So? What did you do at DLV?

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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby annie » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:17 pm

We used to do these "Trip Reports" frequently in the earlier years of DLV. Here's mine. Please post yours as a follow-up.
. . . . . . . . . .

Saturday: I was playing a slot machine at Bally's when Marisa phoned me to ask if I needed a ride to the Pre-DLV thing. I said I was planning to jump into a taxi (very short ride). It sounded like Marisa wanted some company, so I cashed out (I was slowly losing) and took a taxi down to Firefly. When I got there, there were more present, so it looked like we were off to a good start.

I didn't recognize Cynthia {blush} and I swear her hair was different from what I remember.

Disappointing turnout. :( I think we had 9 in total. Last few years we always got 20-some at these.

I bummed a ride to Paris and met Densie and Tony at the bar and after a few drinks we took a taxi to the theater to see RHPS.

I've seen RHPS well over 100 times now, but I still enjoy it and the local cast (Frankie's Favorite Obsession) presentation definitely had a lot more polish than most casts have. They were not using many of the classic call-back lines that were so funny and appropriate, such as:

Frank: A mental mind f*ck can be nice.
Audience: But a body f*ck is nicer!

Janet: Oh Brad! {sigh}
Audience: Oh Brad! Oh Janet! Oh sh*t!

... and the classic ...

Audience: Incest - is best - put your sister to the test.

No other DLVers that we could see were there. Huh?

Anyway, we took a taxi over to Crewsn to kind of check out the place, since we hadn't seen it yet. All of us had seen it as Keys and Zingers but never Crewsn. Crewsn is definitely a bit downscale from what Zingers was. Not as plush, but I recognized some of the furniture. :)

We took a taxi back to Bally's and Paris, I think.
. . . . . . . . . .

Sunday: I think I woke up and did the breakfast bar in the coffee shop at Bally's. :)

I did a power nap and recovered that afternoon. :)

I was hostessing the Caesars HH and din-din. We had a fairly good turnout, maybe 12 or so but not all of the same people for HH and dinner. I prefer to break up large groups when I am hostessing things like this, so we split up and used available tables. My dinner was perfectly fine, but Ginger did not enjoy hers for some reason. Caesars is one of the more spendy buffets but it is usually very good.

I bummed a ride to Crewsn, as I was supposed to hostess the "alternative" gathering, but when I arrived there was Crystal who was supposed to be hostessing the "mainstream" gathering up at PT's. Apparently that broke up early, so some of that group surfed on down to Crewsn. I mostly shot the $#!+, checked some people in, sold some limo tickets, and listened to Bob and Susan's show. Nice low-key evening.
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Monday: I took a taxi over to Studio Lites for the Open House. I don't really buy that much there, but Chris and Rick are really sweet and we always get a good gang there.

I got a ride over to Stratosphere to do LWG and it was very good. The Stratosphere Buffet is very under-rated, and it's really a good value.

Monday evening - Oh wow! That's gonna be a very hard act to follow!

I really have to say that the Artisan Welcome Celebration was the best activity of all time! We had an exceptional turnout, well over 110, but we never got an exact count since people were arriving and wandering all over the place.

The Artisan is a very classy place and really hits that "sweet spot" between comfort and mainstreamness, if that is indeed a word.

Ginger gave us a ride down to the Beauty Bar. We valet parked at El Cortez and made like we were going to the casino, but we walked out the front door and over to Beauty Bar. :) :)

I was expecting to see Densie there, but no Densie. Tony had tried to give me a call but I didn't hear it, so I finally realized I had a missed call and by that time, Densie and Tony were back at the hotel. Apparently the Karaoke machine (is Karaoke a proper noun?) would not play Densie's CDs, so she left in a huff with Tony in tow before the rest of us got there.

I had a great time! We had a smaller crowd than last year, but that's to be expected since our Welcome Celebration last year was an easy walk. LOL, the bouncer insisted on a hug when I left. :)
. . . . . . . . . .

Tuesday: I had a difficult decision to make. I wanted to do both the Shiloh Horse Rescue side trip and the Neon Boneyard, but I figured that it was a time crunch just waiting to happen, plus, I wouldn't get my power nap. :)

I figured that the Shiloh Ranch was something I would never do on my own, but I would probably do the Neon Museum eventually, so Shiloh was the way I went. I'm not outdoorsy at all, and I admit that I have a hard time telling a burro from a mule. I do seem to have a way with animals, so I got along with most of them. I was a bit shy about letting them eat out of my hand. I could imagine losing a finger or two. :)

Shiloh Ranch is a horse rescue project run by Jill Curtis and her mother. Jill is the widow of Tony Curtis (yes, *that* Tony Curtis) and this has been their pet project for some time. Over 150 horses of all ages and condition, mules, burros, and tons of dogs, at least one pig, llama and some llama-like creature which I can't remember the name of which they said to stay back from since he spits. :)

I *REALLY* enjoyed the Shiloh Ranch!

For most of the tour I had a burro (or was he a mule?) named Charlie following me around, as well as a few dogs, one of which was a real ankle-biter. :)

LOL, the burro reminded me of an exchange years ago that I saw on the Tonight Show when Johnny Carson was hosting and Joan Embry was the guest, with a live burro ...

Joan: Now the burro is a member of the ass family.
Johnny: Yes, kind of like my ex in-laws. :)

Rosada gave me a ride there, and I offered to donate to their gas fund, but she asked me to add that to my donation to the Horse Rescue project, which I did.

We had lunch at the Gold Strike in Jean at the buffet. I had eaten there once before and remembered it as totally 144, but it was cheap and now and it was not as bad as I remembered it to be. It was very OK, but lacked the Charles Atlas Seal Of Approval.

I did a power nap that afternoon, remembering to take a double dose of Claritin, as I was sure that the trip to Shiloh would make my allergies go into overdrive. Nope, not then, that was to happen Friday.

I woke from the power nap and decided to do some power shopping over at FSM. I dropped into Bare Escentuals and the one lady there remembered me from last year. I ate dinner at the Food Court and then wandered over to the Erotic Heritage Museum which is catercorner to the mall.

The Erotic Heritage Museum was much more extensive than I had expected. Two floors with a lot of artwork and paraphernaliaand such. Quite a bit of TG related stuff. They had a few of the 70s vintage TG magazines and I asked them if they would like me to donate more, since I do have some vintage DRAG (published by Lee Brewster) and Transvestia (published by Virginia Prince) and the like.

One particular item they had, apparently as a curiosity, was a full-scale 35mm Simplex theatrical projector, very similar to one I had operated back in my college days. It looked to me to be restorable, but they said they had no plans to do so. Besides, those things need to be used in pairs, are very labor-intensive to operate, and produce a lot of heat. They do produce a brilliant and crisp image on the screen, which is something those raised on the multiplexes have absolutely no recollection of.

After the EHM, JoAnn and I rode over to Crewsn, both to do some Limo Tour business and to watch Densie and Tony do Karaoke. We were in the Soft Room and it must have looked to onlookers like we were doing a dope deal or something, counting out the Limo Tour $$$ and such. :)
. . . . . . . . . .

Wednesday: Norma, who normally is the hostess at the Harmony Nail Spa Open House, had to cancel this year, so I said I would fill in. I took a taxi down to Commercial Center and hung around and welcomed the others. I really did not expect such a spread of food! I did expect wine, but this was a full fledged meal!

I had planned to do Lunch With Ginger, but decided to eat at HNS instead and sample their various wine parings with the offerings.

I phoned Ginger and apologized for being a no-show at LWG, but she said I didn't miss much as the Harrah's Buffet, whichis usually one of the better ones, was not as good as it had been in the past.

Power nap time! That wine was a major general anesthetic!

For a few years now we've done Happy Hour prior to Milano's over at the Hard Rock, but that never really attracted much of a crowd. We used to do it at Freezone, but since they have again become restroom nazis, quite a few of our people, including me, will not go there.

This year we decided to do pre-Milano's HH at The Buffalo, which we have not visited for several years, but they were always friendly to us and did not appear to suffer from the anal-cranial inversion syndrome. It was a much better turnout than we got at Hard Rock and everybody seemed to like the place.

We wandered down to Milano's and totally took the place over. I apologized to the manager for overwhelming the place but he was not concerned and said they appreciated the business.

Milano's is one of the best kept secrets in Las Vegas. It's just a hole in the wall, or in this case a hole in the mall, but the food is excellent and you do get a lot for what you pay! They have quite a menu, not only pizza and pasta.

Anyway, we finished up at Milanos and wandered back to The Buffalo to begin the Bar Crawl. This year we tried to focus on places we didn't always hit, and our next stop was Charlie's, which was a mistake!

Let's see, how do I put this? Looking for just the right words here. Oh yes. IT WAS TOO F*CKING LOUD!

I like loud music, and for me to say it was too {expletive} loud is saying it was extremely loud. We had one drink and left, and some departed earlier for our next stop, Escape.

That was much better! Jeez! I don't know what Charlie's was trying to do, but it was obnoxiously loud and nobody was dancing so there was no point to it! :(

We hung around Escape for a while to recover our hearing and then headed down to Crewsn to meet up with the Classy To Sassy gang.

I think we were kinda late to CTS, and I expected some there to be in more exotic outfits, but I really didn't see anything extreme at all.

We had a few more drinks there. Some apparently went over to Krave, but I stayed at Crewsn, having had more loud music that evening than I could ever stand plus Krave has a cover.

Densie, Tony, and I went to Bally's where I was staying and we played for a while and had a few more free drinks, which was the last thing I should have had! I eventually staggered up to the room, I think, I know I woke up there the next morning.
. . . . . . . . . .

Thursday: I didn't feel like any more beer! (I wonder why?)

I think I did the breakfast bar at Bally's.

It was cold and windy! Definite Bad Hair Day!

I took a taxi over to the Artisan for the Volunteers And Prospective Volunteers Social. I was the first one there and I kinda wanted something to drink, but did not want beer yet, so I ordered a glass of "some kind of red house wine" and was somewhat surprised at the $12 price tag! Jeez! I nursed that one glass for an hour or so!

JoAnn was to be there to do some cheerleading, but she totally spaced it off, so I kind of hostessed it. We had quite a few of our more active volunteers plus a few new ones who appeared to be very enthusiastic. We had several good ideas for things to come, many of which I'm sure will appear on next year's DLV schedule.

We went to the restaurant and some did lunch. I was not very hungry at all, so I just had one more glass of wine which was much cheaper in the restaurant for some reason.

I got a ride back to the hotel from Jane, and I thought I was going to be blown into Utah from the wind!

Power nap time!

I came back to life and thought I was going to be unfashionably early for Trevi, but there were others there before me.

Trevi is always a great meal. I for one appreciate the fact that they will serve a group such as us from the full menu and allow separate checks. I know the service is a bit slower that way, but I think it's a realistic compromise.

The Limo Tour has been one of my all-time favorites throughout the history of DLV. This year it was cold and windy! I wish I had taken a jacket. The warmest item I had was a hoodie sweater and that really wasn't all that warm. I survived, however, and had a great time on the tour, even though I stayed in the car at the Paris stop and consumed the beverages.

At the Four Queens I pulled out $1 and started futzing around on a video poker machine. By when it was time to load up, that had grown to $11. Yeah, it ended up in the driver's tip envelope. Chris, who was our driver, was fantastic!
. . . . . . . . . .

Wow, Friday already.

I went back to the room to clean up and to try to find something warmer, which I didn't, and wandered off in the direction of the Charles Bar. It was COLD crossing the pedestrian bridge over LVB.

Charles was glad to see us. I had a few drinks after increasing the limit on the Visa card. Charles makes a mean drink and is very personable, but the Bellagio ain't cheap! I got out of there when I realized that if I had one more drink I would have to be carried out.

I woke up in time to do Lunch With Ginger at the Paris Buffet, which I have to say was the best lunch of this trip. Paris Buffet costs a bit more than most, but it is very good and well worth it. What really surprised me was that the line was tolerably short! I've never seen it when the line did not extend out of the queue and into the hallway.

Power nap! ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz!

I was told that we were not going to be getting the "Gazebo Room" at Bahama Breeze this year, so when I arrived I parked myself at the main bar, ordered a drink, and waited for others. Then I was told by somebody (who??) "we're over there ..." while pointing to the Gazebo Room! Yes!

We had a great turnout at Bahama Breeze, and we were in the room with kind of a steel drum "Jamaaacaaa Monn" entertainer who had quite a few dancing.

Although I do like the food at BB, I was not hungry having pigged out for lunch at the Paris Buffet, so I hung around, had a few drinks, and socialized. We had over 100 in attendance, but I could never get an accurate count.

Last stop! Cabaret Lounge at Paris.

We had a few people in the lounge, but I planted myself in a very conspicuous seat at a table outside the lounge to snag those in our group wandering by and directing them to where the group was. Quite honestly, it was almost difficult to tell who was with our group and who was not. The gang blended very well into the overall mix of people that evening.

Fortunately they did have a band. I had stopped in there on a Friday last July and was kind of disappointed that they had only a deejay.

The band was good, but it wasn't the same group which had been playing there.

We had quite a few of our group out on the dance floor and several hung around until all hours.
. . . . . . . . . .

Wow what a week! I have to say that DLV 2011 was the most fun of any I've attended so far. Thanks again to all who organized and participated for making the event what it was! :)
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Re: So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby VivianChen » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:48 pm

Wednesday: Freaked some people out at the Harmony Nail Spa while getting a manicure :mrgreen: Then I went to the Classy to Sassy night at Crewsn.

Thursday: Limo tour. Actually went to Trevi unexpectedly when Katie and I got to Caesars early. Had lots of fun with everyone. The tour was great as usual.

I had a wedding to attend (not mine) so I went home Friday morning.

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Re: So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby Sarah Doepner » Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:19 pm

What did I do? Better yet, what am I willing to admit to? Actually, just about everything, I was a good girl this year.

Monday was a travel day. My wife was just a few days out from her most recent chemotherapy and we delayed leaving town on Sunday to give her more time to rest up. We arrived in Las Vegas and the signs of a good week met me at the registration desk. When I asked for a room on the ground floor of the courtyard because my wife was using a walker, the woman told me it was much better if she just upgraded us to a room near the elevator in the tower. Not just larger and more convenient, but quieter as well. Lydia rested and I changed to go to the welcome celebration. We got to the Artisan late, but that gave me time to say hi to old friends, register and introduce my wife to some folks before we were seated to have dinner. Laura joined us and I discovered I better not complain about being hostess on 3 events because she was doing something like 7. After dinner we returned to our room so Lydia could rest. She realized she didn't have the energy to fly the next day so we canceled her flight and booked one on Wednesday. Now the quiet room was really going to pay off.

Tuesday was a big day for me, I needed to make sure my wife got the rest and attention she needed and still host two events. The first one was the Neon Boneyard and we had 12 Diva's there. There were enough other people that another full tour started a few minutes before ours and we had another 5 folks with us. It was a great tour and the guide was wonderful giving us great history and letting us know that by next year they hope to have more options and a visitor center open right in the boneyard. I hurried back to the room to check on my wife and change for the evening tour at the Erotic Heritage Museum. I got the early and wandered around a bit, very impressed by the facility and their collection. Dr. Austin and the rest of the staff were amazing with their enthusiasm and willingness to help have this event be a success. I also received a bit of volunteer help from Sue and Mia, a couple of Utah girls I think I've infected with DLV madness. They made sure everyone checked in and got their name tag bedazzled with a little butterfly. We ended up with 43 people attending and I was convinced it was a great success as there was something there for everyone. Then it was back to the room to help out and have a glass of wine, my first drink since getting to town.

Wednesday morning was full of repacking and getting my wife to the airport. She was feeling much better and after seeing her off at the gate I rushed back to the room to change again and head over to the Venetian to host the tour of the Wax Museum. Once again the kindness of strangers worked in our favor as a worker saw us and offered discount coupons that were twice as valuable as the ones we had found and would cover everyone who made it. In all there were 10 of us who went through the museum. It's set up so visitors can pose with the figures and our JoAnn was more than willing to jump into bed with Hefner, marry Clooney, cuddle up with Bond, James Bond, sing with the Rat pack and answer the phone for President Obama. From there it was too late to go back to the room before dinner at P.F.Chang's with the group. We filled 3 large tables with overflow upstairs and had a great group for Sara Jessica to manage. A friend from our Utah Tri-Ess group, Dawn was in town and Sue and I met up with her and off we went to see if we could find something to do on Fremont street. It was full of everyone but Diva and after a while we decided to call it a night. However it did take about 40 minutes of driving through parking structures to finally find Sue's car. It must have wandered off by itself is the only thing I could think of, because Sue wouldn't forget something like that.

Thursday allowed me a slow start but before long it was the volunteer lunch at the Artisan and then Sue, Dawn, Mia and I went over to Studio Lights to do a little shopping. Chris treated us well and I left with a lighter wallet than when I arrived, but much happier as well. With the change in the weather from blustery to just darn windy we split up to get ready for Dinner at Trevi and the Limo tour. Trevi was wonderful again, very accommodating for our group and good food as always. The Limo tour is one of my favorites and this year was no exception. A good group in the car, our driver was a hoot and we had fun at every stop. There must have been bubbly left in the trunk because for the first time in 7 limo tours I was able to make it to Charles bar for one more drink. Yes, Charles is a great guy and makes the cost of the drinks almost acceptable, even for a tightwad like me.

Friday was a chance to sleep in, but even then I didn't have much energy. I went out in boy mode and won a few bucks at the Wynn and decided they have some of the best drinks for slot players I've found. On the way back to the car I stopped in Macy's and found some of the girls getting makeovers. I was inspired and before leaving the mall I'd stopped to get a foundation color match and some free samples to use when I got ready for the farewell celebration at Bahama Breeze. This was the first time I'd been able to stay through week and it proved to be a good thing once again. I had the chance to visit with and say goodbye to some old friends and some first timers who were fearless and so incredible in expanding their personal comfort zones that I was in awe of them. Although I kept saying I was going directly back to my room so I could get an early start on Saturday, I ended up stopping at Paris to visit a little more and watch our folks on the dance floor. I hated to say goodbye, but I did.

The Diva guardian angels watched over me one more time as I stopped in Mesquite for one last try on the slots. I ended up winning $300 on a 10 minute stop and some of that is seed money for next year at Diva. Since 2001 I've attended when I could for as long as possible, but this one set the bar at a very high level. The events I hosted all turned out well, I managed to convince friends to attend and they seemed to have a great time and I continue to meet some of the most wonderful people on the planet and share a vacation with them. What's not to like?
Sarah Doepner
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:26 am

This posting is from: Cynthia Phillips

I'll take the bait on this one, and call it: An Affair to Remember

I'd already been dressing and cruising the bars for a week even before
Diva got to town and we'd gathered at the Pre-opener, thanks to a Diva
buddy of mine who drove her motorhome up from Phoenix and got here a
week early; so I was already high on beer and bourbon and adrenalin by
Saturday the 2nd.

By the time me and friend arrived at Firefly that afternoon, my head was
spinning, and Annie was kind enough to buy me a chocolate martini after
she figured out who I was. See, I've only been "out" for a year now,
and I've been through quite a few personality changes, and by Saturday
afternoon, I was well into my latest one: my "trannie ho" look: like
total slut, but with mucho class, a real high dollar roller; thats what
comes from living in Vegas. So, me and friend go outside and sit
ourselves on the bench to cool off; someone kicks the bench, and the
chocolate martini goes all over my pristine white dress. So, we get up
and move back inside while I try to cover the chocolate spill with my
purse. A year ago I would have fainted and died from embarrasment, but
not so these days; these days I muddle through stuff like this like a
cheap hamburger. Mostly, it was just an affair to forget, tee hee.

>From there I'm dropped off at my pad where it's time for a power nap.
So, I power napped through church the following morning and well into
the next afternoon. Diva buddy calls and wakes me up to find out which
way I'm going, and I tell her I'm not going anywhere 'cause I got one
hell of a day tomorrow catching up with the Open House event, which I've
volunteered for, and which turned out kinda nice, by the way, and the
Artisan Opener, Monday night, which I'm expected at. The remainder of
Sunday night was spent polishing my shoes, pressing my skirt, and
getting my 'get-up' together. And then drunkie went back to bed.

I'd go into some detail about Monday and Monday night for you, but who
can top that. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were just one big
beautiful blur. I do remember, however, Diva buddy insisting that I
accompany her on a walk-through tour of Fremont Light Show after leaving
Artisan for Beauty Bar Karaoke, Monday night; and we did !! Just the
two of us. I figured: "what the heck, it couldn't do any harm, there
won't be much of a crowd anyway." Well, you know what?! It was packed!!
and Diva buddy is in trannie heaven, 'cause she loves to show off her
beautiful tailor made gowns, and I'm chewing my fingers to the bone
'cause I've never been in a crowd this size before in my get-up. As it
turns out, we get stopped and photographed about a hundred times, and
trannie ho is gettin' to like it !! a lot !! More to follow.

Cynthia Phillips

(This posting was entered by Cynthia Phillips, an external user of MyDLV.)
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:29 am

This posting is from: Mary Beth

>Wednesday: Freaked some people out at the Harmony Nail Spa while
>getting a manicure

So how did you freak them out???

(This posting was entered by Mary Beth, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby NancyTO » Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:06 pm

Sarah Charles wrote :
> ... Wednesday morning was full of repacking and getting my wife to the airport.
> She was feeling much better and after seeing her off at the gate I rushed
> back to the room to change again and head over to the Venetian to host the
> tour of the Wax Museum. Once again the kindness of strangers worked in our
> favor as a worker saw us and offered discount coupons that were twice as
> valuable as the ones we had found and would cover everyone who made it. In
> all there were 10 of us who went through the museum. It's set up so
> visitors can pose with the figures and our JoAnn was more than willing to
> jump into bed with Hefner, marry Clooney, cuddle up with Bond, James Bond,
> sing with the Rat pack and answer the phone for President Obama.

Hi Sarah, sorry I missed Madame Tussauds Wax museum that I signed up for. The golf took a little longer than expected and my bum leg sealed the deal about trying to rush over to join the museum group. I would of so liked to of 'married George Clooney.' Did they provide wedding gowns? Thanks for being one of the organizers of a awesome DLV.
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Re: So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby VivianChen » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:08 am

I showed up dressed as a guy! :o

External Poster wrote :
> This posting is from: Mary Beth
> ----------
> >Wednesday: Freaked some people out at the Harmony Nail Spa while
> >getting a manicure
> So how did you freak them out???
> ----------
> (This posting was entered by Mary Beth, an external user of MyDLV.)
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Thu Apr 14, 2011 12:36 pm

This posting is from: Sarah Charles

> I would of so liked to of 'married George Clooney.' Did they
> provide wedding gowns?

Nancy, The museum had one dress that could be wrapped around your
clothes (if you were a size 14/16 or under I think) and a bouquet of
flowers to hold as you looked into George's eyes for your vows.
Honestly, he seemed sincere, but I know he probably has more wives now
than a fundamentalist Mormon with his own cable TV series.

And I was unaware that your leg was hurt, you must be one of those
professionals who can play 'hurt'. You moved around wonderfully and
while we missed having you with us, we forged on ahead and made the best
of our tour regardless. You get healthy and we'll do something fun next

(This posting was entered by Sarah Charles, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Thu Apr 14, 2011 1:36 pm

This posting is from: Kate Smith

Hi All.

I kicked off my week by meeting Bev early Tuesday morning for coffee at
the Imperial coffee bar as we were organizing the Marino show and we had
never met till' that day, What a nice person and fun too! She approached
me from behind at the coffee line up and I thought it was some guy
getting fresher than the donuts were when she spoke ever so low into my
ear. *lol*. We had a really nice chat and became instant friends.

Every D L V is better than the last one. Not that any of the others
weren't special. My first one in 02 was a special event as it was my
first time out in public and I wasn't sure how I was going to react to
it all. The ladies were wonderful back then and are still wonderful
today! I love you all, You make my day with your ability to make
everyone welcome and leave me with that warm fuzzy feeling that goes on
for weeks after it is all over too!

The Marino show was well attended and everyone was appropriately dressed
and great company too. Gabi, Bev and I dined at the Italian restaurant
above the showroom before the show and mingled with the public in the
bar / lounge area for some hugs and piccies, then we moved down a flight
of stairs to the showroom bar where the others were slowly ariving.
**Yes Even More Piccys and Hugs** from old friends and new... Great fun
and good memories too!

The Limo Tour (My 6th) was fun as always and even though it was a tad
cool and windy went off very well and I can't imagine anyone who didn't
enjoy the experience. My Limo had some of the nicest people I have ever
met in it and made the night just perfect for me, Our driver was polite
and went out of his way to make sure we had a good time and got back
there safely and contented......And I got to meet *Darla, the Blonde
Lady Limo driver extrordinaire* who is a makeup artist too!. She is
fun, I hope she is there next year....**Winks to Darla**.

The High Tea, (My Second). was really nice and has become a highlight
event for a few of us I think. We took some terrific pics in the dining
room and around the spectacular pool area too. Thank's so much all the
ladies who organized this special day out. I will definitely be doing
it again.

I stayed in LV from late Monday night 4th till' Monday the 11th and I
won $200.00 on Sunday and another $300.00 on Monday so the week went
well on all counts.

A Monster Thank you to Annie and Joann for the tireless efforts in
organizing this all and making it such a great success. I assisted on 2
events this year and intent to do much more next year. You two are
inspirational. Love to all. Huggers. katie.

(This posting was entered by Kate Smith, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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So? What did you do at DLV?

Postby External Poster » Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:29 pm

This posting is from: Mary Beth

>> So how did you freak them out???

>I showed up dressed as a guy! :o


(This posting was entered by Mary Beth, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm


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