About Chirps

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About Chirps

Postby administrator » Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:53 am

"Chirping" (microblogging) is used to send brief messages to other MyDLV members.

Chirping on MyDLV is similar to Twitter, but it's more tightly coupled to the MyDLV environment and quite flexible regarding sending and receiving to and from regular e-mail systems.

A Chirp is a brief text message consisting of up to 190 characters.

Chirping is not real-time chat, instant messaging, nor e-mail, although it shares similarities to all of them.

For those who wish to use Chirping regularly, it's suggested that you open the ChirpLite screen in a new window or tab and keep it open as long as you are on line and logged in to MyDLV. The ChirpLite screen will periodically refresh itself as long as it is open and as long as there is Chirp activity.

The ChirpLite screen can be found here:


You may right-click on the above link to open it in a new window or tab.

You may send a Chirp using any of the following methods:

1. From the ChirpLite screen. Link above.
2. From the QuickChirp box on the MyDLV Home Page.
3. Via e-mail. See details below.

Subscribing to Chirps:

By default, when you join MyDLV, you will receive Chirps from all users when you are on line and no Chirps from any users via e-mail.

These defaults can be changed in the Manage Chirps screen.

With the Manage Chirps screen you can do the following:

1. Manage the Chirps that you will receive when you are on line using MyDLV. (default is all)
2. Manage the Chirps that you will receive at your primary e-mail address. (default is none)
3. Manage the Chirps that you will receive at secondary destinations. (default is none)
4. Block or "ignore" Chirps from designated users.

Sending Chirps by e-mail:

You may quickly and conveniently send chirps to other MyDLV Members using the following addresses:

dlvchirpa@geekbabe.com to send a Chirp to all MyDLV Members.
dlvchirpf@geekbabe.com to send a Chirp to your Friends.

Replying to Chirps:

When you reply to a Chirp, either on line or via e-mail, your new Chirp assumes or "inherits" the recipient(s) of the original Chirp in the thread to which you replied. In other words, if you reply to a Chirp addressed to All, your reply will go to all users. Likewise, if you reply to a Chirp addressed to Friends of Leslie, your reply will go to Friends of Leslie only. If you reply to a Private Chirp, your Chirp will go only to the sender of the original.

When you reply to a Chirp via e-mail or text message, please remember to place the reply text on the very first line of your reply. The system will take the first line of fresh (non-quoted) text as the text of the Chirp, but due to e-mail formatting, sometimes this does not work as expected. You can help out by making sure that your Chirp's text is on the first line of your reply message with no line breaks. As with all Chirps, they are limited to 190 characters and truncated, without notice, if needed.

Private Chirps:

Using ChirpLite, you can send Chirps to individuals. These "Private" or "Personal" Chirps will be sent only to the designated recipient. These Private Chirps can only be initiated from the ChirpLite utility. They can be replied to via e-mail if they are received via e-mail.
Posts: 39
Joined: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:48 pm

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