkfest?

There really won't be a list per se.

Ginger will be calling for various RSVPs for the things which require some kind of an accurate count. This will probably be coming out shortly. All other activities are "no sign-up, just show up" and there's really no formal sign-up for Pinkfest as a whole.
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