About Next Year

For next year, please do not assume that DLV will be held during any particular timeframe.

The timeframe for our next event will be set when the volunteers have had time to reflect upon the 2024 event and consider the options available.

Important note for DLV 2024:

A proposal has been raised by some of our volunteers to resume holding Diva Las Vegas in the spring, as it had been from 1997 through 2019, as opposed to the fall, which has been done since the Covid pandemic.

As of this time, no decision has been made on this subject.

No decisions will be made until everyone, including active attendees, former attendees, and prospective attendees have had the opportunity to make their preferences, thoughts, and feelings known.

Please be prepared to answer the relevant questions on the DLV 2024 post-event survey that pertain to this subject.

You may also make your thoughts known on the DLV Discussion Forum by replying to the "pinned" thread at the top of the main page.

Comments may also be made via email at dlv@divalas.vegas

Please watch the mailings, the Discussion Forum, and the DLV web site for information about our next event.

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