by External Poster » Sat Nov 02, 2002 1:53 am
This posting is from: Tina
>>I have a question on the dance nite. How are T-girls accepted at the
>>straight dance places? Do the regular clients dance with them/us or do
>>we dance just amongst ourselves? I have been to clubs that are T
>>friendly but never to a "straight" club.
>I'm assuming you're referring to the new SRO club. It's my impression
>that they promote this evening as an "alternative" thing and encourage
>GLBT people to attend, even though the club as a whole is mostly a
>straight thing.
>It's been my observation over too many years that the places you're most
>likely to get in trouble in are those which avowedly-het males have
>marked as their territory. Almost all of the places which attract a GLBT
>or a mixed crowd will be safe and accepting, IMAO, that is. :)
We will definitely want to keep an eye out for first-hand reports from
local LV girls on how well they are accepted at alternative night at SRO
on Tuesdays. In all previous years when we've had Dance Night on
Fridays (as we also do this year), we have traditionally started this at
Gipsy (a mixed, but predominantly gay dance club in the Triangle area).
While there are other gay clubs within a few hundred yards to migrate
to that also have dancing, most girls have such a good time that they
never leave Gipsy. The music there is always great. I've only heard
one suggestion for doing it any differently this year, but there doesn't
seem to be any support for Friday night dancing at a straight place.
Each year our group at Gipsy gets bigger. I expect that 2003 will draw
our biggest DLV group yet at Gipsy on Friday.
Also, I'm very excited that we officially have dancing on 2 nights for
the DLV 2003 schedule. You can never have too much dancing. :-)
-- Tina
(This posting was entered by Tina, an external user of MyDLV.)