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Divas Las Vegas

Postby External Poster » Mon Apr 14, 2003 8:55 pm

This posting is from: annie

> We have a few questions that I hope you can answer. We have registered
> and made reservations for some of your events. Questions include:

If you've registered and filled in the activity selection screen, you
are on your way!

> 1. What are the times and specific locations for the events? Schedule/agenda
> for each day?

On this coming Wednesday, everybody who has registered and completed the
activity selection screen will get our large final mailing, which will
include a very detailed schedule with dates, times, locations,
excruciatingly detailed driving directions, dress suggestions for
each activity, and all kinds of other information.

> 2. What hotels are cross dresser friendly? Is the Rio CD friendly?

Most hotels are oblivious to gender identity, as long as you pay your
bill, don't trash the place, and dress and behave as a lady or gentleman,
whichever you prefer at the time.

We've had a few stay at the Rio over the years, no incidents that I am
aware of. Hopefully somebody reading can comment further.

Kate, didn't you stay at the Rio last year? (You listening in, Kate?)

> 3. Is there an organized dancing night? If so, when and where?

Two of them. Right after the Welcome Celebration over at SRO and Friday
at Gipsy (and maybe others). See the final schedule.

> 4. Is there an organized shopping trip? If so, when and where?

Three activities that are shopping related. First, both Glamour Boutique
and Hidden Woman are putting on open house sessions for our group.

If you want something more mainstream, there's a shopping excursion to
the Fashion Outlet, Las Vegas (Primm Valley Mall), on Wednesday. See the
final schedule for details on all of these.

> 5. Is it OK to go shopping en femme even if one does not pass well?

That's really up to you, depending on your personal comfort level. We've
had no major incidents ever reported while shopping, over all DLV years.

My (strong) suggestion is to be sure not to overdress ... dress in a
manner similar to other women of your age, height, body type, etc., and
do not hang around in groups in the shops and malls.

It's also ok to shop for girl things in boymode. This will be nothing
new to the clerks or to other shoppers. Las Vegas is a "show town" and
it's not unusual to see men shopping in womens departments.

Hope this helps. :)

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Friday Dance Night at Gipsy

Postby External Poster » Mon Apr 14, 2003 11:44 pm

This posting is from: Tina Tawdre

>>3. Is there an organized dancing night? If so, when and where?

>Two of them. Right after the Welcome Celebration over at SRO and Friday
>at Gipsy (and maybe others). See the final schedule.

Gipsy is the #1 gay dance club in Las Vegas. We've been dancing at
Gipsy on Friday nights at DLV for several years now and we always have a
great time.

We have traditionally started the dance part of the night at Gipsy (a
mixed, but predominantly gay dance club in the Triangle area). Tends to
have a few more straight tourists (usually very hip, they don't put up
with obvious gawkers) before midnight, very gay after midnight. Crowd
is all ages (20s to 50s, younger later). We never have any trouble
there and are always treated very well. This has also been my
experience on the several occasions I've been there alone or in
couples outside of DLV season.

While there are other gay clubs within a few hundred yards to migrate to
that also have dancing, most girls have such a good time that they never
leave Gipsy. The music there is always great. Each year our group at
Gipsy gets bigger. I expect that 2003 will draw our biggest DLV group
yet at Gipsy on Friday. But you do have to get out there on the floor
and dance.

Gipsy doesn't attract tranny chasers, so unless you bring your own date
or SO, you have to fly solo; but, there is always a fairly large cluster
of semi-disconnected solo DLV dance divas on the floor at any time, so
you won't really be alone. Besides, there will also be up to a few
hundred other people squeezing onto that dance floor with you.

Gipsy is VERY popular on the weekends.

I'm listed as the sponsor of this activity, but that's a pretty easy
job. Basically around 11 PM, which is usually when our Annual Mixer at
Goodtimes starts to wind down, I just circulate around and remind people
that everyone is welcome to come dancing at Gipsy.

There's no preparation or sign up, just show up and dance. It's only
about 15 minutes away by car. Car pooling is encouraged, because
parking is scarce around the Triangle area. You car will be perfectly
safe left in the big lot at Goodtimes. Gipsy does have valet parking,
but it can fill up on Friday night and Saturday night. They usually
charge a $5 cover charge. Don't park in any nearby strip shopping
center parking lots that have No Parking signs displayed (they're
typically very tiny and hard to spot). They have a racket of towing off
your car and you have to pay the tow company $200 to get it back. This
happened to me a few years ago.

Gipsy is fairly large (big dance floor), but they have very limited
seating. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes that you wouldn't mind
standing/dancing in all night. We always try to arrive before 11:30 to
be sure to get at least one table. In years past that was always early
enough. Last year, fortunately, some DLV girls went earlier and got a
table, because when I arrived at 11:30 the place was literally packed.
I had never seen it that crowded that early on a Friday night, although
it's always wall-to-wall by 1 AM. (They usually stay open until 4 or 5
AM on weekends.)

You may see references on the Web or in the paper to Gipsy II. Gipsy
has steadily remodeled itself inside and out over the last 2 years and
there was some attempt to use the II to emphasize that. Their current
Web site http://www.gipsylv.com still says plain old Gipsy. Further
info about Gipsy at:


See you there,

-- Tina

(This posting was entered by Tina Tawdre, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm


Postby External Poster » Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:18 pm

This posting is from: kate smith


I would like to thank all the girls involved in the organizing of DLV
however small there involvement. "Annie you deserve a Medal".

The planning of a single event for this amount of people would be tough
enough but organizing 6 days of entertainment with some overlap events
too and having it go succesfully is a credit to the ORG commitee.

I could only stay for 3 days and had to leave Friday morning but they
were 3 terrific days with some really nice people and will treasure the
memory for a long time, (at least till' next year).

Thank's to all the girls who came out for the shopping trip and helped
to make it a success, and to Monique in particular who gave up some of
her other activities that day to give me moral support.

The highlight of my trip though was The Limo Tour where I was lucky
enough to be riding with some very attractive, Stylishly dressed fun
ladies who helped me to relax and have a memorable night and late supper
after' And some great hair advice too.

Hope to see you all again next year.
Huggs kate.

(This posting was entered by kate smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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