This posting is from: Diva Las Vegas
Our e-mail hosting provider just received a "spam complaint" from an
unknown AOL user regarding a gatewayed posting made on this forum
yesterday. We've requested the e-mail address so we can get it removed
from our lists, but we may or may not be able to get it and therefore
may not be able to remove it.
Please, everyone, if you don't want to receive the e-mail version of
this forum, all you need to do is reply to any message or posting with
a brief "UNSUBSCRIBE" note or various other synonyms, such as "REMOVE",
"DELETE", "DO NOT SEND TO ME", etc. We honor those immediately. You
do not need to explain anything.
Yahoo users, same thing. If you don't want to received these postings,
just reply to any of them with the appropriate verbiage and we'll get
you removed from the group.
Spam complaints are embarrassing and time-consuming to deal with. We
do cooperate with the abuse departments at all of the major providers.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
(This posting was entered by Diva Las Vegas, an external user of MyDLV.)