hi and can hardly wait to see you!

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hi and can hardly wait to see you!

Postby External Poster » Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:59 pm

This posting is from: Jannas Studio

Hi Annie Dahlin', I'm ready to get things wrapped up for the COH workshop
but I DON'T KNOW THE DATE AND TIME!! Laura was going to get back to me,
but I haven't heard. HELP HELP.

Also I would like to have one of the PINKFEST GURLS be my model, or how
about you?! I would love that!

Please get back to me ASAP. If you don't have anyone to be my model, I
can provide someone. I'm really excited to see everyone and things are going
great and back to my business.

Take care dear one and hope to see you and GingerGrace at COH. I will
bring products and if anyone would like a makeover I will charge $50 for basic
makeover and brush their hair into something that looks good. :)

(How does that sound?)

Hugs and kisses, Janna www.jannasstudio.com

(This posting was entered by Jannas Studio, an external user of MyDLV.)
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Re: hi and can hardly wait to see you!

Postby annie » Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:04 am

> but I DON'T KNOW THE DATE AND TIME!! Laura was going to get back to me,
> but I haven't heard. HELP HELP.

Laura may still be out of the country, and may not have access to e-mail.

Anway, the Makeover Sessions are scheduled for 3:00pm on Saturday, but I'm sure the time can be adjusted if you say so. You can always find the latest Pinkfest schedule here:


The current schedule will always be posted as a "sticky" toward the top between now and the big event.

> Also I would like to have one of the PINKFEST GURLS be my model, or how
> about you?! I would love that!

I would love to, but Laura was thinking of some kind of selection process giving those attending an equal chance at being the model. She and June will be working out the details on this. I'll definitely be there.

> I will
> bring products and if anyone would like a makeover I will charge $50 for
> basic makeover and brush their hair into something that looks good. :)

We're expecting a bigger crowd this year, and I'm sure there will be a demand for "on the clock" makeovers. :)
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hi and can hardly wait to see you!

Postby External Poster » Wed Oct 19, 2011 11:58 am

This posting is from: Jannas Studio

Hello Annie, I need to be at the Center On Halstead at 2:00, however I
need to bring the carton of shoes and also my supplies. I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH
PINKFEST ladies could meet me at my home and bring what I need to COH as
well as show me the way. Thanks Annie. Really looking forward to seeing

BTW: This is the schedule I propose for the makeup demonstration. 3-4 PM
showing different products that are used in the Studio, beard cover,
setting powder, foundation, eyeshadow kit, lip colors, hand out sheets fpr
everyone so they can take notes and diagram where THEIR placement for highlite
and shadow goes to make their face look perfect as OVAL IS THE PERFECT
SHAPE. I will bring some wigs and STUDIO KITS for around $40 that will include
the products I am showing and how to use them. 4-5 PM makeover time and
I've had only one person inquire about a makeover. Her name is linda1lee2.
Thanks very much. Hugs, Janna _www.jannasstudio.com_

(http://www.jannasstudio.com) 708-488-0420

(This posting was entered by Jannas Studio, an external user of MyDLV.)
External Poster
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Re: hi and can hardly wait to see you!

Postby annie » Wed Oct 19, 2011 2:43 pm


I would help, but I don't have a vehicle this trip. Sowwy. :(
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