dlv Saturday activities, gallery, motto, hotels, etc. ...

Diva Las Vegas announcement mailing list

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dlv Saturday activities, gallery, motto, hotels, etc. ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Mar 17, 2002 1:00 am

This is the general Diva Las Vegas 2002 mailing list.
List removal instructions are below.
Replies to this message will be forwarded to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@omahug.org
. . . . .
In this mailing:

Book early (book often)
Rogues Gallery
Metamorphosis Fantasy Ball
T-shirts ... last call
DLV Motto, Weather, Hotel
Dress (and deportment) comments
Sahara rates
Email addresses
Roommate Clearing House
Web Sites
Summary Schedule of Activities (updated)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Only 45 days left, gang!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Book early (book often):

First of all, welcome to those who just registered or joined the list.

We're now about six weeks from the big event. If you haven't made your
travel and hotel arrangements, you may be in store for some sticker
shock if you wait any longer.

Hotel rates are starting to creep upward, as the note below will
indicate. Please do not procrastinate, gang, as prices will go up more,
or worse, "no vacancy" signs will appear as the date approaches.

Air fare is still looking good. Quick check on the web shows Southwest
still seems to have the best overall fare situation, showing $198, $258,
and $278 round trip from most major cities depending on the airport,
day, time, and phase of the moon.

Word to the wise (and to the thrifty) is to book both your hotel and
your air now if you have not done so already.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rogues Gallery:

We had quite a response to our roll-out of our DLV People Gallery last
week. It's now up and running at the URL:


Thanks to all who sent in their images and information, we're off to a
very good start.

If you want to be included in this, and this is not necessarily limited
to those coming to this year's DLV, just do the following:

Send in at least one, no more than four images of you. Please be sure at
least one is a fairly clear face shot. You may either send in the image
files in any common format, or if they are on the web, just send in the


If you send images, mail directly to: annie@annie.net using any of the
common methods.

If you send in more than one image, we'll make a sub-page for your

If you have attended DLV, please indicate the year(s) you have attended.

If you have a web page and want that included, please say so.

If you want your e-mail address included, say so, and we will encode it
such that it will render properly in most browsers, but will not be
recognized as a valid mailto: by most spambots.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Metamorphosis Fantasy Ball:

Here's an option for those of you who maybe want something a bit on the
unusual side, or maybe want something where it's ok to wear that outfit
that you've been dying to wear in public.

The Metamorphosis Fantasy Ball concides with DLV and will be an option
for our people very late on Saturday evening. This will not get going
until after the La Cage show has let out.

We know this is not for everybody. We will have two options for an
after-show (La Cage) activity, one being Metamorphosis, the other being
a tour of t-friendly clubs and bars.

Here's some of their promo material:

+Las Vegas - The grand unveiling of Las Vegas most unique night out ...
+Slated to take place the first Saturday of every month, METAMORPHOSIS
+will be the ultimate in high fashion exhibitionism. Hence, a strict
+dress code and admission policy will be enforced.

+Dress Code: High fashion fetish, fantasy, glam, leather & lace,
+lingerie, gothic, sci-fi erotic, drag, rubber, vinyl, or black tie (tux
+and evening gown). Absolutely no street clothes, gang wear, biker wear,
+or worst of all, yuppie wear. Believe us when we say, if you're not
+dressed in the requested manner you will not be admitted, so please
+don't waste your money or your time.


+Violators will be immediately ejected and barred from future events.

+METAMORPHOSIS will not be advertised ... The club we will be at is both
+gorgeous and exciting, and we must show the owner that METAMORPHOSIS is
+a viable concept. Help spread the word to your adventurous friends and

Note that the minimum dress code is evening gown or tux. You can
either go from La Cage, assuming you dress up for this, or change
into something more, uh, appropriate on your way. :)

Again, this is not for everybody.

We've negotiated a special rate, and special procedures to get tickets.
Details on this will be coming shortly.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

>>Oh, one major exception. Rocky Horror Picture Show. For that, you
>>may feel free to ignore this entire document! :)

>Is this still on? It's not on the schedule anymore, at least I
>don't see it.

Feedback we've been getting is that the particular show we've been
going to the past several years has slipped badly and attendance is
off significantly. Those who attended with us last year were very
disappointed, including me.

Due to this, plus the fact that RHPS is indeed a very specialized
interest, it was decided to plan other things for after the La Cage show
on Saturday. Details are still being tweaked, but should be finalized

Yes, if you look above, there is an activity where outrageous outfits
will be ok (more like encouraged), just none where it's ok to heave
toast and TP around the place. :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T-shirts ... last call:

Those returning from DLV 2001 are eligible to receive one of the DLV 2001
commemorative t-shirts. These will have the DLV logo in the color scheme
shown on the DLV 2002 main page at:


If you would like to receive one of these, please reply to this mailing
giving the following information:

1. Your name {obviously}

2. Desired size. Please give me your usual adult t-shirt size (like S,
M, L, etc.) and your dress size (like 14, 16, etc.), since I use two
suppliers for these who size differently.

These must be picked up in person at DLV 2002.

Also, for this year, I'll be making another run of both the DLV 1999 and
the DLV 2000 commemorative shirts. If you attended in either 1999 and/or
2000 and have not received one, yes you can still get them. Hit REPLY if
you attended and have not received one.

The 1999 shirts have a cream background and a black/blue logo, the 2000
shirts have a fuschia background and a blue/brown logo.

Again, these must be picked up in person at DLV 2002.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Monique writes:

>My entry: DLV'02...The Odyssey Continues
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DLV Motto, Weather, Hotel:

Tina writes:

>>If you're going to Diva,"Ariva Ariva". But just be try to be "YOU" in

>>>Do what you always wanted to do...
>>>at DIVA Las Vegas two thousand two...
>>>your dream(s) can come true!

>Both excellent. Thanks to Kate and Yvonne. Keep those mottos coming
>in. Still plenty of time to enter. Multiple entries are OK.
>Remember, the eventual winner must be present in LV at the Wednesday
>DLV Welcome event to pick up your prize.

>I have my own (non-prize eligible) idea:

>Blondes, brunettes, and redheads, oh my!
>See all the wildlife at DLV 2002.
. . . . .


>>>I have read the FAQ page, but am still curious about how the weather
>>>will be in Vegas during DLV.

>I usually stay an entire week for DLV, and inevitably there are one or
>two really windy (and dusty) days. I recommend either having a short
>wig for those days or getting one of those clear plastic rain hoods to
>tie down your hair if you have to walk more than 5 feet outside in such
>wind. They're handy even if you are only outside long enough to stand
>in a taxi line. They're also handy if it were to ever really rain.

>>>I hear that it can get chilly in the desert at night?

>>Yes it can. Last year we had a couple very cool evenings. Usually the only
>>place you will need a sweater or jacket is on the casino floor. They tend
>>to OD on the AC. I'll always pack a sweater, but very seldom need it.

>Just a little different perspective. Annie is from Omaha, and used to
>cool weather. I'm from central Texas, where 50 is cool and 40 is cold,
>so I often wear (or at least carry) a light fem jacket or wear a pants
>suit on the cooler nights, since I often find LV cold at night,
>especially on those windy nights I mentioned above.

True to an extent. I regard myself as being less tolerant of the cold
than most people who live around here. In Las Vegas I seldom find the
casinos comfortable in temperature. I consider most of them cool and
some of them cold. I'll sometimes be seen wearing long sleeves or a
sweater on the casino floor in the summer.

We had one chilly evening last year during dlv, and yes, a few breezy
ones. I actually ran the heater in the van that evening I had to leave
Keys to make a run to the airport, but that's the only time I remember
that at DLV.
. . . . .

>Hotel Info/Driving/Parking:

>>>The "Main Street Station Hotel" has been mentioned several times and I
>>>have located the website. Will this be a good choice?

>I had mentioned Main Street because one of my good DLV friends (Yvonne)
>stays there regularly. I found her room to be especially nice and
>spacious for the money. Plus, it was really easy to get to from the
>freeway, and had very convenient (i.e., short walk in heels) parking.
>I liked the hotel lobby decor also.

>Many DLV girls like the discounted room rates at Strip hotels, the
>convenient casino action (many are in the players clubs), and the
>general glitz and excitement.

>Personally, I always stay way out west in the "Tech Center" Summerlin
>area, about another 10 minutes past downtown. This doesn't cost as
>much time as it sounds like, because I walk out the door of my hotel
>room (LaQuinta low-rise) and just 10 steps to my car and one stop
>light to the freeway. No time wasted getting to and from the Strip.

>I like just driving one block the other way to the Walgreen's and
>Denny's and paying suburb prices. I'm one of those girls who drives
>everywhere in LV (though I recommend taking taxis at night if going
>from one Strip hotel to another) and sort of follow my own internal body
>clock that bears little relationship sometimes to real clock time.

>So driving also lets me catch up with the group when I'm running late.

>Really, very few of our activities (mostly La Cage and LaFemme
>production shows) are right on the Strip, so most of our activities are
>extremely easy to drive to, although Friday night parking in the
>Triangle district can be a problem.

The only two cases where I would call a heads up about parking would be
in the Triangle district late evening, where parking is an exercise for
the student and tow-away scams abound, and for the La Cage show on

For La Cage, I would strongly recommend the FRONT valet park at the
Riviera, where the box office is one easy escalator flight up, but that
valet area is sometimes full on weekends. From the main parking
structure or the rear valet park, the box office might be a bit much
for somebody not accustomed to walking in heels, and from the overflow
parking structure it's a major hike.

>One of the great things about the DLV rolling party model is that it
>accomodates all these different styles so easily.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dress (and deportment) comments:

>>>Don't forget your sunglasses! For many girls wearing sunglasses makes
>>>them a bit more "passable." Also, I have been told that it also
>>>provides a feeling of security.

>I feel it does this for two reasons. It allows you to look at someone
>passing by without him noticing you are looking at him. You can guage
>his reaction and not look at him like you are expecting a reaction.
>Secondly, your eyes give a lot of cue's about how you are feeling,
>how comfortable you are, and if you are nervous. If you are nervous
>or feeling ill at ease, it won't be as obvious to someone else.

... and people tell me I wear them because I have a secret I'm
keeping. <lol> :)

>>>Sometimes I have gone over to
>>>someone who made a rude comment and said, "I am only wearing this
>>>skirt in order to piss off assholes. Have I pissed you off in some

>>This is one point I'm gonna disagree with. Confronting a jerk can only

>This is the absolute WORST thing in the world you can do! Calling
>someone an a-hole is tantamount to picking a fight. Girls don't
>pick fights! That's a GUY thing. VERY un-lady-like!

While it may be tempting to dispense an impromptu attitude adjustment
lesson toward somebody who chooses to be an equine derriere, doing so
will never change a jerk's mind, and will only create a scene,
reflecting very badly upon all of us.

Please keep in mind, ladies (and gentlemen), we are going to DLV to have
fun, to celebrate life, and to enjoy each other's company, not to change
the world nor to change closed minds.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ronnie writes:

>I will be in town this year for DLV. I didn't want to commit until I
>was sure I wouldn't be traveling for my full time job. I would welcome
>anyone who would like a facial and/or makeover during the event.

>I am available after 4 PM on Wed,Thurs, & Fri, the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd; and
>any time on Saturday and Sunday the 5th and 6th. Due to the workload
>at my day job I am unable to take off during the weekdays this time.

>The company is introducing a whole new line of foundations and has just
>added another 10 lipstick shades and 9 tinted glosses. I would welcome
>the chance to demo them.

>I can be reached by e-mail: rolandad@earthlnk.net or by phone

>For those of you who were here a couple of years ago, We have remodeled
>and can accommodate a very large group at one time. Or I can offer
>private appointments for anyone who wants a one-on-one. Hope to see
>you again this year.

>As ever,
>Ronnie Daniel
>Independent Mary Kay Beauty consultant.

Thanks, Ronnie

Well, ladies (and gentlemen), here's another makeover option for you and
it looks like there are many timeslots. Please contact Ronnie directly
via e-mail or phone if you are interested.

Ronnie and her partner Beth did a Mary Kay session for us back at DLV
2000, which was well-received. She was unable to be with us for DLV 2001
due to a previous commitment.

Both Ronnie and Beth have experience dealing with the t* community.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sahara rates:

>>as rates, Sahara is currently quoting $89/$37, which is slightly lower

>I just called Sahara reservations. They say they want $109.00 for Friday
>and Saturday!!! What's going on?

What's going on is that the date is approaching and the supply/demand
curve is getting steeper. As the hotel starts to fill up, prices go up.
Next thing that will occur is the hotel being sold out for those days.

>Where did you get this price?

On their web site, probably 3 weeks ago from when this will appear in
the mailing. I just checked it, and it is indeed showing $109 for the
3rd. and 4th. of May. Notice that the next weekend is $69, so I would
say one factor may be the Networld+Interop crowd, and Sahara does get
quite a few of them. I notice they have not increased the rates for the
following weekdays ... yet.

>still say $37.00 for Tuesday through Thursday. That's more than double!
>What can I do?

You have two options. If you want to stay at the Sahara, I would suggest
you book NOW and accept that extra $20 on two days as a cost of getting
what you want. Rates are not gonna go down between now and DLV. Your
other option is to book elsewhere. I would suspect that prices for that
weekend will be creeping upward at other places as well.

If I were you, I would book now, whether it's Sahara or elsewhere.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Email addresses:

>Hey, is it possible to get a list of emails of other registered
>participants. It would be nice to be able to communicate with others
>before we get there.

Here's the deal. We promise our people that we will keep e-mail
addresses highly confidential. We can't break that promise.

In the past years, we've done a voluntary e-mail directory right after
DLV. It's always been that you have to be in the directory to get a copy
of it, and it's been strictly voluntary. There's nothing to say that
we could not start that prior to DLV if there's a demand for it.

Another option to get in touch with the others is to start a DLVCHAT
mailing list for those who just want to chit-chat with the others
about DLV and related matters. It's been mentioned on the list a
couple of times, but no great demand has been shown.

If you're interested in the above options, please speak up.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

>I am interested in attending Diva Las Vegas 2002. However, there are a
>few questions that come to mind.

>Will there be a sort of main hotel where activities will be posted and
>where most people will probably be staying?

There's no central location for DLV, but there are three suggested
hotels where many of our people will stay, those being the Boardwalk,
Imperial Palace, and Sahara. Sahara appears to have the largest group of
our people this year so far.

Our activities take place in locations all over the Las Vegas area.

A detailed activity list, with map, directions, and dress suggestions
for each activity will be sent to those who register.

Speaking of activities, the first newcomer (those who have never
attended DLV before) who shows Annie a hardcopy printout of this message
at our Annual Mixer on Friday, May 3, will be entitled to a free drink.
Don't reply vi e-mail, just print this out and bring it to the Annual
Mixer at Goodtimes. This (or a slight variation) will be repeated at
least once between now and DLV.

>I want to hang up my boy clothes for the week.

Many of our people do just that.

>Can a person wear a dress in the daytime in Las Vegas? I was there for
>Dressed to Thrill last year and I hardly saw a woman at any time in a

If you want to blend in and not stand out, casual (boymode or girlmode)
is the norm for almost all casino/strip/tourist type places in Las Vegas
during the day.

Most of our people dress casually during the day and dress up for the
evening activities. There are a few activities (see list below) during
the day where more dressy attire will be appropriate.

Look over the followup pages of the last few years of DLV at ...


... for some examples of daytime and evening dress. You will see quite a
variety of both.

>What activities are planned?

We're in the process of finalizing the schedule at this time. The latest
version of the activity list appears below.

>Approximately how attendees do you expect?

We won't have a final count for several weeks, but as of this time we are
projecting between 70 and 100 participants.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

For those of you who want to play golf with the group, which is
scheduled for Friday morning, May 3, a separate golf mailing list has
been set up do discuss this and make plans. If you are interested in
playing golf, just send a brief note to: dlvgolf@geekbabe.com and say
you want to be added to the golf list.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Roommate Clearing House:

This will be an ongoing section whenever there are current roommate
items. Items will be posted until we get a note to remove them. If you
are interested in sharing a room with the individual(s) below, please
contact directly using the e-mail address(es) below.

Please keep in mind that any roommate arrangements are a private matter
between the cooperating parties only. DLV organizers and volunteers are
not responsible if there are problems or if things don't work out. We do
absolutely no screening of roommate candidates. Everything is at the
risk of those involved.
. . . . .

Name: Cathy Linn
Email: cathylinn67227@yahoo.com
Arriving: 04/29/2002
Departing: 05/06/2002
Hotel: Have room to share at Sahara

Comments: Have a room to share at the Sahara. Need nice room mate that
parties. I party, drink, smoke and play around. Im a wild party Girl and
looking for the same.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

To register for Diva Las Vegas 2002 (no charge), visit the URL:


To change/update your registration, visit the above URL and use the
appropriate link.

The Confirmation Number you get when you register will be your password
to the update page. If you have misplaced or forgotten this, visit the
above URL and follow the link to recover a lost confirmation code.

If for some reason you are unable to register on the web, or if you
would prefer not to, you may register the "low-tech" way by sending
e-mail to: dlv@geekbabe.com as in the years before.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web Sites:

This is an ongoing list of noncommercial web sites of DLV people. If you
would like to see yours added here, just reply to this mailing with your
name and URL.

Another note, we do no screening of these. Some may be inappropriate for
minors or for those easily offended. You have been warned. :)

DLV main page http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/

DLV People Gallery http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/gallery/

annie http://www.geekbabe.com/annie/
Denise (Densie) http://www.geekbabe.com/admaero/
Tina http://home.swbell.net/tinatdre/
Mindy http://www.fortunecity.com/village/freedom/785/index.htm
Cat http://profiles.yahoo.com/dodiamonds
or http://www.geocities.com/dodiamonds
Dorothy http://dorothy_d.homestead.com/home.html
Rhianna http://members.aol.com/rhiannacd
Julie http://www.geocities.com/julie7_46/
Monique http://www.leggitv.com/
Ginger http://www.geocities.com/latexia_g/
Micheline http://www.micheline.ca
Michelle http://www.idis.com/mpj/
Samantha http://members.tgforum.com/samantha_nc/
Marilyn http://profiles.yahoo.com/marilyncd_2000
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary Schedule of Activities (updated):

Date Day Time Activity
========== ========= =========
Apr 30 Tue Morning
Afternoon Welcome Dinner
Evening Pre-DLV get-together

May 01 Wed All day Blond Hair Day
Afternoon Hidden Woman Open House
Evening Dinner and Welcome celebration
After Karaoke
Later Slumber Party (and swap meet)

May 02 Thu Morning Air tours
Afternoon Glamour Boutique Open House
-or- Swimming party
Evening LaFemme (production show)
After Limo tour

May 03 Fri Morning Golf (See notes about golf mailing list)
Afternoon Dinner
Evening Annual Mixer
Late Night Dance Night

May 04 Sat Morning
Afternoon Mall Crawl
-or- Makeup demo
Evening La Cage (Frank Marino)
After Metamorphosis Fantasy Ball
-or- Bar/club tour

May 05 Sun Morning
Afternoon Side trip, Valley of Fire
-or- English High Tea
Evening Buffet dinner
Farewell Get-together

This schedule is tentative and not complete, subject to change.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2002 mailing list.

Diva Las Vegas 2002
April 30 - May 5, 2002
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, removals,
changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Please do not send binary attachments (photos, etc.) directly to the
list, as the list processor will not properly handle them. If you want
to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

Archives of this list appear on the web at:


To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE
in either the Subject: field or the first line of an OTHERWISE BLANK
message body. The word "unsubscribe" (case is insignificant) should be
the only item in the subject field or the first line of the message,
justified to the left.


Please pay attention to the above. Many automated unsubscribe requests
fail for this reason.

Note that this will unsubscribe you from the main DLV list only. If you
are on any secondary lists (DLVORG, DLVGOLF) you must unsubscribe from
them in addition.

To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
the address: dlv@geekbabe.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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