So? What did you do at DLV?

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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Thu Apr 14, 2011 11:35 pm

This posting is from: JoAnn


The two great things you said--

(1) You had a lot of fun!
(2) You volunteered to assist on two activities, and Annie & I really
appreciated the help.

Everything else was --- "frosting on the cake" !! See you in 2012


(This posting was entered by JoAnn, an external user of MyDLV.)
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:05 am

This posting is from: Cynthia Phillips

An Affair to Remember ~ Part II

"Trannie Ho's Big Adventure"

As Diva begins I'm already into my second week of tortured malaise -
dressing gets me high, gettin' high make me drink, and drinking makes me
want to dress - it's hopeless.

As I stroll Diva buddy into Artisan in her Marie Antoinette gown, I
can't help but think of Marie's fate and how silly Diva buddy would look
right about now without a head; that's how delusional I am. We sign in
and head for the dining room, she's hungry and wants to eat, while I'm
plotting my next drinky.

Just as we get cozy with a table full of Divas, the devil herself pops
up and demands my immediate presence in attendance at the front gate to
meet and greet all new arrivees. It is the deal I've made with her for
being made organizing hostess. She gives me some stern words about the
wages of sin and tells me she needs me in the foyer, now; and away I

At the entrance I must grab hold of every new arrivee and whisper sweet
and charming words in their ears and coax them into my arms for possible
kisses and hugs - more adrenalin - and then direct them to Annie or
Marissa for sigh-in and name tag.

I've never been this close to so much human warmth before; I feel like
one of Anne Rice's vampires. As I latch on to them I can hear their
hearts beating; I can feel my own about to explode in my chest. They
pour in, one after another, on and on and on, beautiful Divas,
glittering and glamourous in their finery and paint, sweet and pure,
angelic and devine, driving my poor tired racing heart to it's brink,
and my soul to heaven.

As the evening progresses and the party begins to settle in for the long
haul, a late arrival shows up: Senior Diva, Emma June, has just gotten
off the plane and is still in her traveling clothes. She is a little
anxious yet, so I must reassure her that she is in good hands and will
be taken good care of. She tells me she is 80 plus years of age - which
gives her a record of some sort with us - and is really unsure of it
all. After I squeeze her a few more times, she begins to relax and come
around; she is then sent to the dining room for a glass of wine and a
good meal.

Thursday morning, IP, 9:00am. ~ I am waiting in Betty's Cafe for my Mt.
Charleston attendees to show up; they do, all two of them. When it's
revealed that none of us has a car, the Mt. Charleston Excursion is
quickly scuttled in favor of breakfast at McDonalds. Afterwards we part
friends, glad to be free for the morning.

I'm on the bus from there back to the Artisan where a Volunteer Social
is being held at noon and which I want to attend; it proved to be well
worth the effort.

After that, I'm back to my apartment and out of my
excursion jeans and into my best jumpin' dress and top, complete with
jewelery, face paint, heels and hose, and ready to strut the mutton
anywhere I can. And this I do. Thus, my little local girl personal event
starts out at an Irish bar that I drink at in guy mode. Very few of them
there have ever seen Cynthia, and I want them to see me. I've been
drinking there for 14 years, and it's high time they knew who I was.
Huntridge Tavern, convienently located on the corner of Charleston Ave.
and Mary Pkwy. had been in business for over 40 years, and they have
quite a story to tell. Renee, the barmaid eyes me jealously, but serves
me anyway. She don't like me much 'cause in drag I look as good as she
does, hahahaha. After a few shots, I move on.

Next, it's Crews'n for happy hour; the crowd is nice for a Thursday
afternoon and the gin and tonic is hefty, just the way I like 'em.
Now!it's dark outside - it's funny how time can pass unnoticed when you
absentmindedly set it aside - and I'm beeboppin' across the street to
Spotlight Lounge, just in time for happy hour. After mingleing around
and flirting with the boys some, some Diva girls come in and we get us a
table to ourselves. It's so wonderful, sitting and conviving with my own
kind. People come and go like ghosts, reality becomes a beautiful dream
that seems almost endless. I don't remember much after that; I think I
got picked up and taken to a club somewhere, something called Power
Exchange. It was kinda wierd, kinky maybe; I got led around some, two
floors. You can look it up on the internet if you want to. Then I got
took back to my apartment and booted out with a kiss and a thank you. I
don't remember much after that.

More to follow. Cynthia Phillips

(This posting was entered by Cynthia Phillips, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby annie » Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:19 am

> Just as we get cozy with a table full of Divas, the devil herself pops
> up and demands my immediate presence in attendance at the front gate to
> meet and greet all new arrivees. It is the deal I've made with her for
> being made organizing hostess. She gives me some stern words about the
> wages of sin and tells me she needs me in the foyer, now; and away I
> fly.

Hmmmm ... I knew my ears were burning. :)

Seriously, Cynthia, we do appreciate your efforts, both prior to and during DLV!

For those listening in, Cynthia was one of those who did the "Heavy Lifting" in order to make arrangements for our opening activities at the Artisan. She deserves a big round of applause for actions above and beyond the call of duty!

Our Welcome Celebration was our best-attended activity in the 15 year history of DLV! Over 110 in attendance that evening.
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:52 pm

This posting is from: Rosada Delano

Yea, Cynthia! You're numero uno (that's #1 for those who aren't
familiar) in my book, sweetie. Thanks from the heart of my bottom.
OOPS!, I meant from the bottom of my heart - Rosada

(This posting was entered by Rosada Delano, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Postby Alice B » Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:33 pm

As Annie requested from us all, here is a summary of My DLV and it all was great!

Sunday April 3: Arrived in early afternoon and checked into the IP. Had time to spare, so watch golf on TV and took my time to dress and do make up. Then it was time to attend my first events, dinner at PJ's Pub and Crusen. A bit scared as I waited for the elevator, with 4 others the doors opened and there were 6 large males with beers in their hands. There mouths fell open and I entered and said "good evening gentlemen" They just smiled and the tone was set for the rest of the week. Had a great time that night, met some wonderful ladies and had fun.

Monday April 4: Slept in then got dressed and went to breakfast alone. Another lady joined me (can't remember her name because I suffer from CRS) and then met Doc Sherry. An Icon on CrossDressers.Com. Was scheduled for beginner's open house, but did not make it. Went to Artisian that night as was a bit intimidated at first, but quickly over came it and had another great time

Tuesday April 5: Met Doc Sherry for breakfast and then we went to the Glamor Boutique open house in my car. Bought some jewlery for the limo tour and a blouse on sale, while Doc bough out the place. We then went to the Neon Tour. A trip well worth it. That night went to the mexican dinner and met even more ladies. Another fun evening and I found myself getting more and more at ease.

Wednesday April 6: Another case of CRS as far as the day goes. I know I did something, but can't remember. That night I went to the CD.Com dinner at P.F. Changs. Was really looking forward to this one because I would meet many members that I had been reading posts from and had talked a bit on line. This was also when I would really get to know Sara Jessica. That is a very special lady. Met and got to know many, many wonderful people and had another great time. Was feeling very confident in myself and decided to walk back to the IP in my heels. Big, and I mean BIG MISTAKE. Not that there was any trouble being out on LV Blvd., because I totally loved it, but because I ended up with major blisters on the balls of my feet.

Thursday April 7: This was going to be a big day for me. First I went and had a MAC make over. Was totally confident in arriving and walking to the site. Decided for a glam look for the evening dinner and limo ride and that is what I got. I loved it! Dinner at Trevi was then best dinner and venue of the week for me. Loved walking thru Ceasers looking (in my opinion) hot for an old broad. Had a wonderful meal and then it was limo ride time. That was a total hoot, great ladies and driver, lots of bubbly and great acceptance every where we stopped. After the limo ride and fueled by a variety of liquid refreshments several of us tried a night club and then ended up at Charle's Bar for more refreshment. More fun and excitement. Got to bed at 4:30 AM. Way past my bed time.

Friday April 8: Slept in very late and then got quickly dressed and had brunch at the Hash House. Had an interesting talk with a couple from England and two ladies from Atlanta. Talked and treated me as a lady. Totally loved it. Then had another make over by Dior, with a more subtile look, but still loved it. Went to the dinner at Bahama Breeze and had even more fun. But, I had to call it a night early because my feet were a mess and I was hurting. Some very sad farewells were exchanged.

Saturday April 9: Packed up and back to male mode for the drive home, knowing I had just spent my first times out dressed, in the general population, having made friends that I hope will last a lifetime and having gained a new and greater confidence in myself as Alice. Love, Hugs and Kisses to everyone I got to meet and to the planners of the wonderful week.
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Re: So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby NancyTO » Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:25 pm

Hey Cynthia,

It's probably the best you didn't go up to Mt. Charleston on Thursday. I think I heard on the radio with the cold temps and winds we had late last week, the Mt. Charleston area had a snow storm and they were recommending tire chains for the roads around the ski area. High heels and skirts would not be a good fashion choice that morning for a road trip up there.
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:31 pm

This posting is from: Cynthia Phillips

You're moist welcome, either way. Cynthia

(This posting was entered by Cynthia Phillips, an external user of MyDLV.)
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:33 pm

This posting is from: Cynthia Phillips

We did O.K. without it, didn't we? Cynthia

(This posting was entered by Cynthia Phillips, an external user of MyDLV.)
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Sat Apr 16, 2011 12:15 am

This posting is from: JoAnn


There is no "oops here!"
Love it.... And thanks to both you and Crystal for all of your

I am so happy to have the opportunity to hang out with both of you this
past week.


(This posting was entered by JoAnn, an external user of MyDLV.)
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:00 pm

This posting is from: Cynthia Phillips

I'd swear to the stars above, the Org Chat Line after Diva week is the
happiest place on earth. Nowhere else can the dream and the reality of
this, our lives, come into such close conjunction with one another.
Like our new member, LuLu, I too have accumulated a closet full of
Cynthia clothes which now puts my guy stuff to shame, and I plan on
putting myself in a position to wear every last bit of it before my life
is over. Once Diva buddy friend dragged me out to the Fremont Light
Show and made me parade around with her, I was hooked, good. So,
somewhere around the middle of Diva week, I'm sitting in Crews'n Lounge,
drink in hand, waiting for the sky to fall, when another diva walks in
and joins me in my reverie. I've just appointed myself Cynthia the
Immaculate, Queen of all Mars, it's orbit and encircling moons - it has
two, I think, at least that what I paid for; plus, you get the entire
orbit too, it comes with the package. So, we sit, talking and
circling, enjoying the afternoon. I'm full out now; I no longer fear
public exposure, and I feel comfortable in mainstream public. But I've
also learned that it doesn't pay to test it where I know I won't be
fully accepted. That's one of the things I look for, full public
acceptance, and it has to be tested on a location by location basis.
Some business's love us, others not so much. But, that what I do best,
and I intend to keep doing it. Now, as the evening progresses, another
diva walks through the door and joins us. I have to look twice; it is
none other than our own senior diva, Emma June; you remember the 80+
year diva who surprised me at Artisan? Well, here she sits, in a black
knit dress that fits her 40 year old figure like a glove and two inch
heels and a set of legs to die for, and a long curly blond wig with not
a grey hair in sight. I'd swear she was 50 something. As the
conversation continues, she wants to know if one or both of us would
like to join her at one of the singles clubs in the area; she has a
plane to catch in a few hours and wants one last fling before she goes
home. Our third friend excuses herself because she's meeting someone,
but I graciously accept. I recommend the club I was kidnapped and taken
to, a day or two ago, and Emma June say's that's good with her because
ladies can get in for free. At this point a flag should have gone up in
my mind and I should have asked myself: "how does an 80 year old diva
know this?" But my flagpole burned down years ago. Now, since I'm in
jeans and track shoes from waist down, I tell Emma June we'll have to go
back to my apartment so I can get into a skirt and top. She say's O.K.,
so off we go, in a taxi. It's a $20.00 ride to my apartment and Emma
June says she will foot the bill. It will be a $30.00 ride back to the
club. So, when I get back outside, Emma June and cab - meter running -
are gone. So, there I stand, in the middle of the night, all dressed up
and nowhere to go. Now, since it's Diva week, I'm not about to waste
this opportunity, and I decide to walk myself to the busstop and catch
the bus to the strip, where I'm going to go to Casino Royale and drink
$1.00 Michelob's all night long. And this I do. I drink a Mich. and
drag the pit, it's after midnight and not one security guard bothers to
look,! the gam blers smile and wave, and I wave back; even the dealers
are smiling. Trannies are good for business, and I love dragging the
pits in Vegas. I mean, I absolutely love it. From there it's a march
through Harrah's, which is much bigger and easier to get lost in. The
bigger the crowd the easier it is to hide in. From there it's over to
IP, and from there a sweet walk down the sidewalk back to Casino Royale
for another $1.00 Mich. Back to Harrah's again where I'm being stopped
for photographs by groups of young tourists. One group of 8 or 10 stops
me and each and every one of them wants a photo with me, and I
graciously comply. This is what Diva Las Vegas, living in Las Vegas,
and my Marie Antionette exhibitionist Diva buddy friend from Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, have made of me. I am a full-out Trannie, and I swear to
God, I love it. My only regret, and everyone will tell you this, is
that I wish I had started years ago. At any rate, I intend on making up
for lost time, and when you see me next year, yours truly, Trannie ho,
will be there to meet and greet you with warm hugs and kisses and
welcome you to Diva '12. See you then. Cynthia Phillips

(This posting was entered by Cynthia Phillips, an external user of MyDLV.)
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