So? What did you do at DLV?

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Digest Number 713

Postby External Poster » Sun Apr 17, 2011 1:46 pm

This posting is from: Jane Shure

Well Cynthia I guess I will have to pled guilty for your going astray
because I led you down the garden path of evil. HA HA I remember all
too well how things were when I first came out. I found a whole new
world out there, really being in the closet should be for clothes only,
not people.

I arrived in Vegas about 3 weeks before diva started. I did have an
enjoyale time touring LV as Will, but I was hopeing to have been able
to do it more as Jane. I did enjoyed the church experience before
diva. It was kind of funny when people ask me how I got all of my
clothes pack into my suitcase. You should have seen the look when I
told them I brought my closets with me with all of the Jane clothes I
own. I also futher explain how the Will closet was nothing more than a
towel closet that maybe took up one twenyth of the space of Janes
clothes. When they inquired how I could possibly do this, I drop the
news I drove my motorhome out there. Of course I was in the area since
last Jan spending the winter there.

Diva was my first opertunity to dress as Jane on a full time basis for
the 3 months I was there. I did go to the March Of Brides in Phoenix
dress in a wedding dress. If you google you will find me standing
there with my big mouth open giving someone directions. I wish the
photographer had yelled at me to shut my big mouth. Oh WELL. This
winter has been the most enjoyable in my life with diva topping it off.

The drive back to Iowa was hell. I had a flat tire at the Hoover dam,
I drove through a blizzard in Flagstaff. When I went to leave Kansas I
had another flat tire which this time I had no spare for because I used
it at the Hoover dam. I ended up spending the nite in a small berg in
Kansas untill morning so I could get a replacemant tire. After that I
headed out to drive back to Iowa, little did I know lady luck expected
me to pay dearly for all of the fun I had. I had to drive through one
of the worst wind storms I can remember in recent history. It even
manage to unroll the awning on the motorhome and destroyed it. I
though oh well it wasn,t in the best shape anyway and it gives me an
excuse to replace it.

The good news was my mom's cancer is well under control and they say
she will most likely die of old age rather than cancer. I told them as
honery as she is they have better be prepare for her to live to be a

The opening dinner was a huge sucess in my mind and I hope this will
become a tradition. The staff was more than friendly to us and they
bent over backwards to accomodate us. One of the staff people told me
he hopes to see us back. He did ask me if I heard of any complaints, I
told him I heard of none and I had none, it was just great.

I will admit I did corrupted Cynthia morals by dragging her out to the
Fremont street to experience a little of our own Fremont experience
after the dinner. She ask me ARE YOU GOING TO WEAR THAT MARIE
ANTONETTE DRESS THERE. I ask why the hell not. I payed good money for
it and I intend to get my money's worth. Also I was driving the car
that got us there. You should have seen the operation it took to stuff
me into a tracker with my big dress so I could drive. It was very
helpfull to have someone who lives in Vegas to navigate for me.

Tue I felt very rough, I was feeling the after affects of a cold I had
gotten a week earlier. So I holed up in my motorhome that day. Wed I
felt a whole lot better. I went to the wax museum to see the stars. I
went back to change so later on that evening I could attend the Frank
Marino show. I had signed up for the show and I had changed my mind
about atending, but I let Bev change my mind again to attend. It turn
out to be a very good show. This time I look at the show with a
critical eye. I realize you will not see a better show even on TV, and
the price for what you got was very right. I also remembering giving
the people where I stayed a show.

I stayed at the trailer court on Boulder Highway where I park my
motorhome. When I stepped out of the motorhome with my Marie Antonette
dress, I heard a woman somewhere exclaimed OH MY GOD. I took that as a
compliment and proceded to stuff myself into my car so I could leave.
>From then on I had an audience when ever I would leave the place to go
to the events of Diva. Thur was the dinner at Trevi's. Like the
typical blonde I am I forgot where it was and I am walking down the
strip in Vegas wearing my victorian day day dress. I finally got
directions on where it was and I proceded to go there. I ran into some
guys that had been drinking. One guy stopped me and ask what I was
doing. When I look into his face I saw the look of confrontation on
his face, I quickly turn and left, I figured that was not the time or
place to argue with anyone why I was dressed. If there was any
negative incidents that would have been the only one I saw.

The dinner was great and I ate way too much there. I had a very
enjoyable time on the limo tour. Earlier that month I had a hard drive
crash and had to buy a new hard drive so I could get my computer
running again. By the time I got it up and running again the
registration process was well underway, so I did not get sign up in
time for the limo tour and I had to go on a waiting list. I was very
sure I was not going to get on this tour, but Annie surprise me be
saying I was good to go. My victorian day dress I wore for this limo
tour was a promise I made to the woman who made the dress specially for
me. Of course my blonde kick in again and I forgot my ticket and did
not know what car I was to ride in. After trial and error I managed to
find the right car. I remember the nite was very cold and windy, I
was probly the most dressed person there but I did get a little cool,
but I thought damn it I am going to walk this Fremont street even if it
kills me. I remembering being very tired after the limo tour and I
almost could not get out of my dress. I remember thinkig am I going to
have to knock on someones door and wake them up so I could get out of
my dress. I decided to sit down and relax a bit to rest so I could try
again, and sucess. I went to bed and crashed.

Fri morn I got a call from Cynthia to say be at the Artisan for the
planning meeting attendees. I wasn't planning on going because I was
still somewhat tired from the nite before. She can be persuadsive. I
got there and I had a very good time there. When I left I took Annie
to the strip so she could catch a bus. I offered to take her where
ever she wanted to go but she wouldn't let me. I was thinking this
wind was going to blow her to somewhere over the rainbow. What's more
she didn't quite look like Dorthey or even Toto for that matter and I
could not see any magic shoes either. When I saw her at the Bahama
Breeze I figure she survived the wind that day.

The event at the BB was very nice for our farewell party. The food was
very resonable and way too much to eat but I stuffed myself anyway and
ate it. Along toward the end I was feeling very tired so I look up
Cynthia who escorted me to the farewell dinner. She was just as tired
as I was and wanted to go home also. I dropped her off at home and I
went back to the trailer court to my temp home and crashed. The next
morning I made ready to leave.

There is one issue that seems to come up often on a regular basis, it is
the bathroom issue. I found if you are well dress and you go in with a
purpose on your mind, do your business wash your hands and leave. You
will have no problems. I try not to socialize with anyone but I have
been stop a few times by women wanting to take my picture. Being the
vain crossdresser I am, how can I refuse such a request. This year was
my 2nd time there, I really did enjoy it more because I knew what to
expect and not be too worried about what may happen while there. I
learn last year as long as you do not kill anyone or drive drunk almost
anything goes in that town.

My 2 biggest cost of attending diva this year was the gasoline and lot
rent at the trailer park. I will admitt the cost at the park was a
whole lot cheaper than the hotels. But all in all this is a cheap
vacation and a lot more fun. Since I do not drink very much nor do I
gamble I was able to keep my costs down. There are lots of things to
see and do in Vegas and a lot of them are free. I wish to thank all of
the friendly people I met and the people who worked hard to put this
event on. I forgot one incident. I even managed to go shopping at
walmart while in my victorian dress. It was funny watching people
trying not to notice me.

Jane Shure

(This posting was entered by Jane Shure, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Digest Number 713

Postby External Poster » Sun Apr 17, 2011 4:53 pm

This posting is from: Cynthia Phillips

WOW !! May I speak for everyone ? ; we were all just so overwhelmed by
you, Jane.

(This posting was entered by Cynthia Phillips, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Digest Number 713

Postby External Poster » Sun Apr 17, 2011 6:00 pm

This posting is from: Alexii

Hi Jane, We did not meet this year as I had a schedule conflict and
unfortunately had to miss. I'm enjoying your recounting of the week and
it sounds like you had a great time as you should. I look forward to
meeting you next year if you're able to attend and I know i will. I have
been there off but mostly on for the last 10 years and its always lots
of fun. Alexii

(This posting was entered by Alexii, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm


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