by External Poster » Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:39 pm
This posting is from: Sabrina Jones
Possibly Yes, with concerns:
First is the venue, I have heard mumblings that this might be at the
Italian American club in Las Vegas. I attended an event there last
year, and while the meeting room was adequate, the food was absolutly
Considering my first comment, unless the bar was included the proce of
$55.00 is way over the top. For $110.00 a couple we could go to almost
any resturant in Vegas for that price. I am sure there are a lot of
places given the current economic climate in vegas that would provide a
much better venue then the Italian American Club. So if that's where it
is, my answer is No, if the venue changes then Possible Yes.
For $110.00 a couple I would expect good food with several drink
tickets, and some good dancing to a good band or good DJ.
Times are hard and we can do better than that.
(This posting was entered by Sabrina Jones, an external user of MyDLV.)