pierced ears

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pierced ears

Postby bobbi » Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:17 am

My spouse says I should get my ears pierced was just wondering how appropriate this is for a 50 year old. She says I need to to this. Just wondering what the opinions are.
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pierced ears

Postby External Poster » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:07 pm

This posting is from: Alice

I'm 72 and have had pierced ears for years. Not a problem at all. Wear
ear rings 7/24 in male and female attire. Never, ever been a problem at

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Re: pierced ears

Postby Michelle V » Thu Jul 24, 2014 12:20 pm

Did mine myself age 35 and nobody seemed to notice. Left one got infected and needed lots of Bactine and rubbing alcohol for a week. Wear one in guy mode and two in girl mode.
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pierced ears

Postby External Poster » Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:30 am

This posting is from: Melissa

Hi bobbi. You know I have been thinking that very same thing. I'm 55 my
wife said I would be able to wear nicer earings. But for some reason I
hesitated. Well I'm going to do it. it will make me happy, my wife
supports it. To heck with everyone else. So go ahead and do it. Asd
start picking out some cool earings. You can wear one when in guy mode
if you want. Keep rockin. Melissa

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pierced ears

Postby External Poster » Sat Jul 26, 2014 2:11 pm

This posting is from: Mabeco

Harrison Ford and Ed Bradley (CBS News) are both in their 70s and have
pierced ears.

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Re: pierced ears

Postby bobbi » Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:31 pm

Thanks all for your input. I am just not so sure yet. My wife not only supports it it was her idea. So I am still thinking about it.
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[dlvdisc] pierced ears

Postby External Poster » Sun Aug 03, 2014 5:31 pm

This posting is from: Veronica Lynn Sevier ronnysis@hotmail.com [dlvegas]

Don't forget Morgan Freeman, he has both his ears pierced.


(This posting was entered by Veronica Lynn Sevier ronnysis@hotmail.com [dlvegas], an external user of MyDLV.)
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pierced ears

Postby External Poster » Tue Aug 05, 2014 8:26 pm

This posting is from: Gina

Just do it, nobody even cares any more, if they do, screw em......


In red headed bitch mode....

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pierced ears

Postby External Poster » Thu Aug 07, 2014 12:20 am

This posting is from: Melissa

Have you done it yet? Clip ons are cool but they pinch sometimes. The
selection, and quality isn't to good. Why are you hesitant? I recently got
mine done. While I was in the chair getting it done, my wife picked out
some beautiful earrings for me. It was fun to have some girl time with my
wife. Didnt hurt a bit, and took 10 min. Hope this helped. Keep rockin.


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Re: pierced ears

Postby Valorie » Thu Aug 07, 2014 1:18 pm

You should totally do it. It is fast and doesn't hurt. It has been compared to someone flicking your ear with their finger. The selection of jewelry is so much greater. You will never have that moment again where you say "oh these are so cute, but damn I can't wear them"

You do have to wear studs for the first month or two while your piercings heal and remember to clean them regularly. If you can't even wear small studs (perhaps it would be frowned upon at work), I read a tip that you can thread clear fishing line through while they heal. I haven't tried that though.

Later you don't have to wear earrings every day, just perhaps once a month so they don't close up. Then if you wouldn't be comfortable wearing earrings around certain friends or family, just don't.
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