This posting is from: Hollye Merton
Well I have been following the thread from time to time on DLV 2003 and
although am sorry I couldn't make it, am glad that it went well and everyone
had a good time.
I'll bet the stock of Galiano is still too high in the city since I wasn't
there though! LOL. I hope to be there next year if all works out well. In
the meantime, I am mending slowly and should be back to my dizzy self in a
couple of weeks if all goes well.
I understand that someone must've over-stocked on Peeps this year.... Well
try selling them on Ebay as Easter memorabilia!! LOL
Take care all. Hope to see you next year.
Hugs 'round;
Hollye Merton (Margeth)
(This posting was entered by Hollye Merton, an external user of MyDLV.)