[dlv] Following up on DLV 2024 ...

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[dlv] Following up on DLV 2024 ...

Postby External Poster » Sat Oct 26, 2024 5:49 am

This posting is from: Diva Las Vegas

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Diva Las Vegas

In this mailing:

Following up
Please take our post-event survey
Call for photographs
Call for volunteers
Missing in action
Please rate our vendors
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Following up:

Big thanks go out to all who participated, and made Diva Las Vegas 2024
yet another successful event in our now 27 year history!

Special thanks go out to our volunteers who put together the slate of
activities that all of us enjoyed last week.

We have some important follow-up items to take care of. Details appear
below. All of the links below now appear on your Attendee Information
Portal, which is the URL which you received when you registered.

We hope that everyone who attended enjoyed the event, and we look
forward to seeing everyone again next year and in years to come!

We encourage your comments and feedback, both formally and informally.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please take our post-event survey:

Your feedback is very important!

If you attended Diva Las Vegas 2024, please take a few minutes to fill
out our survey on this year's event. This will give us insight into
what worked and did not work with this year's event, and help us to plan
for events in the future.

The survey is on line here:


It will take about five minutes to take the survey, and the effort you
take to do so is greatly appreciated.

The responses from this year, and the trends from year to year, are used
extensively in planning our events and activities.

You may feel free to skip any question(s) that you do not think apply to
you, or those you just do not wish to answer for any reason.

Please take the survey only once, with one exception. If you wish to
make more written comments, just return to the survey URL, scroll all
the way down to the comments section, and make additional written
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Call for photographs:

We at Diva Las Vegas take pride in having the largest collection of
photos of any recurring TG event in recorded history.

These were sent in by you, the attendees, over the years.

Here's the way it works.

We call for photos and you send them in.

We place them in a staging area where you, those who attended, can view
them and, if needed, say "No Way" to any photos in which you appear.

After the photos are in and reviewed we will compose the final DLV 2023
follow-up pages.
. . . . .

Here are the ways to get the photos to us:

1. Upload them directly.

Surf to the following URL and you can drag and drop photos:


There is a link to the old uploader if you have difficulty with the drag
and drop uploader.
. . .

2. Email.

Simply attach your photos and send them in. dlv@divalas.vegas or just
reply to this mailing. Any reasonable number of photos, any sane
format, individual photos or tar/zip archives.

3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

Please email (just reply to this mailing) for credentials.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Call for volunteers:

irst of all, we wish to thank all who worked on DLV 2024 for their
efforts in producing a very successful and highly-enjoyed event! Without
our many dedicated volunteers, Diva Las Vegas could not happen!
. . . . .

All of those great times you just had were made possible because
somebody stepped forward and made those activities happen!

Planning and organization of DLV is done mostly on line via e-mail.
It's interactive and participatory. Volunteers form what we call the
DLVORG group.

We will be starting up the 2024-2025 volunteer group shortly.

The DLVORG group is not at all closed or exclusive. With very rare
exception, it's open to anybody who expresses interest in helping out
with DLV.

DLVORG people participate at the decision-making level, the organizing
and planning level, and at the nuts-and-bolts level.

All of the activities that happened at DLV 2024 were "adopted" by one or
more of our volunteers, who took the necessary steps to make them

If you want to do your part to make a great thing even better, to give
back what DLV has given to you, and help to run an event that has
literally changed lives, please step forward!

(Those of you who filled out the volunteer form as part of the DLV
follow-up survey do not need to take any more action.)

To volunteer, please do one of the following:

Visit the URL:


Fill out the screen and check a few things, click SUBMIT, and you're on
your way!

Alternatively, simply send a brief e-mail message to dlvorg@divalas.vegas
and state you wish to volunteer. (Or, just reply to this mailing and
state that you wish to volunteer.)

Please include a sentence or two stating how you are most interested in
helping out. Anything general or specific is perfectly fine. Anything
from one sentence to a book length manuscript will be ok. :)

We're not asking for any kind of a major time or effort commitment on
your part. All we ask is that each volunteer organize or assist with
one activity. That's it.

If you're a bit shy, that's fine. We'll find something for you where
you don't have to go cold-calling vendors or anything like that.

And yes, out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged! As you know, we're not
limited to the things that traditionally happen at TG events, and we're
certainly not limited to those which have already happened at DLV.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Missing in action:

We realize that with the format of our event, not everyone had the
chance to officially check in. We would like to be sure that everyone
who participated is indeed counted.

Please take a look at the list below. If your name is on the list,
please reply to this mailing and tell us if you did or did not attend
this year's event. If you attended at least one activity
("Participation, however slight") :) we consider you to have attended.

Also, if you know for sure that someone on this list did or did not
attend, please reply and let us know.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Albert M Boston area
Allison S Samantha Texas
Amber N Southern California
Andrew S Local to Las Vegas
Ann A Northeastern States
April M Northwest United States
Ashleyalyssa N (Mg) Southeastern States
Batrelrider S Local to Las Vegas
Bree B Rocky Mountain States
Brenda D Southern California
Carla Cristina R Rocky Mountain States
Chako A Nevada
Chanel W Northwest United States
Christian S Local to Las Vegas
Christie S other
Cindy P New Zealand or Australia
Clarke E (Sharon) Rocky Mountain States
Cori T Canada
Daniela A Mexico
DeeDee C Rocky Mountain States
Delaney O Northeastern States
Donna C Local to Las Vegas
Elaina G Texas
Elaine A Southern California
Frank F Local to Las Vegas
Gabrielle J Texas
Gwen E Los Angeles area
Helen S Local to Las Vegas
Hman H other
Izzy B Southeastern States
Jacki P Local to Las Vegas
Jen H Midwestern States
Jennifer S (Cindy) Los Angeles area
Jennifer C Local to Las Vegas
Joanne D (Julia) Southern California
John B Local to Las Vegas
Joss S Los Angeles area
Julie D Local to Las Vegas
Juliet T Washington DC area
Kacy O Southern California
Karl C Local to Las Vegas
Kendra L Local to Las Vegas
Kim J Local to Las Vegas
Llotus H San Francisco area
Lori C Arizona
Lynnie R Local to Las Vegas
Mandi J Midwestern States
Maria C Midwestern States
Marisa S (Coco) Local to Las Vegas
Michael M Midwestern States
Michelle F Texas
Michelle M Midwestern States
Miriam N (Susie) Local to Las Vegas
Nichole T Local to Las Vegas
Nikki D Local to Las Vegas
Prissy C Southern California
Sage G other
Sally S Southeastern States
Sandrav V (Lisa) Southern California
Sara M Northern California
Shannon E Northern California
Sonya A Canada
Staci G Southern California
Stephanie L Northeastern States
Steve H Local to Las Vegas
Susan E Texas
Terry J Canada
Tracey J New York City area
Tracy C Jackie Arizona
Vanessa B Local to Las Vegas
Veronica S Texas
Vickilee L Northwest United States
Zoe K Southeastern States
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Please rate our vendors:

Our "Big List" is the most "hit-on" page on our web site, and many who
have participated in DLV found out about us while searching the web for
merchants and vendors in Las Vegas who are TG-friendly.

Please take a few minutes and enter both numeric ratings and written
comments about the facilities we used for DLV, as well as other places
that you may have visited when you were in Las Vegas.

The Big List is on line here:


Most of the popular firms are already listed. If not, you can follow
the link to add them.

Thanks for your participation.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This is the Diva Las Vegas 2024 Announcement mailing list.

This list is limited to announcements and other high-importance items.

Replies to this mailing will be forwarded to: dlv@divalas.vegas
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@divalas.vegas
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@divalas.vegas

Questions/answers and discussion items are redirected to the DLV
Discussion Forum, which may be subscribed to separately or viewed on the
web. To subscribe to the DLV Discussion Forum, send a brief message to
dlvdisc@divalas.vegas and state that you wish to receive the DLV
Discussion Forum.

To view the DLV Discussion Forum on line, visit the URL:

. . . . .

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, unsubscribe
requests, changes, submissions, questions, etc.:

dlv@divalas.vegas <--- NOTE: all lower case

Archives of this list appear on the web at:

. . . . .

Diva Las Vegas 2024
Sun, Sept 29 - Fri, Oct 4 (concluded)
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
. . . . .

This was addressed to: archivetoss@geekbabe.com

To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE
in either the Subject: field or the first line of an OTHERWISE BLANK
message body. The word "unsubscribe" (case is insignificant) should be
the only item in the subject field or the first line of the message,
justified to the left.

To assure a successful unsubscribe, please be sure the "This was
addressed to:" line above is included in your unsubscribe request.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Diva Las Vegas<br><br>
In this mailing:<br><br>
Following up<br>
Please take our post-event survey<br>
Call for photographs<br>
Call for volunteers<br>
Missing in action<br>
Please rate our vendors<br>
<hr style="width: 35%;">
Following up:
Big thanks go out to all who participated, and made Diva Las Vegas 2024
yet another successful event in our now 27 year history!
Special thanks go out to our volunteers who put together the slate of
activities that all of us enjoyed last week.
We have some important follow-up items to take care of. Details appear
below. All of the links below now appear on your Attendee Information
Portal, which is the URL which you received when you registered.
We hope that everyone who attended enjoyed the event, and we look
forward to seeing everyone again next year and in years to come!
We encourage your comments and feedback, both formally and informally.
<hr style="width: 35%;">
Please take our post-event survey:
Your feedback is very important!
If you attended Diva Las Vegas 2024, please take a few minutes to fill
out our survey on this year's event. This will give us insight into
what worked and did not work with this year's event, and help us to plan
for events in the future.
The survey is on line here:
<a href="https://divalas.vegas/2024survey.html">
It will take about five minutes to take the survey, and the effort you
take to do so is greatly appreciated.
The responses from this year, and the trends from year to year, are used
extensively in planning our events and activities.
You may feel free to skip any question(s) that you do not think apply to
you, or those you just do not wish to answer for any reason.
Please take the survey only once, with one exception. If you wish to
make more written comments, just return to the survey URL, scroll all
the way down to the comments section, and make additional written
<hr style="width: 35%;">
Call for photographs:
We at Diva Las Vegas take pride in having the largest collection of
photos of any recurring TG event in recorded history.
These were sent in by you, the attendees, over the years.
Here's the way it works.
We call for photos and you send them in.
We place them in a staging area where you, those who attended, can view
them and, if needed, say "No Way" to any photos in which you appear.
After the photos are in and reviewed we will compose the final DLV 2023
follow-up pages.
<hr style="width: 5%;">

Here are the ways to get the photos to us:
1. Upload them directly.
Surf to the following URL and you can drag and drop photos:
<a href="https://divalas.vegas/dlv2024/photo/ddu.html">
There is a link to the old uploader if you have difficulty with the drag
and drop uploader.
<hr style="width: 5%;">

2. Email.
Simply attach your photos and send them in. dlv@divalas.vegas or just
reply to this mailing. Any reasonable number of photos, any sane
format, individual photos or tar/zip archives.
3. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Please email (just reply to this mailing) for credentials.
<hr style="width: 35%;">
Call for volunteers:
irst of all, we wish to thank all who worked on DLV 2024 for their
efforts in producing a very successful and highly-enjoyed event! Without
our many dedicated volunteers, Diva Las Vegas could not happen!
<hr style="width: 5%;">

All of those great times you just had were made possible because
somebody stepped forward and made those activities happen!
Planning and organization of DLV is done mostly on line via e-mail.
It's interactive and participatory. Volunteers form what we call the
DLVORG group.
We will be starting up the 2024-2025 volunteer group shortly.
The DLVORG group is not at all closed or exclusive. With very rare
exception, it's open to anybody who expresses interest in helping out
with DLV.
DLVORG people participate at the decision-making level, the organizing
and planning level, and at the nuts-and-bolts level.
All of the activities that happened at DLV 2024 were "adopted" by one or
more of our volunteers, who took the necessary steps to make them
If you want to do your part to make a great thing even better, to give
back what DLV has given to you, and help to run an event that has
literally changed lives, please step forward!
(Those of you who filled out the volunteer form as part of the DLV
follow-up survey do not need to take any more action.)
To volunteer, please do one of the following:
Visit the URL:
<a href="https://divalas.vegas/dlvvol1.html">
Fill out the screen and check a few things, click SUBMIT, and you're on
your way!
Alternatively, simply send a brief e-mail message to dlvorg@divalas.vegas
and state you wish to volunteer. (Or, just reply to this mailing and
state that you wish to volunteer.)
Please include a sentence or two stating how you are most interested in
helping out. Anything general or specific is perfectly fine. Anything
from one sentence to a book length manuscript will be ok. :)
We're not asking for any kind of a major time or effort commitment on
your part. All we ask is that each volunteer organize or assist with
one activity. That's it.
If you're a bit shy, that's fine. We'll find something for you where
you don't have to go cold-calling vendors or anything like that.
And yes, out-of-the-box thinking is encouraged! As you know, we're not
limited to the things that traditionally happen at TG events, and we're
certainly not limited to those which have already happened at DLV.
<hr style="width: 35%;">
Missing in action:
We realize that with the format of our event, not everyone had the
chance to officially check in. We would like to be sure that everyone
who participated is indeed counted.
Please take a look at the list below. If your name is on the list,
please reply to this mailing and tell us if you did or did not attend
this year's event. If you attended at least one activity
("Participation, however slight") :) we consider you to have attended.
Also, if you know for sure that someone on this list did or did not
attend, please reply and let us know.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Albert M Boston area <br>
Allison S Samantha Texas <br>
Amber N Southern California <br>
Andrew S Local to Las Vegas <br>
Ann A Northeastern States <br>
April M Northwest United States <br>
Ashleyalyssa N (Mg) Southeastern States <br>
Batrelrider S Local to Las Vegas <br>
Bree B Rocky Mountain States <br>
Brenda D Southern California <br>
Carla Cristina R Rocky Mountain States <br>
Chako A Nevada <br>
Chanel W Northwest United States <br>
Christian S Local to Las Vegas <br>
Christie S other <br>
Cindy P New Zealand or Australia <br>
Clarke E (Sharon) Rocky Mountain States <br>
Cori T Canada <br>
Daniela A Mexico <br>
DeeDee C Rocky Mountain States <br>
Delaney O Northeastern States <br>
Donna C Local to Las Vegas <br>
Elaina G Texas <br>
Elaine A Southern California <br>
Frank F Local to Las Vegas <br>
Gabrielle J Texas <br>
Gwen E Los Angeles area <br>
Helen S Local to Las Vegas <br>
Hman H other <br>
Izzy B Southeastern States <br>
Jacki P Local to Las Vegas <br>
Jen H Midwestern States <br>
Jennifer S (Cindy) Los Angeles area <br>
Jennifer C Local to Las Vegas <br>
Joanne D (Julia) Southern California <br>
John B Local to Las Vegas <br>
Joss S Los Angeles area <br>
Julie D Local to Las Vegas <br>
Juliet T Washington DC area <br>
Kacy O Southern California <br>
Karl C Local to Las Vegas <br>
Kendra L Local to Las Vegas <br>
Kim J Local to Las Vegas <br>
Llotus H San Francisco area <br>
Lori C Arizona <br>
Lynnie R Local to Las Vegas <br>
Mandi J Midwestern States <br>
Maria C Midwestern States <br>
Marisa S (Coco) Local to Las Vegas <br>
Michael M Midwestern States <br>
Michelle F Texas <br>
Michelle M Midwestern States <br>
Miriam N (Susie) Local to Las Vegas <br>
Nichole T Local to Las Vegas <br>
Nikki D Local to Las Vegas <br>
Prissy C Southern California <br>
Sage G other<br>
Sally S Southeastern States <br>
Sandrav V (Lisa) Southern California <br>
Sara M Northern California <br>
Shannon E Northern California <br>
Sonya A Canada <br>
Staci G Southern California <br>
Stephanie L Northeastern States <br>
Steve H Local to Las Vegas <br>
Susan E Texas <br>
Terry J Canada <br>
Tracey J New York City area <br>
Tracy C Jackie Arizona <br>
Vanessa B Local to Las Vegas <br>
Veronica S Texas <br>
Vickilee L Northwest United States <br>
Zoe K Southeastern States
<hr style="width: 35%;">
Please rate our vendors:
Our "Big List" is the most "hit-on" page on our web site, and many who
have participated in DLV found out about us while searching the web for
merchants and vendors in Las Vegas who are TG-friendly.
Please take a few minutes and enter both numeric ratings and written
comments about the facilities we used for DLV, as well as other places
that you may have visited when you were in Las Vegas.
The Big List is on line here:
<a href="https://divalas.vegas/dlv/vendors/">
Most of the popular firms are already listed. If not, you can follow
the link to add them.
Thanks for your participation.
<hr style="width: 35%;">
This is the Diva Las Vegas 2024 Announcement mailing list.
This list is limited to announcements and other high-importance items.
Replies to this mailing will be forwarded to: dlv@divalas.vegas
Submissions/questions should be sent to: dlv@divalas.vegas
Abuse/complaints should be sent to: abuse@divalas.vegas
Questions/answers and discussion items are redirected to the DLV
Discussion Forum, which may be subscribed to separately or viewed on the
web. To subscribe to the DLV Discussion Forum, send a brief message to
dlvdisc@divalas.vegas and state that you wish to receive the DLV
Discussion Forum.
To view the DLV Discussion Forum on line, visit the URL:
<a href="http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/mydlv/mainforum/viewforum.php?f=2">
<hr style="width: 5%;">

One address for all items regarding this list, additions, unsubscribe
requests, changes, submissions, questions, etc.:
dlv@divalas.vegas <--- NOTE: all lower case
Archives of this list appear on the web at:
<a href="http://www.geekbabe.com/dlv/mydlv/mainforum/viewforum.php?f=4">
<hr style="width: 5%;">

Diva Las Vegas 2024<br>
Sun, Sept 29 - Fri, Oct 4<br>
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
<hr style="width: 5%;">

This was addressed to: archivetoss@geekbabe.com
To unsubscribe: Simply reply to this message with the word UNSUBSCRIBE
in either the Subject: field or the first line of an OTHERWISE BLANK
message body. The word "unsubscribe" (case is insignificant) should be
the only item in the subject field or the first line of the message,
justified to the left.
To assure a successful unsubscribe, please be sure the "This was
addressed to:" line above is included in your unsubscribe request.
<hr style="width: 35%;">


(This posting was entered by Diva Las Vegas, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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