Digest Number 254

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Digest Number 254

Postby External Poster » Thu Oct 27, 2011 10:21 pm

This posting is from: Jane Shure

Hello Ginger

Yes as you know I was there also. If anyone is easily offended Delete
this post now.


Sh*t caggo chop house. It was a chop house alright. I was so pissed off
I left sh*t caggo the next day. I don't know who pick that clip joint,
and I don't understaand why there was no warning about the high clip
prices. I was seriously considering walking out right after I saw the
menu. What a bunch of rip off c*ck suckers. 69$, 100$,125$ for a steak,
these f*ck heads were insane. I was in shock to see a bill for 10 of us
for almost 1500$. I have the bill if anyone is interested in seeing
it. It was bad enough fighting the sh*t caggo traffic to get there.

When I saw the high prices I look around the place and saw it was really
a run down place , nothing fancy. I look at the portions of food served
to the people and they were small. It should have been a 10 course meal
FIT FOR A KING. For that kind of price there should have been live
entertainment and pretty girls sitting on your lap and feeding the food
to you. Again what a bunch of rip off c*ck suckers. I figured if I was
going to see this kind of sh*t and fight the sh*t caggo traffic I just
as well be gone. I am on the gulf coast now and a damn site better
pleased. I don't think I will go back to pink fest, I learned my


(This posting was entered by Jane Shure, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

Digest Number 254

Postby External Poster » Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:05 pm

This posting is from: pamela elliot

Hi Ginger

Jane is correct.

We were very disappointed with the Chicago Chop house.Our bill was
400.00 and the food was no better than a local Mcdonalds. I should have
known better as there was no drink menues and of course no individual
cheques. As you know all drinks were priced on the bill in the 27 to 30
dollar range, even the water, but there was no way of knowing this
before hand.Your right I should have asked for an individual bill and of
course a bar menue.

Unfortunately I put my faith in the management and the fact that this
establishment was checked out.

I also believe that the staff and management took advantage of us
because we are a C/D ,transgendered group and felt they could charge us
anything they wanted. That we didn't want to bring attention to
ourselves. In fact two of the ladies near me were just going to throw in
a 100.00 to make everything go away

I believe this is a form of black mail.

This really put a damper on our Chicago trip as we were now over budget
and worried that all venues for Pinkfest were as expensive. That is the
reason we didn't show up for some of the remaining dinners.

Incidents like these put our group back into the dark ages. I was one,
if not the only who,s spouse attended and I told her that all venues
were checked out before hand and we would not have to worry about these
incidents. Possibly as was hinted to me later that spouses were not
wanted at Pinkfest. If so it could be stated some where.

This has not helped my quest for a respected C/D life style.

I realize a lot of work goes into organizing these events but if your
not willing to do it right, don't do it.

Pamela Ann

(This posting was entered by pamela elliot, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
Posts: 0
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:37 pm

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