Janna's Place Cancelled

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Janna's Place Cancelled

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 23, 2009 11:31 am

This posting is from: Ginger

Our visit to Janna's Place today is cancelled because Janna is ill.

See you at lunch & dinner & show tonight.

(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:32 pm

This posting is from: Sue

So how was the second story bar last night?


(This posting was entered by Sue, an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:30 pm

This posting is from: annie

> So how was the second story bar last night?

Very small, crowded. Crowd was friendly though. We had one
drink and moved on toa place that Ginger frequents.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:37 pm

This posting is from: Ginger .

It was a dive, but friendly. We had one drink and moved on to a to the
Grape Street Piano Bar at 226 E Ontario St., a straight bar that I have
been going to for a few years late a night and have been well accepted.

Either email or text me your email address so I can send your pictures!


(This posting was entered by Ginger ., an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:25 pm

This posting is from: Evette

I would love to see your pictures of your night out.

Thank you.

(This posting was entered by Evette, an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:47 pm

This posting is from: Ginger .

I don't know that anyone made any pictures.


(This posting was entered by Ginger ., an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Wed Oct 28, 2009 4:30 pm

This posting is from: annie

> I don't know that anyone made any pictures.

I did go out shooting on Sunday. Mostly boring stuff like:


I don't remember taking any Pinkfest people shots at all
over the weekend. No particular reason, just didn't.

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Wed Oct 28, 2009 8:27 pm

This posting is from: Laura Wright

Those are nice shots Annie.

It is a shame we didn't take more pics. I thought the Annoyance Theater
and going to the Art Institute of Chicago were the most fun. There were
a couple of funny coincidences both places. There were two women and an
FTM that sat next to us at the Mexican restaurant who then also happened
to be at the Annoyance Theater later. I spoke with him for a while
after the play. He has transitioned full time and is living in an
all-male dorm at Indiana University. He gave his e-mail or got Ginger's
and seemed to want to keep in touch. On Sunday afternoon Ginger and I
went to see the Art Institute of Chicago. The new Renzo Piano wing just
opened this year and I had not seen it yet. We were walking through the
exhibits when we bumped into Howard. He met us a couple of nights
earlier at the 2nd Story bar and works as a security guard at the
museum. We should have had him take our picture...

You never know who you will meet.

The Chicago Symphony is almost right across the street on Michigan from
the Art Institute. Ginger and I were thinking we might go there next

(This posting was entered by Laura Wright, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Wed Oct 28, 2009 9:27 pm

This posting is from: annie

> Those are nice shots Annie.

Thanks (blush). :)

(Wow, somebody actually pulled them up!) :)

> It is a shame we didn't take more pics.

Often times I do, but I just didn't feel like it this time.
At previous Pinkfests I took far more.

> The new Renzo Piano wing just opened this year and I had
> not seen it yet. We were walking through the exhibits when
> we bumped into Howard. He met us a couple of nights earlier
> at the 2nd Story bar and works as a security guard at the
> museum. We should have had him take our picture...

> You never know who you will meet.

One thing I noticed this year is that perfect strangers,
both in mainstream and alternative venues, were particularly
friendly. From the 2nd. Story Bar to the Grape Street Bar
to Annoyance.

> The Chicago Symphony is almost right across the street on Michigan from
> the Art Institute. Ginger and I were thinking we might go there next
> year.

Yes, I might enjoy that too. :)

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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2nd Story (was Re: Janna's Place Cancelled)

Postby External Poster » Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:35 am

This posting is from: Janna

Hi Ginger and the Pink Fest group.

Guess I got that flu that's going around but sure feel LOTS better and
thanks goodness got over the "green apple two-step".

If any of the group wants or needs anything, please let me know and
will have a special gift for them when they get here. Many hugs and many
more! :)

Janna and staff. (http://www.Jannasplace.com)

(This posting was entered by Janna, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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