This posting is from: annie
Looking back over the last few days, we've had almost
40 messages come in to this list. Some may be finding
this overwhelming.
This is the season where message traffic increases, and
it will continue until right after DLV.
If you're becoming annoyed by the sheer number of messages,
it's very easy to change you over to "digest format" where
the messages are queued up and sent to you in less frequent
The down side is that when traffic slows down, it may be
several days before you see something that has been posted.
If you would like to change from individual messages to digest
format, just reply to this message and say "change me to
digest format" and it will be done.
This message here will go to the side and not the
Yahoo side, as Yahoo Groups has a similar digest format.
(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)