Name tags, guests, admission, facilities ...

If your time is short ...

Name tags:

For 2024, you will have the option of printing your name tag insert at home and bringing it with you. You can do this via the Attendee Information Portal.

This will speed things up at check-in and save on consumable supplies.

For those who cannot do this, name tags will be available for you at any activity which is designated as "Name Tags Available" on the final main schedule.

For most attendees with name tags, a QR code (a square bitmap) which links to your Attendee Information Portal appears on the reverse side of the tag. You may quickly access your Attendee Information Portal by scanning this QR code with your smart phone.

The actual wearing of name tags is strongly encouraged.

All previous years' DLV name tags are also valid for DLV 2024.

DLV attendees should have their name tags in possession at all DLV activities. We reserve the right to deny admission to DLV activities for those not in possession of a valid DLV name tag or who do not appear on the roster of DLV attendees. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.

The name tag holders will hold a standard 3.5 x 2 inch card such as a US standard business card. If you would rather use your own business, social, or calling card in lieu of your DLV name tag, please feel free to wear it in your name tag holder, turning the DLV tag's front to the rear of the tag holder in the event that it is necessary to verify your status as a DLV attendee.

If you have a previous year's tag holder, please bring this along with you, as tag holders are one of the major (and often unreimbursed) expenses of putting on DLV.

Venues and facilities:

The street addresses of the venues in which our activities will be held are listed on most versions final schedule. These may be used for such things as telling a taxi driver where to go, inputting into a GPS, etc. Verbal instructions regarding what to tell a taxi driver also appear, optionally, on the final schedule.

The phone numbers for facilities are listed in most cases. These may be used for such things as directions, where to park, hours of operation, etc., but should not be used as a means to contact the group. The person answering will most likely have no idea of how to contact our group. Please use the listed DLV contact numbers if necessary.

Guest policy:

Nonregistered individuals will not be admitted to DLV activities.

Bona fide significant others (spouses and committed life partners) and bona fide immediate family members are always welcome, with or without prior arrangement, even if they do not appear on our roster.

Unannounced tag-alongs and "she's with me" guests will be turned away if they do not appear on the roster. We ask you to encourage your friends to follow procedure and register if they wish to participate in DLV. Instructions for "last minute" registration are on our web site at this time and will be valid for the entire duration of DLV.

Informal guests:

There is a chance that you may be approached by someone such as a bar patron, a casino guest, or a member of the general public who asks you if they can participate in our activities. Prior to inviting these individuals to any DLV activity, please check either with one of the senior DLV organizers, or the specific coordinator(s) for the activities involved. Please do not give out the locations of our activities without the explicit permission of a senior DLV organizer or the designated volunteer coordinator of the activity in question.

All guests, if admitted for any reason, must agree to abide by our conditions of participation and behavior, dress, and restroom guidelines.

We reserve the right to refuse to admit any individuals who do not appear on the DLV roster.

Please refrain from passing out or distributing such items as flyers, brochures, promotional material, political leaflets, merchandise samples, etc. at DLV functions. We reserve the right to prohibit this should it become annoying.

Likewise, the sale of magazines, books, CDs, and other merchandise at DLV is not allowed except for vendor-sponsored functions. Your cooperation is appreciated.

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