I have been in communications with Joyce the owner of Studios, which is a club located out by the airport. http://www.thestudioslv.com/social-club/
The Studios is open Thursday thru Sunday, and Joyce is aware of our time being limited in Vegas and has offered to add a night to be open while we are there. Anyone interested can bring their own bottle. She will advertise an additional night for us and let the local girls and guys know about the additional open night. The club is open from 9pm to 3am normally but if we are having fun she would extend the time to 4am like on Saturday night. Some local ts/tg girls I know say this is the best club for the trans community to meet other girls, dance and have fun with the guys who come to the club.
I added a link to the social club above. Let me know if anyone is interested in going to the Studio some regular night or if they would be interested if Joyce opened the club an extra night while we are in town. If nothing else it would be nice to make a few friends from the area we can visit in the coming years. I leave on Friday morning so would not be able to make the weekend work, so it would have to be Sunday or a week night for me.