DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Sun Sep 14, 2003 4:30 pm

This posting is from: JoAnn

To All---

It seems to be that it is always difficult to get dates without a
conflict for some.

How I look at it ----I can start on Monday and maybe get in on Sunday
afternoon and have at least five great days and nights and leave for
home/family on Saturday morning. It may mean that this year the DLV
Saturday attendence will not be what it has been in past years but that
does not make this an event not worth attending!!!!.

Maybe the events of Sunday of past years are done on Saturday while
making the Friday night the "bigger event night"!!!! Some flexability
is needed here. I like to look at my half full glass of wine rather
than my half empty glass.

Hugs---JoAnn .

(This posting was entered by JoAnn, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 17, 2003 1:04 am

This posting is from: Monique

That's the way the calender for '04 goes girls. Some can stay, some may
not, but that is the way it is...just like everything in life.

Monique Danielle Monet

(This posting was entered by Monique, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:03 am

This posting is from: Tina Tawdre

> "that is the way it is...just like everything in life."

Sounds kind of callous, as I perceive it. But perhaps that's not the
way you intended it.

The sad thing is that it didn't have to necessarily be that way, since
there was the other option to shift DLV from the begininng of the tech
convention to the end of the tech convention. Candidly, after reviewing
the correspondence, I don't think that the ORG voters sufficiently
considered the impact of Mother's Day and gave too much weight to the
perceived heat factor of scheduling DLV 2 weeks later into May. I think
that was a short-sighted decision that is going to have a noticable
impact on DLV attendance (particularly married DLV people who don't have
great SO support). It creates a hell of a lot of unnecessary friction
on the home front that I just don't need. One of your long-time
airplane drivers basically said the same thing.

The ORG tends to be the more long-term DLV people coupled with
enthusiastic newbies who want to help plan. But I don't think we're
necessarily representative of the DLV population as a whole. It is my
impression that there are significantly less married members in the ORG
group than in the whole. Yes, I know people had the opportunity to
speak up earlier, but how many people really notice such conflicts 8-10
months away. The more we talk about it here on dlv disc, the more
non-ORG people start to wake up to the conflict. And, we haven't even
put the conflict out on the general monthly newsletter. Many don't
subscribe to or follow dlvdisc (which requires a positive opt-in, IIRC).
Have we sufficiently considered the needs of a significant segment of
the DLV population?

Every year, we consider scheduling around Inter-op schedules (the tech
convention), motorcycle conventions (Laughlin Run) and other scheduling
considerations. Hell, we're even looking at moving the limo tour so
that we don't inconvenience the golfers by keeping them up too late. It
seems to me that the Mother's Day issue, since it affects marrried DLV
people, affects a larger number of people than all of the above
segments combined.

Now for a personal note. Sure, it's my ox being gored this time. But I
was Tina Tawdre long before I ever heard of DLV and I'll survive nicely
if I miss DLV 04. My wife would be thrilled if I never went to another
one ever again. But I'm going to turn XX just before DLV 04 and I can
feel the years ticking by. Just didn't want to let one slip away
without speaking up one last time.


-- Tina

(This posting was entered by Tina Tawdre, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 17, 2003 5:55 pm

This posting is from: Cat

I haven't written much on this list the last year or so. My schedule
with another event in Atlanta has necessitated that mostly. I have
followed all the postings, especially these latest ones on the "rules"
and "dates of DLV2004", albeit some times a week or so later.

I actually have an hour or so of free time before flying out tomorrow so
thought I would throw some comments on the deck.

I remember two years ago saying something to Annie and some others that
the organizers were close to the point of having to decide if they
wanted to keep DLV the same thing it was, or let it grow. I did not
think anyone really understood what I meant. What I was referring to
is exactly what is happening now.

Rules of participation are being written and will be put out. That
tends to happen when a group gets large and as diversified as DLV has
become - with the different views that go with the numbers. Most
"conferences" have the same sort of thing in place. The big difference
however, is that other events can enforce them, because they are at a
controlled area for much of their event. DLV is in public places for
the most part. If someone is not willing to abide by DLV's set of
rules for participation, there really is nothing you can do about it.

You can ask the establishment to have them to leave, but DLV organizers
cannot do it themselves. I would suggest that before you put all this
out to the general DLV group, decide where you want DLV to go as far as
growth. And, as DLV grows, as is evidenced by the comments of late,
you will have more views that are not in agreement with the core group
of organizers. It seems to me the DLVORG group has a certain core
number of indiviuals who think alike and tend to vote alike. Their
views I am not sure are the same as the general overall group that now
attends DLV. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that, just
that the DLVORG group needs to be aware that more "disagreement" will
surface the larger the participation becomes.

One of the areas where I believe that will surely happen more and more
is with the dates, and how those dates coincide with the technical
conference that is held, which many of the core group attend. None of
the dates affect me one way or the other, and I will attend if I find
the activities to my interests - and will not attend if not interested
in what is happening. (Hmm..sounds like a vacation and not a
convention). If I were one of the core group, I would certainly want
DLV to stay next to the other conference. If I understand correctly,
that is partly how DLV started. However, I think if the DLVORG people
are not recognizing there are more and more attendees who do have to
deal with issues of not being at home for Mother's Day, they are
misreading the greater group. The general group does not provide input
into the DLVORG, at least until after the decisions are made.

I read that the dates are set and nothing really can be done to review
the dates and possibly change. I happen to believe that is bull. You
can certainly review what is done, even though it will probably stay
close to the same if all the input is only from the same group of
people. As I said before, I could care less when it is held - that
does not affect me. However, I agree with whoever said most people do
not think about what the week is 8-10 months away. There appears to be
two choices to me. One, set the date and forget about any discussion.

Two, really ask for a survey from the attendees. If that is an option,
my suggestion would be to send a questionaire to everyone who is on the
DLV at large group (sorry Annie, don't know the exact name) and simply
ask "Which week do you prefer? 1 or 2?" Make the weeks the week before
and the week after the other conference. Point out which one has
Mother's Day in it so everyone knows. If I remember correctly, the
vote was somewhere around 15 for the week chosen. I don't know how
many are on the DLVORG list, but I would venture that if you subtracted
that 15 from the total, the balance is more than those 15. When you
give a group multiple choices, some times the results are not
necessarily what there would be with only 2 choices. That is why in
politics we have primaries and then the general election. Even when
there is a third party, results do not always reflect the will of the

I simply wanted to add something in, from a point of view that does have
an opinion on any of the dates one way or the other. If the dates are
decided, then the discussion is over, and move on to other things. If
there is the possibility of changing the dates, move to take care of

It looks to me like the organizers need to decide whether DLV will stay
as originally intended, or grow larger into something more.
Personally, I believe either would be fantastic for our community!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I look forward to seeing many of you
in Atlanta next week.

Hugs and Love,


(This posting was entered by Cat, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:02 pm

This posting is from: Densie

> I remember two years ago saying something to Annie and some others that
> the organizers were close to the point of having to decide if they
> wanted to keep DLV the same thing it was, or let it grow.

OK, I guess it's my turn to start whining.

I remember that well. I told Tony that I was considering not going to
DLV anymore because it had grown so large and was no longer the
gathering of a group of friends that it used to be. As usual regarding
this event, Tony surprised me. He wants to go no matter what; however,
it is a vacation, not a convention, to us in the purest sense. We do
only the activities that we're interested in, and that our friends will
be attending.

It seems to me that those of us who remember DLV the way it used to be
would be better off if the dress codes, the rules of conduct, the
meeting rooms, rubber chicken banquets, etc. would move off into another

There are people, evidently lots of people, who need large groups and a
structured setting to be comfortable, but that, to me, is not a
vacation. That's what I try to get away from when I take time off from

I guess I'm lamenting here, because I miss the good times, no pun
intended. The dam tour, the little get-together at Keys and the other
places we would gather to get soused, Cassie's restroom incident, late
night gambling, 3am breakfasts with Mike...all of these things that we
did as a small group where we all knew each others' names.

Fortunately we are still able to do some of those things, and there are
still a few of us who know each other and get together, which makes it
all worthwhile to me. However, our crowd has outgrown most of the places
we used to go, so to let this group grow, we have to move into bigger
places, and adopt more rules, and it becomes a convention rather than a

I know we hash this out every year, and it never does any good...our
numbers keep growing and the event gets more structured. I don't know
quite what to do about it, but suffice it to say that I don't care who
is offended by nuns, Rocky Horror, off-the-wall photo shoots, fetish
parties, etc. because those are the people who are going to try to spoil
the event and turn it into a convention anyway.


(This posting was entered by Densie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 17, 2003 7:20 pm

This posting is from: annie

>Tina raises an interesting point regarding the number of married versus
>unmarried girls are on the ORG group. I'm married. I know at least two
>others that are definitely married but I have no idea how many are on
>the list nor in total how many are married.

Of those I know the marital status of (quick count on fingers against
the ORG mailing list), I count 22 married and 5 single.

>In NZ Mothers Day is celebrated on the same weekend, unlike Fathers Day
>which are on different weekends. Anyway, it doesn't seem to have the
>same importance that it does in the US and it hasn't really been an
>issue for me.

It is majorly important to some, neutral to others, and to a few it is a
downer, for various reasons.

>As I've previously said I don't think any of the dates proposed were
>ideal and the early May ones (pre N+I) must have seemed the best for
>those that voted.

No period will be ideal for all. We've not only grown in number of
bodies, but in the length of our footprint on the calendar. Throw a dart
at a calendar and pick any 6-day period, and the probability that some
of the ORG people will have a conflict with it will be close to 1.

There are also some relative priorities. In the next ORG mailing there
is an item from somebody who was outspokenly against the 3-8 timeframe
who now, with the addition of one particular proposed activity, now
considers it to be fine. :)

>>Every year, we consider scheduling around Inter-op schedules (the tech
>>convention), motorcycle conventions (Laughlin Run) and other scheduling

>I see this not much as scheduling as trying to compromise as much as
>possible to allow as many as possible to attend,

I daresay that if there would be a serious motion to do a California
style recall of the DLV 2004 dates, there would be just as much
bitching about it as there is about the Mothers Day issue now.

I think one of the best suggestions for solving the issue is one that
Laura had a couple days ago, and that is to "slide" the schedule forward
a day. That would also allow the High Tea fans to have a "Real Sunday"
for their thing, and make Saturday an optional wind-down day for those
who can stay.

Even those whose families have a two-day Mothers Day will be able to
attend all but the last activities.

Those for whom Mothers Day begins prior to Saturday ... well ... I'm
afraid I don't have an answer. :)

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Wed Sep 17, 2003 10:17 pm

This posting is from: JoAnn

>I think one of the best suggestions for solving the issue is one that
>Laura had a couple days ago, and that is to "slide" the schedule forward
>a day. That would also allow the High Tea fans to have a "Real Sunday"
>for their thing, and make Saturday an optional wind-down day for those
>who can stay.

I agree---Let's move on and have a great "revised" week. JoAnn.

(This posting was entered by JoAnn, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:16 am

This posting is from: Gina Richards

Hi All,

> There are also some relative priorities. In the next ORG mailing there
> is an item from somebody who was outspokenly against the 3-8 timeframe
> who now, with the addition of one particular proposed activity, now
> considers it to be fine. :)

Actually, it still isn't the best of timing, but I didn't mean to get
such a vehement discussion going over the subject. It will just teach
me to watch me email better in the future. I have just decided to
leave Saturday at a reasonable time and get home and take care of the
leader (my wife).

But throw in a good gun show and I can be talked into anything!!!

Love ya all,


(This posting was entered by Gina Richards, an external user of MyDLV.)
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DLV 2004 Ends on Mothers Day

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 18, 2003 8:33 am

This posting is from: Michelle Jenkins


>> "that is the way it is...just like everything in life."

> Sounds kind of callous, as I perceive it. But perhaps that's not the
> way you intended it.

I agree it sound a little too blunt...didn't it.

>....I think
> that was a short-sighted decision that is going to have a noticable
> impact on DLV attendance (particularly married DLV people who don't have
> great SO support). .... But I don't think we're
> necessarily representative of the DLV population as a whole. It is my
> impression that there are significantly less married members in the ORG
> group than in the whole.

Tina raises an interesting point regarding the number of married versus
unmarried girls are on the ORG group. I'm married. I know at least two
others that are definitely married but I have no idea how many are on the
list nor in total how many are married.

In NZ Mothers Day is celebrated on the same weekend, unlike Fathers Day
which are on different weekends. Anyway, it doesn't seem to have the same
importance that it does in the US and it hasn't really been an issue for me.
A comment here and there but not an issue. (In fact I probably miss my
wife's birthday more often and THAT DOES create some issues!)

I was certainly aware of the mothers day issue and I know it was raised and
discussed as described by Annie.

As I've previously said I don't think any of the dates proposed were ideal
and the early May ones (pre N+I) must have seemed the best for those that

> Every year, we consider scheduling around Inter-op schedules (the tech
> convention), motorcycle conventions (Laughlin Run) and other scheduling
> considerations.

I see this not much as scheduling as trying to compromise as much as
possible to allow as many as possible to attend, especially some of the
locals involved in the gambling and hospitality areas that we rely on for
hosting the local events. Even then some of them have had to skip work or
plead for vacation time to attend

> Hell, we're even looking at moving the limo tour so
> that we don't inconvenience the golfers by keeping them up too late.

Slightly different as this was a request by those that want to do both but
have difficulty getting up early the next day. I don't care. Golf is golf
and that means an early start. Some can hack it...some can't. And as with
all activity scheduling there is compromise and movement to ensure the
maximum accommodation for everyone

> It seems to me that the Mother's Day issue, since it affects marrried DLV
> people, affects a larger number of people than all of the above
> segments combined.

Maybe the comment should be "...may affect...." as we all have our own
circumstances. Mind you we all have or had mothers .....

> Now for a personal note. Sure, it's my ox being gored this time. But I
> was Tina Tawdre long before I ever heard of DLV and I'll survive nicely
> if I miss DLV 04. My wife would be thrilled if I never went to another
> one ever again. But I'm going to turn XX just before DLV 04 and I can
> feel the years ticking by. Just didn't want to let one slip away
> without speaking up one last time.

Tina, it will be very sad to know that you won't be able to join us next
year. Personally I think you add a great deal of style and pizzazz to all
the activities you come to so your absence will be missed.

Hugs Michelle

(This posting was entered by Michelle Jenkins, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Timeframe 2004.

Postby External Poster » Thu Sep 18, 2003 6:48 pm

This posting is from: kate smith

I see we have no glitzy event for Saturday evening so I would like to
suggest we have Showgirls of Magic Saturday night for those who are not
hampered with Mom's day problems.

I am married too and I work around stuff Like this with a view to mutual
acceptance. It has always worked for me but I must say that I feel for
those who can't find a way make it work for them.

I also realize mom's day is important to some but I must strongly
dissagree with changing the dates for DLV 2004. We had a large time
frame for discussion on the subject with the org volunteers and came up
with the 3-5-04 dates whereupon I booked time off from work so don't
let's re-vote to change it all now. Who knows maybe we will be voteing
again when someone else dissagrees with the next results and we won't
get to finalize 2004 dates till April. The good thing about all this is,
it will probably attract more to the ORG committee ranks for next DLV
and no one can say a select few made all the decisions.

I'm sorry too that some can't make it but we seem to be spending a lot
of time and effort setting up guidelines and then looking to revising
everything when it doesn't work out perfect for everyone, (Which it is
never going to). So why don't we just survey this coming years attendees
when the time comes and see if they would like to do it in April instead
of May next time eg:- 2005.


(This posting was entered by kate smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
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