As I did last year, I will coordinate group tickets for some of the events at PinkFest this year. All such coordination will be done in this thread. Purchases will be made on Friday, Oct 2, 2015.
Add a note to this thread indicating which of the following you want to be included in. As last year, I'll need a cash reimbursement on the evening of the event and I'm trusting everyone who asks for tickets to make sure I don't get caught with an unclaimed/unpaid ticket. It all worked great last year.
Theo Ubique appears to be General Admission at a single price, so I guess it's not strictly necessary to purchase ticket as a group to sit together. However, I'd like to attend the dinner since I'm not interested in the wine tasting. The fixed dinner menu is at and they also offer both vegan and senior prices.
I'm looking for others who want to hit ComedySportz Saturday night 10pm.
I wanted to go see The Tempest on Sunday afternoon, but it is now sold out as is the Saturday afternoon show. Only the Saturday evening show has seats and apparently only singles.
Copy the section below. Paste it in your reply. Replace every "Y/N" with a "Y" or a "N"
Blood Brothers (Theo Ubique - Thursday) may be able to get "ticket only" for less via Hottix without dinner
ticket: $34 (Y/N); include dinner: $25 more (Y/N); Vegan: (Y/N); Senior: $5 less (Y/N)
ComedySports (Saturday 10pm) - Purchase via Goldstar
ticket $11.50 (Y/N)