Hello all.
Are ya'll ready to kick up your feet and have a good time dancing. Well, we have more exciting news for you.
Because food is not served at the venue, Sabrina and I decided to have a pre-dance open house on Thursday. The event will happen in our room at the IP. Although we thought of this for those going to dance lessions, we wanted to open it up to anyone who would like to come. (The more the merrier) We will have some snacks and maybe some wine. If you would like to bring something to share that would be fine as well but we do not expect it..
Time: 4:45-6:15. This is to give us enough time to get to Charilies for the dance lessons.
Place: Will be in our IP hotel room. Instruction on how to contact us to find the location is located in your final mailing. Please use that mailing to contact us per those instructions. I will not be in town untill Monday, but Sabrina will be in the room on Sunday.
This will also allow us to do some car pooling to the dance location. Jill