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Postby silvia » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:00 am

would lv to go to pinkfest new here would lv to speak to someone comp too hard for me can i post my ph num here?
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Re: new here

Postby annie » Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:11 am

> would lv to go to pinkfest new here would lv to speak to someone
> comp too hard for me can i post my ph num here?


It's poor practice to post phone numbers in a public forum.

My hunch is that you have some common questions about Pinkfest. Most of these are already answered in our Frequently-Asked Questions list, on line here:

Sorry if this is not what you want to hear, but we don't have any volunteers to handle "telephone support" and participation in Pinkfest requires the use of electronic mail. If this on-line forum is difficult for you to use, the same messages are available by e-mail. Just send a note to and say you want to subscribe.

The most important thing to know about Pinkfest is that it is NOT like such events as Southern Comfort, Be-All, and the like. Pinkfest is "on the town" and not in a hotel. Pinkfest requires a certain degree of local travel, either in a private vehicle or using such things as subway/bus/taxi.

Many questions from first-timers have to do with hotels and where to stay. This topic is addressed in depth here:

If you have any specific questions or concerns that are not addressed in the links above, for the fastest answer the best thing to do is to post your questions here in this forum, or else by e-mail at

We would love to have you participate, but please understand that we are totally different from most TG events and Pinkfest attendees do need to be able to send and receive e-mail in order to participate.
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new here

Postby External Poster » Sat Sep 28, 2013 9:12 am

This posting is from: Ginger


I've been going to Pinkfest for a long time. You are probably 99% safe
in posting a phone number here, but a safer way is to send an email to and ask your question. A phone number in the
e-mail would be safer and if necessary someone knowledgeable, mabybe
even me, can call you back. If you need a call back please give any
calling instructions, like the best time to call and who to ask for. We
don't do much phoning except in emergencies, but then we don't know what
your question is.


Ginger, long-time Pinkfest attendee

(This posting was entered by Ginger, an external user of MyDLV.)
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