This posting is from: annie
The DLV 2009 follow-up survey is now on line and we would like
to ask all who attended to please help us out by letting us
know how things went.
Please click on the following URL to take the survey:
If you attended as a couple, we ask that each one of you take
the survey individually.
Please take the survey only once, with one major excption:
If you ever want to add any additional comments in the final
boxes, please bring up the survey again, go directly to the
final free-form text boxes, and submit another entry without
checking any of the buttons or checkboxes in the main part
of the survey. You may do this as many times as you like.
This survey is most helpful to us in summarizing this year's
event and planning events in years to come. We thank all who
attended, in advance, for taking the survey.
(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)