[dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby mardi » Sun Sep 18, 2011 10:00 am

I like the March date.

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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby Melissa Rose » Sun Sep 25, 2011 11:10 pm

I'm voting for option B - Sunday, April 22 thru Friday, April 27
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[dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby Holly » Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:42 pm

March 25-30 should be withdrawn. It conflicts with the announced dates of the Keystone Conference in Pensylvania. And I know Amy from Just You/Glamour Boutique here in Las Vegas has committed to being at Keystone again in 2012 so the many DLVers who would use her services would find them unavailable :( .
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[dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:44 am

This posting is from: Ginger

While these dates conflict directly, in actuality most people can only
afford one event and especially between two so close together as all of
our potential dates and the Keystone Conference.


(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby bobbiemlv » Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:12 am

Why, at this late date should any date be dismissed! If the people vote for March and some of us can't make it. then so be it. It would be nice to break a record attendance every year, but totally unnecessary. There are many of us that like the weather in late March and others that can't make it here in late April. So, all things being considered why don't we just let it be. In past years the only time we've had less than 3 choices was in the case of a run-off. Let's be fair.

P.S. I live in Vegas and will be at DLV no matter what date. I just want it to be fair for everyone.
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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby annie » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:07 am

> Why, at this late date should any date be dismissed!

One of the purposes of this Call For Comments is to seek out and gather any difficulties, objections, conflicts, etc. regarding any of the proposed dates, including those which may have been unknown or overlooked when the various proposed dates were initially selected.

Although we can't summarily throw out any of the proposed dates for any single factor, those who are of voting status will likely consider anything which might impact the success of the event when casting their votes.

All factors need to be considered, including things such as conflicts with other events, the availability of vendors, and yes, even that perennial red herring, a long-term guess at what the weather might happen to be.

For my vote, since all of the proposed dates are workable for me, I'll be voting for the dates which I believe will result in the best turnout and the greatest potential overall satisfaction with the event, considering all factors.
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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby Keri » Sat Oct 01, 2011 10:24 am

After many years of attending DLV in the weeks of March, April, and May I personally would like to see option B; Sunday, April 22 thru Friday, April 27. Keep in mind I will cruise down about anytime because its a party in Vegas anyway. I completely understand the concerns about other conference conflicts and think we should accommodate that for the many girls who would attend both.

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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby juliebeme » Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:18 pm

My only hope is that when the votes are tallied,
the last week of April
is not DLV week. It will leave me absent,
the Laughlin Run prevents me
from attending.

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Re: [dlv] Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby Holly » Sat Oct 01, 2011 1:23 pm

To be fair, I felt it necessary to share the information concerning the conflict in dates with the members of the discussion list. Up until then, it had only been shared with the ORG list. It only seemed fair that as people were being asked for feedback concerning the proposed dates that they have access to the best information available including the fact that a service that has been provided long time vendor and supporter of DLV, a service that many of our attendees utilize, would not be available should the March dates be selected. Some might even consider fairness to be recognizing a mistake may have been made and acting to correct it. :)
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Diva Las Vegas 2012 dates - Call For Comments ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 01, 2011 3:03 pm

This posting is from: Ginger

The message below is a good example of why I don't usually send or reply to a
message from my smart phone!

What I was trying to say is that most people can only afford the money
and time for one event in a short period of time and maybe only one each
year. If the dates of SCC and the Keystone Conference conflict it will
not matter very much. Just having the dates in close proximity will
still result in most people only attending one event. Typically people
will attend the more or less local event so the people in Pennsylvania,
New York, New Jersey and other nearby states will probably go to the
Keystone Conference. People in other parts of the US will go where they
are most interested and Las Vegas is a very interesting place. DLV
attendance will not be much affected, if any, by the Keystone Conference
or other springtime event!


(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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