Pinkfest 2007 welcome and updates ...

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Pinkfest 2007 welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:37 am

This posting is from: Tina

>You "register" just by sending a note in here saying you intend to
>join us. You sign up for optional things when a headcount e-mail
>goes out. You pay for things on the spot, nothing up front.

I'll be there this year. Looking forward to it.


Tina Tawdre

(This posting was entered by Tina, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest 2007 welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:50 pm

This posting is from: Francine

I should be able to make it as well. Comjmuting
though rather than staying in a hotel. It is less
than an hors drive for me hopefully for most events.


(This posting was entered by Francine, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest 2007 welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:00 pm

This posting is from: Sylvia


I am usually in Florida in October but this year the Pinkfest dates are
before I leave. I attended one of the Pinkfestnights years ago and am pleased to
say that I would like to register to come to Pinkfest this year!

I live in Chicago and go out almost every night. If I may, I would like to
post what kind of weekly events occur at night here in Chicago. Maybe some
girls that get here early can check out the places I list here before Pinkfest

Starting on Mondays, there is the Boom Boom Room at the Green Dolphin 2200
N. Ashland starting at Midnight. This is a huge club that is welcoming to us
gals. Very loud dance music. A great place to strut your stuff and drink and
dance. Check out pictures of the night at

Tuesday nights is Drag Races at Roscoe's 3356 N. Halsted hosted by Frida Lay
at 10:00 p.m.. This is a talent show that anyone can enter where you can win
from $100 to $50 if you are in the top three. There is also a huge dance
floor in the back after the show where you can dance your butts off. Check out
_www.roscoes.com_ ( .

After the show I run over to Hydrate which is just two streets up at 3458 N.
Halsted. DJ Laura B plays Retro Flashback music til 4 a.m. Check out
_www.hydratechicago.com_ ( .

Wednesday nights is Drag Revue again at Hydrate, see above for info, where
Taj Mahjal and sometimes Mimi Marks host two great Female Impersonator shows
that start at 9 p.m. followed by great music by DJ Laura B. By the way, DJ
Laura B also DJ's at Hunters on Saturday nights, which is a huge nightclub in
Elk Grove Village which I know you girls have frequented.

Thursday night is Noche Loca at Circuit 3641 N. Halsted at 11:00p.m. This is
a great Latin Female impersonator show hosted by Miss Ketty. This year one
of the girls, Diana, is Miss Latina Continental 2007 and will be competing in
the Miss Continental Pageant this weekend. _www.circuitclub.com_

Also on Thursday is Paper Dolls Glamour Drag Revue at Hamburger Mary's Attic
5400 N. Clark. Although I have never been to their show, I hear it si a
great place to go. _www.hamburgermaryschicago.com_

Then there is the old standby, El Gato Negro 1461 W. Irving Park. Lots of
beautiful Queens hang out there on the weekends, yours truly included. They also
have live music with Thursday's being live Jazz music. I go there on my way
to the other places or when I am bored with the other places.
_www.elgatonegrobar.com_ (

After all the shows, I wind up at Berlin's 954 W. Belmont which is open til
4 a.m. and which is a great place to dance. _www.berlinchicago.com_

On some Thursday nights I wind up at La Cueva 4153 W. 26th St. This club is
on the southside of Chicago in Chicago's Little Village, which is a large
Hispanic community. They have local girls that work there as waitresses at the
bar, put on a great female impersonator show imitating many famous Hispanic
performers. The show usually starts late at around 1:30 a.m. followed by a
variety of Spanish dance music. Fridays and Saturday nights is their busy nights
with Miss Ketty, see above Circuit club, hosting two shows on Saturday
night. No website is available. They are open til 4 a.m.

Friday nights is pretty much open. I usually go to El Gato Negro til they
close at 2 a.m where they have a live band. Then we all head over to Berlin's
til 4.a.m. Sometimes I go to La Cueva and catch the show by Miss Ketty's
group. The bar gets busy after 2 a.m. til 4 a.m.
Tons of places to go out dancing.

Saturday nights most clubs get an extra hour to stay open. Usually I go to
El Gato Negro, open til 3 with a live band and lots of Queens to look at.
I sometimes, and I mean sometimes, head out to Hunters early around 10 or 11
p.m. it usually gets dead at around Midnight when people head out to places
that are open later. Some of the girls from the local Tri Ess and CGS groups
hang out there as they are still TG friendly despite recent news articles
about them.

I then head over to Berlin and dance till they close at 5 a.m.
Also, La Cueva has two shows by Miss Ketty's group at 1:30 and 3:30 then
Spanish dance music til 5 a.m.

Sunday nights at Circuit, there is another Female Impersonator show called
Tarried (T-dance) with Veronica Zaid, doors open at 7 p.m. with Spanish dance
music and the show starts around 9 p.m. followed by Latin Music til 4 a.m.
The place gets packed!

El Gato Negro has a small, and I mean small, Female Impersonator Show at 1
a.m. and then they close at 2. Live band music from 9 p.m. til the show.
The first Sunday of every month is Madonna night at Berlin with all Madonna
music til 4 a.m. Most of the girls from El Gato head over to Berlin with
others heading over to Circuit.

La Cueva on the South side also has a show at around 2 a.m. followed by
Spanish dance music til 4 a.m.

So as you can see, I stay busy all week. These are some of the places I
frequent which does not include other places like The Baton Show Lounge downtown,
Excalibur club also downtown, Crobar, Chesterfields on the southside another
Spanish club, the Kit Kat supperclub which puts on a show while you dine,
Charlie's which has a show on Sunday nights, and other clubs in Boystown.

This months boi magazine _www.boimagazine.com_ (
has a great article on Miss Continental with a picture of Diana, Miss Latina
Continental on the cover. Check out the article Kind of a Drag and also
Chicagoland Drag Sampler which lists some of the events I described above. This
issue is packed with lots of information that may be helpful.

I am sure you have most of the nights planned out but I thought you might
like to see some of the nights that a local gal here in Chicago has at her
disposal on a weekly basis.

Can't wait to see you all next month,


Sylvia M.

(This posting was entered by Sylvia, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest 2007 welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 01, 2007 11:04 pm

This posting is from: Pamela

>You "register" just by sending a note in here saying you intend to
>join us. You sign up for optional things when a headcount e-mail
>goes out. You pay for things on the spot, nothing up front.

I'll be there too this year.


I there a tentative schedule out yet? Velma at Rachel's Wigs would like to
know what day her open house is.

(This posting was entered by Pamela, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Pinkfest 2007 welcome and updates ...

Postby External Poster » Mon Sep 10, 2007 10:13 pm

This posting is from: Elena


As I wrote in the schedule, I think Saturday is the best day for Velma but
Friday is OK too if there is a conflict on Saturday.


Pamela wrote:

> Velma at Rachel's Wigs would like to
> know what day her open house is.

(This posting was entered by Elena, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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