Interested in Attending - First Time

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Interested in Attending - First Time

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:42 pm

This posting is from: Cami

Anyone interested in telling me more about this event. I have never
attended before but very interested in doing so if I can learn more
about it. My name is Cami I live in Sacramento and I think this would
be a fun adventure. Have been out lots, pass well in public and not shy
in the least but I am lost when it comes to Chicago and this event and
lodging and transportation. Any way love to hear from someone. I have
a web site on yahoo at cami.farr and myspace and flickr so you can see
my pics and contract me at those places or email me or IM me at Thanks so much

(This posting was entered by Cami, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: Interested in Attending - First Time

Postby annie » Sat Sep 10, 2011 4:07 pm

> Anyone interested in telling me more about this event. I have never
> attended before but very interested in doing so if I can learn more
> about it.

Others can chime in if they wish, but I'll give you some general info. I hope you don't mind that I'm giving mostly links rather than saying again what's been posted.

First, some general info about the event. Surf here:


Next hotels. The most important thing you need to do is to MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION AND LOCK IN YOUR HOTEL RATE! (Yes, I'm shouting. It's that important!) :) Our experience is that rates skyrocket and hotels sell out in the weeks just prior to the event. We're currently six weeks out, so please do not procrastinate on this!

A few notes on Pinkfest hotels appear here:


Our schedule is not final, but it's taking shape. The last posted draft is on line here:


We're shaking down an interactive schedule system, intended primarily for DLV, using this year's Pinkfest as a proof of concept. You can try this out here:

Pinkfest is much more informal than DLV. You "register" by announcing that you'll be attending right here. The only real formality is to respond to the various RSVPs that will come out shortly before the event.

Hope to see you next month. :)
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Interested in Attending - First Time

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:41 pm

This posting is from: Robin Summers Mitchell

Well Howdy Cami...lolI will be attending Mitzys Big Hair Ball this year
in Chico with serveral people you know already, its on 8th Oct at the
ArkPark Pavillon, Chico, Ca.The Host Hotel is the Vagabond Inn where the
rates for rooms start at $35.I will check in on Friday before and this
event is sponsored by the I.S.C.C.D. a non profit.After that (if I can
find airfare) I will be flying to Boston via The "Fantasia Fair" in
Ptown of which I have won a Scholarship which covers everything except
airfare from San Fran to Boston ? Fantasia is the oldest Running Trans
Fair and this is the 36th Annual....check them out from google
search.Libbys Pool Party Pulled Pork Picnic Pictures are available to
you and Joni ?I am working most recently on obtaining Financials and
Support in Filing a Non Profit 501c3 for the new "TransPanthers" or
Purple Panthers, TPP who are helping raise awareness Internationally on
Transgender Rights issues, Hate, Bias, Murder and Mayham. They are on
Facebook and post some othter wonderful and interesting News, Resources
and of course Human Rights of Transgender People. We are setting-up Safe
Houses and working on selters for homeless Transgendered who in an
Emergency Diaster are not allowed access to Shelters, First Aid and
other FEMA and Govmt controlled areas.Well, Cami hope you and everyone
Here on the PinkFest Mailer list is enjoying the great weather,
concerts, car shows, Pride Parades, art and Wine Fests and Weddings...I
know I am here in Sunny Northern California...lolLove and Huggs, Rockin
Doc RobinRet. USNSWAdvisory Council On Aging LGBTQQNorCal TransPanthers
Chapter PresidentModel, Mistress, Chef, Sexy and

(This posting was entered by Robin Summers Mitchell, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Interested in Attending - First Time

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 11, 2011 9:37 am

This posting is from: Cami

Robin, Robin, Robin. So are you going?????? Did you know Pinkfest and
P Town occur at the same time?????? I can't see doing both. I would be
interested in flying back if your going,love to hang with you. We can
get reasonable flights of Jet Blue out of SF and rent a car and go to P
Town. Pink Fest is in Chicago and you would have to cut your week in p
Town to go. Do you really want to do that?????? Seems like a large
expense to leave one event that looks fantastic to go to another equally
great but still.

So without all the background info - what is your plan????? If I go I
am not thinking about P Town. It really does look awesome.

(This posting was entered by Cami, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Interested in Attending - First Time

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:02 pm

This posting is from: Robin Summers Mitchell

Hey Cami,I am already commited to "Fantasia Fair" as I have won this
Scholarship. The only thing I need is Airfare (sfo-bos) and some Out of
Pocket expenses.So PinkFest is out for me.Fantasia is the oldest of all
these Seminars, Summits and Social Gathering of the TG/CD/TS
community.Hope you find the Symposium you want to do.Love You too : )RSM

(This posting was entered by Robin Summers Mitchell, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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