This posting is from: annie
> As a long time "full time women in Las Vegas" I have yet to have a a
> rest room incident. It may or may not happen in the future, who knows.
{knocking on wood} Me neither. Most of those I hang out with regularly
have never been involved in any of these either. One exception in 2002
which occurred to a friend of mine, which I think was a misunderstanding
or an attitude problem with a security guard.
> It seems to me, and I could be wrong, I admit that, the problem with
> restroom incidents is not widespread.
Restroom incidents are few and far between. However, when they happen
they are very much a serious blow to the ego, and word about them will
spread like wildfire.
> It also seems that the incident
> comes from indiscreet, outgoing or otherwise flaunting behaviour before,
> during or after said restroom excursion.
I would say that in 90%+ of the restroom incidents I'm aware of, both at
DLV and elsewhere, the incident was brought about by somebody in one way
or another being too obvious.
There is almost always a "rest of the story", and that is usually along
the line that somebody didn't use some common sense.
These incidents can be very tragic to those they happen to, and they can
totally ruin an otherwise memorable vacation.
I'm not in any way trying to discount the pain somebody goes through
when this happens, but in most cases, best judgement was not used.
> There are some of us that look more like men in dresses...YES really!
One pattern I've observed many times, not at DLV that often, is that
after a few drinks and once the confidence level is built up, some begin
to ACT like men in dresses ... joking around, talking loudly,
grab-assing and such. This does attract a lot of attention.
> There are some of us that go out of our way to get noticed...YES really!
These people should realize that their behavior reflects badly on the
group as a whole.
> Its only matter of time before there's a problem; YES REALLY! The only
> thing that surprises me is that it doesn't happen more often!
It doesn't happen more often because the vast majority of our people
know how to behave properly in public and do so. Some people don't
really care, but some who do care learn the hard way after a very
embarrassing incident. USUALLY you will find that one person seldom
gets involved in more than one restroom incident over the years.
> Putting this in perspective though... I was looking through my photos
> from DLV 2003 and the standard and presentation of nearly everyone is
> extremely high.
I agree 100%! We have a very classy group, both in dress and as people
in general.
> I have to say I think the problems with restrooms is
> with a small minority and it relate to blatant disregard for the some
> basic discretionary tactics!
<brokenrecord> I agree! </brokenrecord>
> I commented to Annie at the Trop on the Monday after DLV that I thought
> the dressing / makeup / presentation quality had been extremely good.
> She gave me a funny look and then we moved on and talked of other
> things. Since then of course she's made a some comments and
> inappropriate dress.
That was probably because it was following getting deluged with the
remarks about what I was previously unaware of. Until the end of the
weekend, I was really not that aware of the problems that a few of
our more thoughtless people had created. Lots of it was dumped on me
within a very short time.
And, while we're on the subject of the post-DLV gathering at the Trop,
that was a very good example of how people SHOULD dress and act in
mainstream public. Yes, some of those present were dressy, but all
were appropriate in dress and behavoir.
> Now, having said that, I think we, as a group need to jump on those,
> figuratively speaking, that continually embarrass us all.
Trust me. That has been done and will be done.
> For those that have complained about what the organisation team
> did...GET A LIFE!
> I can't believe anyone who followed the instructions for registering for
> the EVENT and all the activities wouldn't know what they had to do.
Again, incidents of registration problems or not following procedure
were very few and far between. Most of our processes worked as intended.
Yes, there's some tuning up we can do, but most everything work fine,
organizationally speaking.
> Actually when I REALLY think about it there were two places that I felt the
> service wasn't quite what I expected:
> - Flex
> - Goodtimes
I do have to admit that bar service at both of these places was on the
slow side when our largest crowds were there. I know both of the places
were given heads-up on when the group would be there, but staffing level
was a bit low at times.
Hamburger Mary's service seemed to be a bit on the slow side too, and I
know one of our people talked to them in advance about the anticipated
crowd that evening.
> Well that's my two cents worth. Those that have been here for years
> should realise that this years two cents may be worth more than last
> year given the relative strength of the New Zealand dollar to the US
> dollar! :-)
Still worth every penny! :)
(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)