This posting is from: Sarona
[ Moderator's note: This is a repost from last year, however the
content is current and relevant. Beginner Open House will happen
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of DLV week this year. ]
It is my idea to set up a home atmosphere for those who would like a
protected environment to change (if they have no room of their own) or
meetup with a big/little sister, or to start to get comfortable being
cross dressed in front of other people, or provide a warm feeling for
beginners, or try on an outfit to see if others think it is appropriate
for x/y event/venue .... and other ideas I haven't even though of yet.
.. You will need my cell phone number to call me once I have checked
into the timeshare and know my room number.
.. It would be nice if you could sign up for this in advance so I can
more easily get my cell phone number to you.
(This posting was entered by Sarona, an external user of MyDLV.)