dlv Latest DLV 2004 updates ...

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dlv Latest DLV 2004 updates ...

Postby External Poster » Sun Jan 11, 2004 1:02 am

This posting is from: Annie

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2004 announcement mailing list.
This list contains only announcements and high importance items.
See information on discussion list below.
If you no longer desire to receive this list, see instructions below.
Replies to this message will be forwarded to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@geekbabe.com
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@geekbabe.com
. . . . .

In this mailing:

Moving right along
Room sharing
Activity highlight -- Lunch with or without Ginger
Suggested hotels
Michael Cagle news
Summary schedule of activities (updated)
Web sites (updated)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Only 111 days left, gang!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving right along:

Welcome to those who just joined the list. We had quite a few sign up
over the past week. If you're new, please take a few minutes to read
last week's "kick-off" mailing as it has quite a bit of important
information about the event to come. It's at the URL:

. . . . .

As of this time we have 38 validated registrations plus 7 SO's, for a
total validated headcount of 45. If registrations were to stop today,
and I seriously doubt that will happen, :) we would have a larger crowd
than we did at DLV 1999.

This is validated registrations, there's a handful of validations still
outstanding. (>>HINT<<) :)

This is after only one week of returnee registration. Web site hits,
queries, and mailing list sign-ups are all up significantly. All
indications point to a very heavy turnout this May.

Pre-registration for newcomers who are on this mailing list will
begin February 1.

We're off to a very good start, gang, and we appreciate the cooperation
with the new registration process. Thanks.
. . . . .

Lots of traffic on the DLV Discussion Forum over the past few days.

You can either subscribe to this via e-mail or read/post on line at
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Room sharing:

DLV, just like any other event where people pay for hotel rooms, can
be more affordable if rooms are shared.

Diane (one of our volunteers) will be coordinating the roommate matching
for DLV 2004, and the special address of roommate@geekbabe.com has been
set up for roommate matching.

If you've already booked a room, and would like for somebody else to
stay with you and share the expense, or if you're looking for somebody
who has extra space, please write to roommate@geekbabe.com with the word
"Roommate" somewhere in the subject line. Please include the following
items in your e-mail:

1. Your name.

2. Your e-mail address.

3. What date you will be arriving and what date you will be departing.

4. Do you have a room to share (and if so, what hotel), or do you need
space in one.

5. Any annoying habits or traits you have. (Do you smoke, do you snore,
are you a very early riser, compulsive talker, late-nite MTV addict,

6. Any additional notes or comments.

Diane will then contact those seeking roommates as needed and put them
in touch with each other when it looks like there are good matches. She
may or may not list them here in the announcement list depending on the

We reserve the right to reject any room share item for any reason or for
no reason. Specifically, any room share item that contains language that
is so much as a HINT that it's anything other than a friendly good-faith
effort to save money will be summarily rejected.

Please remember, (yeah, I hate this stuff too) any roommate agreements
are strictly private arrangements between the people involved, and DLV
organizers and volunteers are not responsible if things don't work out
(etc. etc., yada-yada, you know the drill).

Remember the special address: roommate@geekbabe.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Activity highlight -- Lunch with or without Ginger:

Between now and DLV, each (most) of our mailings will feature one of
our activities in detail.

This week we feature our daily (Monday thru Friday) Lunch With (or
without) Ginger.


No, it's LUNCH!

Stop! You're both right! :)

Everybody has to eat, and quite a few of us do not like to eat alone.

Following our very successful Brunch With(out) Tina last year, each
weekday during DLV 2004, Ginger will host(ess) a very informal lunch (or
brunch) for our people at the Sahara buffet at 1:00pm.

At that time they will have both breakfast and lunch selections on the
buffet, so you can have either lunch or brunch or both. :) It's $7-ish
per person, with promotions and discounts frequently available. They
have a wide selection of fresh fruits and salads as well as the usual
breakfast and lunch staples.

Ginger (or a temporary alternate host or hostess) will be at the Sahara
Buffet just before 1:00pm each weekday, and she will place a very
conspicuous "DLV" sign on a group of tables in the northwest section of
the buffet, which is the closest section to the buffet escalator, if you
are uncertain of directions up there. :)

This is very informal. No sign-up, just show up. We'll add additional
tables as necessary.

If you're new or don't know anybody present, don't worry. You're most
welcome to attend and Ginger (or a temporary alternate) will act as your
surrogate "big sister" and introduce you around. Even though you may not
know anybody there, you will be among friends!

You will also find that the people attending this will vary quite a bit
from day to day, depending on other activities, so this will be a great
activity at which you can get to know many of the others.

Just look for the DLV sign, have a seat, and eat. :)

Dress: Just about anything from very casual to daytime dressy, either
boymode or girlmode, will be fine. No clubwear, formal wear, fetish
wear, or costumes for this activity, please. You'll be fine in anything
such as jeans and t-shirts, casual separates, coordinates, athletic
separates, daytime dresses, etc. Some of our people did boymode for this
last year, and changed right after. You will be welcome in either mode
and will probably see people in both modes each day.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suggested hotels:

Diva Las Vegas, unlike many t-community events, is not centered around
one particular hotel. We use hotels only for such things as sleeping,
changing, etc., and we don't have any large functions or activities in
hotel ballrooms or banquet rooms.

Everybody attending DLV is free to stay wherever they like.

We do, however, suggest hotels where our people have reported good
service while attending DLV's in the past.

Our Org group is suggesting the following hotels, listed in alphabetical
order, for our DLV 2004 people:

Comfort Inn (Harmon & Paradise)
Imperial Palace
San Remo

These suggested hotels are just that, suggestions. There are no
negotiated rates or rooms reserved specifically for DLV. (In Las Vegas,
the "special group rates" offered to groups of our size can easily be
beaten by anybody with a telephone or web browser and 5 minutes to

These suggestions are made for those who want to know where our people
have stayed and reported good service, and where to stay if they want
to be near other DLV people.

Additional notes and ratings on these hotels and others appear on the
Big List at http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/vendors/

A few notes on each hotel, including each hotel's official web site and
(when available) a link to the CheapoVegas review of that hotel ...
. . . . .


The Bellagio is an upscale casino-hotel dead center on the Las Vegas
Strip. It's very nice and very expensive. This is by far the most
expensive of our suggestions, and is suggested for those who want a
more luxurious option for DLV accommodations.

. . . . .

Comfort Inn:

This is primarily for those who want a non-casino hotel. This particular
Comfort Inn is on Paradise Road, about a mile from the Strip, directly
across from the Hard Rock Cafe and Casino, and within walking distance
of several DLV activities.

If you think you may be a bit shy walking through a casino or a large
hotel lobby, this one may be an option for you.


CheapoVegas does not review non-casino hotels, but here is an accurate
description of the property:

. . . . .

Imperial Palace:

Imperial Palace is a large midscale casino-hotel in the Center Strip
area. Big advantage to the IP is location-location-location. The IP has
been used by DLV people each year since 1997 with absolutely no reported

. . . . .


The Sahara is one of the classic legacy Las Vegas casino-hotels which
has been home-away-from-home to DLV people continuously since 1999. Very
good rates are often available at the Sahara, if booked well in advance.

. . . . .

San Remo:

The San Remo (nee Treasury) is a smaller casino-hotel just off the Strip
near the MGM and Tropicana hotels. It was a favorite of the DLV 2003
crowd. San Remo hosts the ever-popular Showgirls Of Magic.

. . . . .


The Stratosphere is a large midscale hotel which anchors the very north
end of the Las Vegas Strip. This is the first year the Strat appears on
our suggested list, but some of our people have played and stayed there
ever since 1999.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Michael Cagle news:

Our DLV Entertainer Of The Year for 2001, 2002, and 2003, Michael Cagle,
has been recently appearing at both the Bootlegger Bistro and the Greek

We hope to either have Michael again perform for us at DLV 2004 or get
a group together to go to where he's currently performing.

He is certainly now getting some of the attention he deserves.

The following appeared in the _Las_Vegas_Sun_ just prior to New Years:

+Auld lang:

+Perhaps the most fun at a reasonable price on New Year's Eve can be
+found at the Greek Isles. Really.

+Lounge singer Steven David is performing a free show and is having as
+his guest Michael Cagle, one of the best unsigned talents in town.
+Besides his killer voice, Cagle also has a delightfully wicked sense of
+humor and his interaction with David can be hilarious.

Break a leg, Michael! :)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Summary schedule of activities:

This schedule is preliminary and is subject to change
without notice.

Sunday, May 2:
10:15am Metro Comm Church service
Ev Pre-DLV Happy Hour
Ev Pre-DLV dinner
Ev Pre-DLV get-together

Monday, May 3:
10:00am Trip to Rhyolite
1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger
5:00pm Happy Hour
6:00pm Dinner
8:00pm Welcome Celebration

Tuesday, May 4:
12:30pm Boat cruise
1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger
1:30pm Bowling
5:00pm Happy Hour
Ev Night of the Soiled Doves

Wednesday, May 5:
AM Star Trek Experience
11:00am Hidden Woman Open House
12:00n Buffet Lunch
1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger
2:00pm Shopping expedition
5:00pm Happy Hour
6:00pm Hard Rock Dinner
Ev Secretaries Night
10:00pm Karaoke

Thursday, May 6:
2:00am Charles Bar get-together
10:00am Art tour
1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger
PM Indoor skydiving
PM Glamour Boutique Open House
4:00pm High Tea
5:00pm Happy Hour
Ev Production show
Ev Big Show Pity Party
Ev Limo Tour

Friday, May 7:
AM-PM Golf
1:00pm Lunch with or without Ginger
2:00pm Shop til ya drop
5:00pm Happy Hour
6:00pm Carluccio's Dinner
7:30pm Annual Mixer

Saturday, May 8:
10:00am Claude Hall Gun Show
11:00am SBS Garden Party
5:00pm Happy Hour
12:00m Rocky Horror Picture Show
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Web sites (updated):

Main DLV page: http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/
DLV People Gallery: http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/gallery/
DLV 2004 Discussion Forum: http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/dlv2004/dlvdisc/

Personal web sites:

(in order of submission, newest additions first)

Denise (Densie): http://www.admaero.com/densie/
annie: http://www.geekbabe.com/annie/

Want your site to be included? Just send your URL to dlv@geekbabe.com
This is open to all, not just to those who have attended in the past.
Noncommercial sites only. No "adult" sites, please.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2004 Announcement mailing list.

This list is limited to announcements and other high-importance items.

Questions/answers and discussion items are redirected to the DLV 2004
Discussion forum, which may be subscribed to separately or viewed on the
web. To subscribe to the DLV 2004 discussion forum, send a brief message
to dlv@geekbabe.com and state that you wish to receive the DLV 2004
discussion forum.

To view the DLV 2004 discussion forum on line, visit the URL:

. . . . .

Diva Las Vegas 2004
May 2 - 8, 2004
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, unsubscribe
requests, changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@geekbabe.com <--- NOTE: all lower case

Please do not send binary attachments (photos, etc.) directly to any DLV
list or forum, as the list processor will not properly handle them. If
you want to send photos and the like, mail to: annie@annie.net

Archives of this list appear on the web at:

. . . . .

To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE
in either the Subject: field or the first line of an OTHERWISE BLANK
message body. The word "unsubscribe" (case is insignificant) should be
the only item in the subject field or the first line of the message,
justified to the left.

To send material to this list: Send submission as regular e-mail to
the address: dlv@geekbabe.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

(This posting was entered by Annie , an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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