Making contact, Checking in, Etc.

You may check in at any activity marked "Check-In Available" on the final versions of our schedule.

An non-inclusive list of these activities appears below.

Name tags will be available at most of the major gatherings on Sunday and Monday of DLV week.

Check-in for Diva Las Vegas is informal and is done by one or two volunteers at the activities which are marked "Check In Available" on the final schedule.

Check-in for DLV is totally independent from any checking in to hotels. In most cases, the desk staff at our suggested hotels will not know what "Diva Las Vegas" is or how to get in contact with the group.

If you need to get in touch with a DLV representative for any reason before you check in, please phone one of the DLV contact numbers.

The activities at which you may check in include the following (see schedule for locations and times):

For check-in times where a large number of check-ins are anticipated, we will have two lines, one for those needing to check in only, and another line for those who need printed name tags.

When you get to your first DLV activity at which check-in is available, look for one of our volunteer greeters or ask for the DLV volunteer who is taking names. He or she will get you checked in, and ask you if you have any questions or concerns.

See detailed schedule and maps on how to find the locations, when and where to meet, etc. We will be expecting you!

Don't worry. If check-in is not available at the first activity you want to attend, you will still be admitted as long as your name is on the DLV roster. You may have to wait to actually check in and get your name badge, however.

We reserve the right to require proof of age when checking in. (Minimum age for DLV is 21.) Some of our venues may require proof of age for admission or for cocktail service.

In any case, if you have any difficulty finding any of the locations, or finding the group within any of the venues, find a phone and let us know. We'll give you explicit directions. Contact numbers appear immediately below.

Contacting the group:

DLV 2024 contact information appears HERE .

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