dlvdisc Security alert - Beware of URLS with yepyep

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dlvdisc Security alert - Beware of URLS with yepyep

Postby External Poster » Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:04 am

This posting is from: annie

Last night we received an unusual amount of mail to various DLV and
Pinkfest associated accounts from DLVers, many with very familiar names,
which shows that a number of you have e-mail accounts, mostly within the
yahoo.com domain, which have been compromised.

Within the past 12 hours or so this seems to be almost a chain reaction.

Spam is being sent from the compromised accounts, containing a url with
the letters "yepyep" toward the end.

If you receive a message with such a URL, even from someone you know and
regularly correspond with, do not click it! Delete it! Many of these
bogus messages have a blank subject and a short message containing the

For those who got a security alert from us on this, please don't shoot
the messenger. The best thing to do is change your yahoo (or whatever)
password from a known-clean machine and give the machine you usually use
for e-mail a good malware scan.

Thanks, gang!

(This posting was entered by annie, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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